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用心 爱心 专心 1张家口市私立第一中学高一英语第 23 周配餐班级: 姓名: 组别:编制人: 何丽娟 审核人:贾贵宗 编制时间:2012-12-15一单词拼写1. Student numbers have _ (减少)by 500.2. She asked where hed been, but he didnt _ (回答)。3. The noise from the street _ (影响) our work yesterday.4. Please pay a_ to what you are writing.5. Are you c_ that youll get there in time?6. Everyone should realize the importance of w_ protection, for some are endangered.7. Fresh fruit and vegetables c_ plentiful Vitamin C.8. China is getting more and more p_ in the world.9. Im sure youll s_ if you work hard.10.I _ (欣赏) your ability to do it.二选择恰当短语填空do harm to; as a result of; in relief; die out; burst into laughter; long before; according to; so that; come into being; for sure1. Thousands of people left their homeland _ the war.2. Hearing the joke, everyone in the room couldnt help _.3. Scientists said that this rare kind of bird is _ in the world.4. _ he left the hospital when he knew the patient was past danger.5. Too much fat _ your health.6. She said she had been there _ which I doubt very much.7. New ways of thinking have _.8. I think he will be back on Monday, but I cant say _.9. _ out records, you still have six of our desks.10.I put the heating on _ the house would warm up.三用所给词的适当形式补全句子用心 爱心 专心 21. These seats _ _ _ (留给) the elderly and disabled.(reserve)2. The professor _ _ (回答) my suggestion with a laugh.(respond)3. David Copperfield _ _ _ (突然大笑) from time to time. (burst)四、单项选1. _ my relief, he responded _ my plan actively.A. To; for B. In; at C. To; to D. In; to2. -Is it _ that the Britain will host the 2012 Olympic games in London?- Yes, thats for _.A. sure; certain B. certain; sure C. made sure; certain D. made certain; sure3. After a heated discussion at the meeting, a new plan came _ being, which would have a great effect _ the cultural life of the people.A. into; for B. to; to C. from; at D. into; on 4. I dont know what time it is now. My watch _.A. is being repaired B. is repaired C. has been repaired D. has repaired5. All these machines should be _ from rain and sunlight, or they may get damaged.A. kept B. protected C. prevented D. stopped6. These films once _ a whole generation of people. They proved to be of much _ in the education of people.A. affected; effect B. effected; affect C. effected; effect D. affected; affect7. More attention should be _ equipment in our factory so that we can increase our production.A. paid to improving B. paid to improveC. taken to improve D. taken to improving8. It seemed that he was _ losing his life. Luckily, he was _ in the end.A. in the danger of; out of danger B. in danger of; out of dangerC. in the danger; out of the danger D. in danger of; out of the danger9. Wouldnt it be_ wonderful world if all nations lived in_ peace with one anotherA. a; / B. the; / C. a; the D. the; the 10. Youd better _ some money _ future need.A. store; for B. keep; at C. reserve; for D. put; in11.I was _ when he told me the bad news.A. for a loss B. at a loss C. at dusk D. at risk12. Dont be so upset. It wont be _ we meet again.A. long before B. long ago C. before long D. long13. The matter _ your fate cannot be taken for granted.A. relating to B. related to C. relate to D. to related to 14. This book _ 10 units, _ 3 main revisions.A. contains; containing B. includes; including用心 爱心 专心 3C. contains; including D. includes; containing15. _ water will make fish in it _.A. Polluting; die away B. Being polluted; die offC Polluted; die out D. Pollution; die down五、完形填空Julia got lost in a forest on her way to a friends farm. She fell into a 1 as she couldnt see anything because of the 2 fog(雾). She pulled herself out. She then saw a dim light, 3 she moved on.She found the light came from an old 4 . The door was opened by a middle-aged woman. “ Im lost,” said Julia. “ please 5 ,” said the woman, who gave her a pair of 6 . “ This should warm you up, and you can sleep in the spare room.” The woman 7 her into the room and left after saying good night.The next morning, Julia 8 and saw a man standing by her. “ Are you OK?” the man asked. Julia got up and was 9 to find that all the windows were 10 . She looked down and found she wasnt 11 a bed; she had slept on the 12 . “ whats happened?” she asked and started to feel frightened. “ I dont know”, the man 13 “ I fell in
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