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期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 36 I vetakensomeoneelse sgreensweaterbymistake It Harry s Healwayswearsgreen 2005广东 A couldbeB willbeC mustn tbeD hastobe A 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 37 He havecompletedhiswork otherwisehewouldn tbeenjoyinghimselfbytheseaside 2005北京 A shouldB mustC wouldn tD can t B 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 38 DoyouknowwhereDavidis Icouldn tfindhimanywhere Well He havegonefar hiscoat sstillhere 2005湖北 shouldn tB mustn tC can tD wouldn t C 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 39 Oh I mnotfeelingwellinthestomach I somuchfriedchickenjustnow 2002上海春招 shouldn tB mustn thaveeatenC shouldn thaveeatenD mustn teat C 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 40 Helookedaroundandcaughtaman hishandintothepocketofapassenger 2004北京春招 putB tobeputtingC toputD putting D 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 41 Carsdocauseussomehealthproblems infactfarmoreserious thanmobilephonesdo 2005江西 oneB onesC itD these B 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 42 AswejoinedthebigcrowdIgot frommyfriends NMET2001 A separatedB sparedC lostD missed A 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 43 HowIwisheveryfamily alargehousewithabeautifulgarden 2001上海春招 hasB hadC willhaveD hadhad B 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 44 Itwaswithgreatjoy hereceivedthenewsthathislostdaughterhadbeenfound 2004福建 becauseB whichC sinceD that D 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 45 Thenumberofdeathsfromheartdiseasewillbereducedgreatlyifpeople toeatmorefruitandvegetables 2004上海 A persuadeB willpersuadeC bepersuadedD arepersuaded D 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 46 Itisgenerallyconsideredunwisetogiveachild heorshewants A howeverB whateverC whicheverD whenever B 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 47 Theyhave us 150 000forthehouse shallwetakeit 2004湖南 providedB suppliedC shownD offered D 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 48 Vitorapologizedfor toinformmeofthechangeintheplan 2004上海春招 hisbeingnotableB himnottobeableC hisnotbeingableD himtobenotable C 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 49 When help oneoftensays Thankyou or It skindofyou 2005福建 offeringB toofferC tobeofferedD offered D 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 50 Theshopkeeperdidnotwanttosellfor hethoughtwasnotenough 2005山东 whereB howC whatD which C 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 51 Howdoyoudealwiththedisagreementbetweenthecompanyandthecustomers Thekey theproblemistomeetthedemand bythecustomers NMET2002 A tosolving makingB tosolving madetosolve makingD tosolve made B 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 52 Youcan timaginethatawell behavedgentleman besorudetoalady 2001上海 mightB needC shouldD would C 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 53 Nowthatsheisoutofajob Lucy goingbacktoschool butshehasn tdecidedyet 2004北京春招 hadconsideredB hadbeenconsideringC consideredD isgoingtoconsider B 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 54 Whathesaidjustnow meofthatAmericanprofessor 2002上海春招 A mentionedB informedC remindedD memorized C 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 55 Hesentmeane mail togetfurtherinformation 2000上海 hopedB hopingC tohopeD hope B 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 56 in1636 HarvardisoneofthemostfamousuniversitiesintheUnitedStates 2000上海 BeingfoundedB ItwasfoundedC FoundedD Founding C 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 57 Isn tthatAnn shusbandoverthere No it behim I msurehedoesn twearglasses NMET2004 can tB mustnotC won tD maynot A 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 58 Ratherthan onacrowdedbus healwaysprefers abicycle NMET2001 ride rideB riding rideC ride torideD toride riding C 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 59 MarieCurietooklittlenotice thehonoursthatweregiventoherinherlateryears NMET2002 ofB onC aboutD from A 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 60 besenttoworkthere 2002上海 WhodoyousuggestB WhodoyousuggestthatshouldC DoyousuggestwhoshouldD Doyousuggestwhomshould A 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 61 Thefilmbroughtthehoursbacktome Iwastakengoodcareofinthatfar awayvillage NMET2002 untilB thatC whenD where C 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 62 Itwasbecauseofbadweather thefootballmatchhadtobeputoff 2003上海春招 soB sothatC whyD that D 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 63 Thenewsreportershurriedtotheairport only thefilmstarshadleft 2004福建 totellB tobetoldC tellingD told B 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 64 Idon tknowwhetheryouhappen butI mgoingtostudyintheUSAthisSeptember 2004辽宁 tobeheardB tobehearingC tohearD tohaveheard D 期中考复习题Unit11 Unit16 65 Hewasinhospitalfor6months Hefeltasifhewas fromtheoutsideworld 2004北京春招 cutoutB cutoffC cutupD cutthrough B
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