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Wordsandexpressions 1 bank2 museum3 along4 across5 cross6 opposite7 tourist8 excuse9 excuseme10 street 1 n 银行2 n 博物馆3 prep 沿着4 prep 越过5 v 穿过6 prep 在 的对面7 n 游客8 v 原谅 谅解9 劳驾 对不起10 n 街道 b k mju zi m l kr s kr s p zit t rist ik skju z stri t 11 turn12 third13 guidebook14 bookshop15 right16 Whynot could17 underground18 take v 换方向mum 第三n 导游手册n 书店adj 右边的 正确的n 右边为什么不 aux 可以 能n 地铁v 搭乘 乘坐 把 某人 带往 使 某人 到 Wordsandexpressions t n d gaidb k b k p rait k d nd gra nd teik 预习检测 Whoisthebest Haveatry 1 The 街道 isverylong 2 Thereisascience 博物馆 nearourschool 3 Moreandmore 游客 cometoourcityeveryyear 4 Thestationis 在 对面 theNationalGallery 5 Youneedtotakethe 地铁 towork 6 Walk 沿着 thestreetandtakethesecondturningontheleft 7 The 第三 studentisTony 8 Please 穿过 thestreetcarefully 9 Canyougo 穿过 theriver 10 Couldyoutellmethewaytothe 银行 street tourists opposite underground along third cross across bank museum 6 Aroundtown Module Unit1CouldyoutellmehowtogettotheNationalStadium Words bank museum along across cross opposite tourist excuse street turn third guidebook bookshop right could understand take Expressins excuseme Whynot Sentences Excuseme Canyoutellmethewayto Couldyoutellmehowtogetto Haveaniceday Learningaim Iamatourist游客 Matchthewordswiththepictures bank museum restaurant station a b c d Nowlistenandnumbertheplacesasyouhearthem 3 2 1 4 Listenadialogue andchoosetheanswer Wherearethespeakersin BeijingB NewYorkC LondonWhatisthetouristdoing askingthewayB lookingforabankC shopping Listenagain thenanswermorequestions 1 IsthereabookshopneartheTian anmenSquare Yes thereis WhotellsthetouristthewaytotheNationalStadium Apoliceman Listenandfillintheblanks Tourist Excuseme CanyoutellmethewaytoWangfujingDajie Betty Certainly 1 DongChang anJie goalongthestreetand2 atthethirdstreetontheleft It snearhere soyoucanwalkthere Tourist Great AndI dliketobuyaguidebook3 Beijing Isthereabookshopnearhere Lingling Yes thereisabigbookshopoverthere just4 XiChang anJie onthe5 thebank Tourist Right OK IalsowanttovisittheNationalStadium HowcanIgetthere Lingling Sorry I mnotsure 6 askthepolicemanoverthere Tourist Thankyou BettyandLingling You rewelcome turnleft along right opposite Goacross Whynot about Tourist CouldyoutellmehowtogettotheNationalStadium Policeman Sure Goalongthestreetandyou llseean7 station TaketheUndergroundtotheOlympicSportsCentre oryoucan8 abusorataxi Tourist Thanksalot Policeman You rewelcome Haveaniceday underground take 1 HowwillthetouristgettoWangfujingDajiefromTian anmenSquare GoacrossDongChang anJie goalongthestreetandturnleftatthethirdstreetontheleft 2 Whereisthebookshop 阅读对话3 回答下面的问题 ThebookshopisjustalongXiChang anJie ontheright oppositethebank ReadtheconversationinActivity3againandcompletethetable Ask Answer 1 CanyoutellmethewaytoWangfujingDajie 1 GoacrossDongChang anJie goalongthestreetandturnleftatthethirdstreetontheleft Thereyouare 2 Isthereabookshopnearhere 2 Yes thereisabigbookshopoverthere 3 HowcanIgetthere 3 JustalongXiChang anJie ontheright oppositethebank 4 CouldyoutellmehowtogettotheNationalStadium 4 Sure Goalongthestreetandyou llseeanundergroundstation TaketheUndergroundtotheOlympicSportsCentre oryoucantakeabusorataxi Languagepoints 1 Eeecuseme CanyoutellmethewaytoWangfujingDajie thewayto表示去往 的路上eg thewaytobankthewaytomuseumthewaytotheNationalMuseum 学以致用 你能告诉我去银行的路吗 thewayto Canyoutellmethewaytothebank Canyoutellmethewayto 是问路的表达方式之一 还可以这样问 Canyoutellmehowtogetto 能告诉我到 怎么走 HowcanIgetto 到 怎么走 Istherea nearhere 附近有 吗 Whereis 什么在地方 Languagepoints 2 GoacrossDongChang anJie goalongthestreetandturnleftatthethirdstreetontheleft 1 goacross cross穿过2 goalong沿着 走3 turnleft right向左转 向右转4 ontheleft right在左边 在右边 goalong turnright goacross turnleft 1 沿着河边走 然后右拐 Go theriver then 学以致用 alongturnright Languagepoints 3 Thereisabigbookshopoverthere justalongXiChang anJie ontheright oppositethebank opposite在 的对面AisoppositeB A在B的对面 学以致用 1 我们学校在银行的正对面 Ourschoolis the oppositebank 4 Whynotaskthepolicemanoverthere Whynot v 表示 为什么不 呢 Whynotgotothelibrary 学以致用 Whynot totheparknow Goodidea Let sgo A goB togoC goesD going A 1 infrontof2 Canyoutellmethewayto 3 goacross4 goalongthestreet5 turnleftatthethirdstreet6 ontheleft right7 aguidebookaboutBeijing8 overthere9 oppositethebank10 Whynotdo 11 Couldyoutellmehowtogetto 12 anundergroundstation13 taketheunderground14 takeabusorataxi15 thanksalot16 haveaniceday 1 在 前面2 您能告诉我去 的路吗 3 穿过 4 沿着这条街走5 在第三条街左拐6 在左边 在右边7 一本北京旅游指南8 在那里9 在银行对面10 为什么不 呢 11 您能告诉我怎样去 吗 12 一个地铁车站13 乘地铁14 乘公共汽车或打出租15 非常感谢16 玩的愉快 Importantexpressions 1 打扰一下 你们可以告诉我去王府井大街的路怎么走吗 Excuseme CanyoutellmethewaytoWangfujingDajie 2 穿过东长安街 然后沿着马路一直走 在左边的第三条马路向左拐 GoacrossDongChang anJie goalongthestreet turnleftatthethirdstreetontheleft 3 怎么才能到达呢 HowcanIgetthere 4 为什么不问问那边的警察呢 Whynotaskthepolicemanoverthere 5 你能告诉我去国家体育场怎么走吗 CouldyoutellmehowtogettotheNationalStadium Beautifulsentences 5minutes 5 沿着着这条街走 你会看见一个地铁站 坐地铁到奥体中心 你也可以坐公共汽车或打车去 Goalongthestreetandyou llseeanundergroundstation TaketheUndergroundtotheOlympicSportsCentre oryoucantakeabusorataxi 6 多谢 祝
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