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Unit4 Grammar TheAttributiveClauseI 定语从句theAttributiveClausethat which who whom whose 1 a beautiful country一个美丽的祖国 2 acountry whichisverybeautiful 3 Thenumberofpeople whowereinjuredintheearthquake wasover80000 4 Doyouknowtheboy whoseEnglishisthebest 被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词 people boy who和whose叫关系代词 关系词在句中起的作用 1 连接主句与从句 2 指代先行词 3 在从句中作成分 一 关系代词that 1 Acarisamachinethatcancarrymetoschool 2 Mr Wangistheteacherthatwealllike 作主语 指物 作宾语 指人 that作主语 宾语 指人 指物 二 关系代词which 1 Theywateredthetreeswhichwerestillyoung 2 Thevegetableswhichweboughtyesterdayaredied 作主语 指物 作宾语 指物 指物 作主语或宾语 三 who 1 ThestudentswhoaresingingarefromtheNo 1MiddleSchool 作主语 指人 四 whom 1 TheyoungmantowhomIjusttalkedismyfriend 2 ThatisthemanwhomImetinBeijinglastyear 指人 做to的宾语 指人 作宾语 指人 作宾语 五 whose 1 Doyouknowthemanwhosehousewasburneddown 2 Ilikethehousewhosewindowfacessouth 指人 作定语 指物 作定语 Titanicistheship sankafterhittinganiceberg which that UseAttributiveClausetodescribethepicture ZhangGuorongisapopstar diedinthefallinMarch 2003 who that UseAttributiveClausetodescribethepicture Beijingisthecityhasgotthechancetohostthe2008OlympicGames thecity getthechancetohostthe2008OlympicGames which that UseAttributiveClausetodescribethepicture WhichbabyisJack 穿红裤子的baby是Jack ThebabyisJack ThebabyisJack whosetrousersarered whoiswearingredtrousers Jack Thestudent fatherworksinthefactoryissittingthere whose Thestudent worksinthefactoryissittingthere who Whichhouseismine UseAttributiveClausetodescribethepicture Myhouse 房顶是棕色的房子是我的 Thehouseismine whoseroofisbrown B C 1 Theman talkedtoyoujustnowisanengineer A whoB whoseC whichD that2 Canyoutellmethenameofthefactory youvisitedlastweek A whoB inwhichC whichD when 例4 Thequestion Idon tunderstandisaboutgrammar that which 指物 that which 宾语 可省略 YeXinisanursediedinthefightagainstSARS anurse dieinthefightagainstSARS who that Yesterdayshetalkedwithonewoman husbanddiedinthataccident A whichB whoseC ofwhichD that B 关系代词表示先行词的所属关系 指人和物时都用whose 可理解为 的 1 Wewentthroughaperiod communicationswereverydifficultintheruralareas 2008年高考上海卷 A whichB whoseC inwhichD withwhich2 Alltheneighborsadmirethisfamily theparentsaretreatingtheirchildlikeafriend 2008年高考安徽卷 A whyB whereC whichD that C B 3 Women drinkmorethantwocupsofcoffeeadayhaveagreaterchanceofhavingheartdiseasethanthose don t 06 北京 A who 不填B 不填 theC who whoD 不填 不填4 Lookout Don tgettooclosetothehouse roofisunderrepair A whoseB whichC ofwhichD that5 Doyouhaveanythingtosayforyourselves Yes there sonepoint wemustinsiston A whyB whereC howD 不填6 Inanhour wecantraveltoplaces wouldhavetakenourancestorsdaystoreach 06 上海 A whereB whenC whichD what7 Whydoesshealwaysaskyouforhelp Thereisnooneelse isthere A whototurntoB shecanturntoC forwhomtoturnD forhertoturn C A D C B 体验新题1 Wewenttoseeourteacher husbandlosthislifeintheearthquake A thatB whoseC whomD who2 Thetree Ithoughtwasdyingissendingoutnewleaves A whoB whoseC whomD that B D 3 Iamverythankfultomyparents havealwaysencouragedmetoplaythepiano A whoB whomC whoseD which4 Heistheonlyoneofthoseworkers abletodothisjob A whoareB whomisC whoisD whomare5 Itisnotrightthatteacherspaylittleattentiontothestudents cheatinexaminations A whichB whoseC whomD who6 YesterdayIranintoafriend Ihaven tseenformanyyears A whoseB whomC whichD forwhom7 Heisagreatteacher wisesayingshaveinfluencedmanypeopleindifferentcountries A whoB whomC whoseD which8 Helosthishearttoaprettygirl turnedouttobethedaughterofhisenemy A whomB whichC whoseD who9 Thehouse roofwasdamagedhasnowbeenrepaired A itsB thatC whoseD which10 Whenitsnowed itlookedlikeaprettygirl wasdancing A whomB whoC whoseD which A C D B C D C B Practicemakesperfect Mayyousucceedinyourstudies Thankyou
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