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ks5u精品课件 Unit5Firstaid Grammar Ellipsis ks5u精品课件 I veworkedinafactory It sabigone Howmany it A workersinB workersisC workisD workin A ks5u精品课件 Ellipsis Aims Knowingwhatpartsofthesentencescanbeomitted Usingellipsistodochoices readcomprehensions writing makedialogues ks5u精品课件 Lookatthesesentences Decidewithyourpartnerwhichwordshavebeenleftout Pleasecompletethem A Soundslikeagoodidea B Doesn tmatter C Thisway please D Likesomemoretea E Pityyoucan tcome F I llbegladtoifinvitedtotheparty G Doyouknowhertelephonenumber No I veforgotten I Whatabeautifulpicture ks5u精品课件 Generallyspeaking anypartofthesentencecanbeomittedaslongasthemeaningisclearandnotconfusing ks5u精品课件 Someofthewordsinthefollowingsentencesareunnecessary Crossthemout A Theytookphotos theyswamandtheyplayed B Althoughsheknowshowtodive shedoesnotwanttodive C Shecouldnotdecidewhethertogoonavoyageornottogoonavoyage D Wetestedthedepthofthewaterandthetemperatureofthewater E ShecanholdherbreathlongerthanIcanholdmybreath F Hewouldbehappyonceheisinvited ks5u精品课件 简单句中的省略 ks5u精品课件 ks5u精品课件 7 前面出现过的动词在下文再次出现时可以单纯使用不定式符号to ks5u精品课件 并列句中的省略 ks5u精品课件 惯用的省略结构 1 无动词祈使句 无主句祝愿句 这类句子往往用感叹号 IfonlyIcouldrememberhisname 2 固定句型How Whatabout n pron ing Whataboutsomemoremilk 3 Whynot 省去to的动词不定式 Whynotgoatonce ks5u精品课件 复合句中的省略 ks5u精品课件 2 宾语从句中的省略 ks5u精品课件 3 状语从句中的省略 ks5u精品课件 1 Onlybypracticingafewhourseveryday beabletomasterthelanguage A youcanB willyouC youwillD canyou2 Maybeyouhavebeentomanycountries nowhereelse suchabeautifulpalace A canyoufindB youcouldfindC youcanfindD couldyoufind3 wehavetostoptalkinghereoutside Listen Hurryup orwe llbelate A theregoesthebellB theredoesthebellgoC therethebellgoesD goesthebellthere ks5u精品课件 1 Ididn tgotoseethedoctoryesterday Butyou A oughtB oughttoC couldD oughttohave2 Howdidhesupporthisfamily A workingB ToworkC workD Byworking ks5u精品课件 一 在含有状语从句的复合句中由when while as once whenever引导的时间状语从句 或由if unless引导的条件状语从句 由though although evenif eventhough引导的让步状语从句 由asthough asif as引导的方式状语从句 由wherever引导的地点状语从句 若从句的主句是it或与主句的主语相同 且在谓语中含有be时 常省略从句的主语和be ks5u精品课件 高考链接 1 Whenfirst tothemarket theseproductsenjoyedgreatsuccess A introducingB introducedC introduceD beingintroduced2 Unless tospeak youshouldremainsilentattheconference A invitedB invitingC beinginvitedD havinginvited B A ks5u精品课件 3 Themanwefollowedsuddenlystoppedandlookedasif whetherhewasgoingintherightdirection A seeingB havingseenC tohaveseenD tosee4 Generallyspeaking accordingtothedirections thedrughasnosideeffect A whentakingB whentakenC whentotakeD whentobetaken D B ks5u精品课件 5 Unless tospeak youshouldremainsilentattheconference A invitedB invitingC beinginvitedD havinginvited6 When themuseumwillbeopentothepublicnextyear A completedB completingC beingcompletedD tobecompleted A A ks5u精品课件 7 Though money hisparentsman agedtosendhimtouniversity A lackedB lackingofC lackingD lackedin8 Theresearchissodesignedthatonce nothingcanbedonetochangeit A beginsB havingbegunC beginningD begun C D ks5u精品课件 二 在限定性定语从句中作宾语的关系代词that which whom可以省略 在以thesame as和such as引导的定语从句中 可以省略与主句相同的部分 theway后面的定语从句中 可以省略that inwhich 在含被动语态的定语从句中 关系代词作主语时 可以省略关系代词和be 省略之后 变成过去分词短语作定语 ks5u精品课件 高考链接 9 You realwaysworking Comeon let sgoshopping youeverwanttodoisgoingshopping A AnythingB SomethingC AllD That10 Isthisthereason atthemeetingforhiscarelessnessinhiswork A heexplainedB whatheexplainedC howheexplainedD whyheexplained C A ks5u精品课件 11 Whatsurprisedmewasnotwhathesaidbut hesaidit thewayB inthewaythatC inthewayD thewaywhich12 Itiseasytodotherepair youneedisahammerandsomenails A SomethingB AllC BothD Everything13 That sanunpleasantthingtosayaboutyourfatherafter he sdoneforyou A somethingB anythingC allD that A A C ks5u精品课件 三 在感官动词或短语中在see watch hear feel observe notice listento等感官动词或短语及make have let等使役动词之后的 宾语 不定式作宾语补足语 结构中 不定式前省略to 有时为了避免重复 常省略与上文表达相同意思的不定式符号to之后的内容 只保留不定式符号 不定式在tell ask advise wish permit force等动词后面作宾语补足语或主语补足语时 可以省略 但要保留不定式符号to 不定式在happy glad eager ready willing等形容词后面作状语时 可以省略 但要保留不定式符号to ks5u精品课件 高考链接 14 Asyou veneverbeentherebefore I llhavesomeone youtheway A toshowB showC showingD showed15 I llbeawayonabusinesstrip Wouldyoumindlookingaftermycat Notatall A IhavenotimeB I drathernotC I dlikeitD I dbehappyto16 DoesyourbrotherintendtostudyGerman Yes heintends A B toC soD that B D B ks5u精品课件 17 WouldyouliketogototheGrandTheatrewithmetonight A Yes I dliketogototheGrandTheatreB I dliketo butIhaveanexamtomorrowC No Iwon tD That sright18 Youshouldhavethankedherbeforeyouleft Imeant butwhenIwasleavingIcouldn tfindheranywhere A todoB toC doingD doingto B B ks5u精品课件 四 在if引导的虚拟条件句中在if引导的虚拟语气条件句中含有had were should时 可以把had were should放在句首 省略if ks5u精品课件 高考链接 19 itraintomorrow wewouldhavetoputoffthevisittotheYangpuBridge A WereB ShouldC WouldD Will20 forthefreetickets Iwouldnothavegonetothefilmssooften A IfitisnotB WereC HaditnotbeenD Iftheywerenot B C ks5u精品课件 五 在否定结构中由nor neither等引导的连续否定的句子也是一种省略句 这种句子在意思上与前面的句子是相同的 而且主谓用倒装 ks5u精品课件 高考链接 21 Ididn tknowwhatwasonhismindatthetime nordid A anyoneB anyoneelseC nooneD nooneel
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