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可编辑零部件质量保证协议Agreement of Auto Parts Quality Assurance上海奥托立夫汽车安全系统有限公司Autoliv (Shanghai) Vehicle Safety Systems Co.,Ltd.第一节目的Article 1: Purpose为了加强上海奥托立夫汽车安全系统有限公司(以下简称“甲方”)与零部件供应商_(以下简称“乙方”)双方的质量管理,稳定提高甲方产品质量,防止不合格发生,现规定甲、乙双方应该实施的各项工作。In order to strengthen the quality control work of the contracting parties the Autoliv (Shanghai) Vehicle Safety Systems Co. Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Party A) and the spare parts supplier (hereinafter referred to as Party B) as well as stabilize product quality of Party A and prevent happening of the unqualified product, this document is hereby concluded to prescribe each item of the job for the both contracting parties.通过建立甲、乙双方的质量保证体制,以满足甲方&甲方客户的最终需要,使甲、乙双方企业得到永续发展。The establishment of quality assurance systems by both parties shall furnish the ultimate requirement of Party A and its customers and it shall enable the enterprises of both sides obtain their sustainable development as well. 为此,双方本着互惠互利的原则,现达成以下协议作为零部件供货质量保证协议。Therefore, the following agreement is thus concluded as the quality assurance agreement of the supplied auto spare parts under the principle of mutual profit and benefit. 第二节质量保证Article 2: Quality Assurance2-1. 质量保证2-1. Quality Assurance2-1-1.乙方应根据甲方的要求建立ISO9000:2002或TS16949:2002质量保证体系及ISO14000环境管理体系或保证在本协议生效后18个月内通过质量、环境管理体系认证,为甲方提供产品的生产现场应被质量体系覆盖,通过第三方体系认证,并要保证产品是可信赖的。2-1-1.Party B should establish the ISO9000:2002 or TS16949:2002 system as well as the ISO14000 environment management system for its enterprise as required by Party A, or ensure that the above-mentioned quality and environment assurance systems are passed within 18 months time after this agreement is concluded so as to provide the coverage for the production field of the products supplied to Party A. In addition, the third party attestation should also be passed, which is to assure that the products are qualified and reliable. 2-1-2.乙方应按时接受甲方的质量评审工作,并提交有关资料。2-1-2.Party B must accept the quality appraisal work done by Party A in a timely manner and submit the relevant documentation to Party A. 2-1-3.乙方在生产的开始和加速期间,应实施早期生产遏制,即制定一个加严要求的试生产控制计划和一份重点加强的有关分供方的生产控制计划,以保证生产初期发运的零件满足甲方的期望,早期生产遏制持续期应不小于3个月或2000件。并且在实施前,应得到甲方确认。2-1-3.In the initial period and the speeding up period of manufacture, Party B must perform the early production check, i.e. make a control plan of trial production with much severer production standard and another controlling plan for the relevant sub-supplier with a focus strengthening, so as to ensure that the spare parts delivered in the initial stage of the trial production shall satisfy Party As anticipation. The period of early production check should be no short than three months or the output of products shall be less than 2000 pieces.The plans should be approved by Party A before they are performed. 2-1-4.乙方发生以下情况中任何一项,都需经甲方重新评审认可,由于乙方变更而导致甲方产生的费用将由乙方支付,如系增值项目,甲乙双方共同分享项目所带来的利益,具体比例由双方协商确定。2-1-4.If any of the following situations is happened at the side of Party B, they should be reappraised by Party A. The additional cost occurred for Party A due to Party Bs alteration shall be borne by Party B. If the additional cost is arisen for the mutual benefit of value-added item shared by the both parties, the contracting parties shall negotiate and decided the proportion of these cost.l 生产过程或生产方法发生变化l Change in manufacturing process or of manufacturing methodl 异地生产l Manufacture in different placel 工艺、工装、模具有较大变化l Quite big difference occurred in technology, assemblage and moulding equipmentl 材料变更l Alteration of materiall 工装,生产线,模具在停止批量生产12个月或更长时间后重新投入生产l Go into production of assemblage, production line and moulding facility after they are suspended of volume producing for a period of 12 months or longer l 分供方变更Change of sub-supplier对于重新PPAP认可的产品,乙方有责任按照甲方的要求及时提供准确的断点信息。For the products re-certified by the PPAP (production parts approval process), Party B is liable to provide accurate breakpoint information as required by Party A.l2-1-5.客户代表2-1-5.Customer representative乙方应确定一位客户代表,并将名单报给甲方.如因工作变更等原因人员发生变化,乙方应更新名单及联系方式,并及时通知甲方。Party B should designate a person as the customer representative and submit the list to Party A. If there is any change of personnel in the list due to business change, Party B must update the list and notify the information to Party A in a timely manner. 2-2: 质量规格Quality Specification2-2-1.甲方根据技术协议,通过图纸、技术标准等方式,向乙方说明产品的质量规格。2-2-1.As per technical agreement, Party A shall notify the quality specification to Party A by the means of technical drawings and the related technical standard. 乙方应严格按质量规格进行产品开发&生产,乙方也可就工艺无法达到的质量要求向甲方提出更改建议,并须得到甲方确认后方可执行。Party B should be strictly abided by the quality standard in conducting development and manufacture of the products. Suggestions of alteration can be raised by Party B when the desired quality requirement is ha
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