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Unit 8 Music一选择题1选择正确选项,补全单词m_ _ning(早上) ()AorBarCou2Its _ piano()AJoesBJoeCJoes3选出下列单词中不同类的一项()AisBareCdo4What can you _ ?()AdoBdoesCdoing5选出下列单词中不同类的一项()AgoBoftenClook6I often go skiing on the weekend()A去滑冰B去滑雪C去溜冰7_ Bill and his father visit his grandparents, he still plays computer gamesAWhatBWhereCWhen8你指着一个大苹果时会说:()AThat is a big apple!BThat is a small apple!CThat is an big apple!9Daming and Simon _ to a baseball game in America()AgoesBgosCwentDgo10你想知道同学周末的时候都做什么时,你会问:()ADo you often go to a drawing club on the weekend?BI often visit my grandparents on the weekend?CWhat do you do on the weekend?11Is that _guitar?()AyouByourCyours12选出划线部分的正确解释I often go rock climbing with my friends()A去攀岩B去跑步C去散步13当你给朋友一个苹果时,你会说:()AHere are you!BHere you are!CIts fun14选出画线部分发音不同的单词()AbuyBbeachCclimb15He _ little about the film until he _ it yesterday evening()Aknow,seeBknow,sawCknew,sawDknew,see16选出画线部分发音不同的单词()AlikeBviolinCpicnic17_ book is it?()AHowBWhoCWhose18选出画线部分发音不同的单词()ApianoBoftenCprogram19选出画线部分发音不同的单词()AmusicBguitarCuse20China sent Yang Liwei _ space in 2003()AintoBinCtoDat二、填空1.选出正确答案的序号填在横线上(1)How are you? (2)Whose coat is this? (3)Can you play the violin? (4)Do you have a piano? (5)How many books do you have? A Yes, I canB Im fine Thank youC TenD Its JimsE No, I dont2.完形填空Its Sunday today The weather(1) fine Tom and John have a big party (2) homeThey invite many friends to come They sing and dance together Tom is cool He plays(3) piano He also sings many(4) songs John is cool, too He plays the guitar He sings a Chinese songThe Jasmine FlowerThey have (5) good time(1)A amB isCare(2)AatB inCon(3)A aB theC/(4)AenglishB chineseCEnglish(5)AaB theCan三、判断The Newtown School will have a concert on Childrens DayAnn,Ken and David will play together at the concertAnn will play the pianoKen will play the guitarDavid will play the drumsMocky will not play at the concert,but he wants to go to itThe children and their parents are now at the concertIt is going to start,but David is not thereHe is not well todayWho will play the drums?Ken and Ann are worriedMocky is very happy because he can play the drumsCan he play well?1The Newtown School will have a concert on Childrens Day 2Ann will play the piano 3Ken will play the guitar 4Mocky wont go to the concert 5David wont play the drums because he isnt well 6Mocky is sad because he will play the drums 7.判断句意与图片是()否()相符Bill likes playing computer games 8.判断句意与图片是()否()相符Bill and his father go fishing 四、按要求做题1连词成句(1)guitar my home is at (2)violin it is whose (3)like do music you (4)can play I piano the (5)help,I,you,can(?) 2.连一连,并填空(1) visit ones grandparentsA (2) play computer gamesB (3) go to the cinemaC (4) climb a hillD (5) pick fruitE 参考答案与试题解析一1A【分析】早上【解答】考查单词拼写根据m_ _ning(早上)题,早上为morning,横线上填or故选:A【点评】掌握基本的单词和词义2A【分析】这是乔的钢琴【解答】考查名词所有格英语中表示所有关系是在名词后s,表示谁的Joe的应用Joes来表示故选:A【点评】s所有格的构成方法为:对于单数名词和不带词尾s的复数名词,直接在其后加s构成;对于以s结尾的复数名词直接加它主要用于有生命者,但有时也可用于无生命的东西,如用于表时间或距离的名词后,用于表示国家,城市,组织机构等的名词后等3C【分析】is是be动词;are 是be动词;do助动词【解答】考查类别分类根据Ais是be动词;Bare 是be动词; Cdo助动词,A、B是一类的所以C不是一类的故选:C【点评】掌握词义和词类,是解题关键4A【分析】你能做什么?【解答】考查动词原形句子中情态动词后的动词保持原形,选项B是第三人称单数,选项C是现在分词,都不符合故选:A【点评】句子中情态动词后的动词保持原形5B【分析】go去,often经常,look看【解答】考查词性分类Ago去,动词,Boften经常,副词,Clook看,动词,B与A,C词性不同故选:B【点评】考查词性分类,要求熟悉课本所学,掌握词义词类,结合词性分类,辨析选项,确定答案,完成题目6B【分析】我经常在周末去滑雪【解答】考查划线部分翻译根据I often go skiing on the weekend可知我经常在周末去滑雪这里go skiing去滑雪故选:B【点评】熟练掌握各个选项的意义及用法,然后选出正确答案7C【分析】当Bill和他的爸爸拜访他的祖父母的时候,他仍然在玩电脑游戏【解答】本题考查疑问词的辨析首先,分析选项中的单词Awhat 什么;Bwhere哪里;Cwhen什么时候;当的时候;其次,将三个选项的含义依次代入题干中,根据句型及逻辑性,选出合适的答案在这三个选项中,只有when表示当的时候的时候,句意通顺并符合逻辑,大意为:当Bill和他的爸爸拜访他的祖父母的时候,他仍然在玩电脑游戏因此答案是:when故选:C【点评】解答词类题目的时候,可以将选项代入句中一一尝试,选出符合逻辑的选项同时,学生也要牢记疑问词的特别含义8A【分析】That is a big apple那是个大苹果【解答】本题考查的是交际用语中的介绍场景That is a big apple那是个大苹果;That is a small apple那是个小苹果;That is an big apple错误根据你指着一个大苹果时会说That is a big apple那是个大苹果故选:A【点评】熟练掌握英语中的日常交际用语,特别是介绍用语,学习中注意积累和运用9C【分析】大明和西蒙在美国去看了一场棒球赛【解答】答案:C本题考查主谓一致原则 根据Daming and Simon,可知这里主语是两个人,为复数,这里动作应该发生在过去,时态应该用一般过去时,go的一般过去时是went故选C【点评】解答本题时注意判断主语的单复数,从而判断谓语动词的单复数形式10C【分析】What do you do on the weekend周末你做什么?【解答】本题考查
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