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Unit1Canyouplaytheguitar SectionB Leadin violin Let slearn trumpet piano drums guitar Canyouplaytheguitar Yes Ican Canyouplayitwell No Ican t Presentation pianodrumstrumpetviolinguitarchessbasketballvolleyball danceswimsingpaintspeakEnglish playthe playthe playthe playthe playthe play play play drums violin trumpet piano Canyouplaythe Canyouplayitwell 1cAskandanswerquestionsabouttheinstruments A Canyouplaytheviolin B No Ican t PAIRWORKPracticetheconversation A CanBillplaytheguitar B Yes hecan buthecan tsing playtheguitar sing singandplaythedrums playthepiano playthepiano singordance Can Yes hecanbuthecan t Yes shecanandshecan No hecan tandhecan t PAIRWORK 2a 2bReadtheads Matchthetitleswithads MusiciansWantedforSchoolMusicFestivalAreyouamusician Canyousing Canyoudance Canyouplaythepiano thetrumpet thedrumsortheguitar Thenyoucanbeinourschoolmusicfestival PleasecallZhangHengat622 6033 3bMakeaposter Askforhelpwithaneventatyourschool Aposter Can的肯定句及否定句形式 can can tplaytheguitar IWeYouSheHeItThey 人称 Can的一般疑问句形式 Can Iweyousheheitthey playtheguitar Can的肯定及否定回答 Yes Iweyoushecan heitthey No can t Iweyousheheitthey I 把下列句子译成英语1 你会弹吉他吗 you theguitar 2 我想参加篮球俱乐部 Iwantto the club 3 你能做什么 canyou 4 Tom跳舞能跳得很好 Tomcan very 5 我能帮孩子们游泳 Ican kids swimming Practice Canplay joinbasketball Whatdo dancewell helpwith 根据要求改写句子1 club art want the to I join 连词成句 2 MarycanspeakEnglish 改成一般疑问句 并作否定回答 3 Myfathercanplaytheguitarverywell 改成否定句 4 Iwanttojointhemusicclub 对画线部分提问 clubdoyouwantto 5 Lindalikesmusic 改成否定句 Linda music Iwanttojointheartclub CanMaryspeakEnglish No shecan t Myfathercan tplaytheguitarverywell Whatjoin doesn tlike Homework采访你的家人或朋友 他们能或不能做某事 Achievementprovidestheonlyrealpleasureinlife ThomasEdison有所成就是人生唯一的真正的乐趣 托马斯 爱迪生
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