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Lesson28 AFamilyPicnic Unit5FamilyandHome 初中英语冀教版七年级 Warmup PPT模板 vegetables fruits meat drinks Whodoyouseeinthepicture Readthelessonandfillintheblanks Itis today MyfamilyandIaregoingona nearthelake Bobis abig offood MydogRoveriswithus too Whatismymumdoing Sheis asalad sunny picnic carrying basket making I m thefoodanddrinksona Therearelotsoffruitsandvegetablesforus Ihavesome forRover too Mydadismaking Lookout Dad Roveriseatingthemeat WhatareBobandLynndoing Theyare Theyare putting tablecloth cookies sandwiches painting quiet Lookatthepictures WhatareJennyandherfamilydoing Talkaboutit Pairwork WhatisJenny smotherdoing Sheismakingasalad WhatisJennydoing Sheisputtingthefoodanddrinksonatablecloth 含义 现在进行时态 表示正在发生或进行的动作 构成 be is am are v ing 句式 一般动词在末尾直接加ing 以不发音字母e结尾的动词 先去掉e 再加ing 以辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节中 先双写这个辅音字母 再加ing eg take taking eg work working eg put putting Practice Readthelessonandmatchthepeoplewiththeactions have 2 work 3 tell 4 sit 5 play having working telling sitting playing Canyouthinkofotherverbswith ing Askandanswer Sheiscrying Sheiseating Whatisshedoing Sheisdoingherhomework Theyaretalking Groupwork Exercise 用所给词的正确形式填空 1 What be hedoing 2 She be crying 3 They be working 4 Weare make salad 5 Whatareyou do is is are making doing Exercise 按要求改写句子 1 Sheissinging 改为否定句 2 Wearemakingdumplings 一般疑问句 3 Lilyislaughing 对划线部分提问 Sheisn tsinging Areyoumakingdumplings WhatisLilydoing Homework Finishyourwritingaboutyourfamily
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