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七年级下外研版英语单元试题 MODULE12Western music 测试题 第卷(共75分)一、单项选择:选择最佳答案(重点难点全在这,看你的本领了)(35分)( )1. I like playing _ violin after school every day . A. a B. an. C. the. D./ ( ) 2.-Who called me on the phone just now , Sally? -I am not sure , but it was a girls _ A.sound B. voice. C. noise D. number. ( ) 3. -I passed the exam . -wow! _ !A. What an exciting news B. How exciting news C. What exciting news D. How a exciting news( ) 4. The radio is too _ .could you please turn it off ?A.noisy B. lively C. perfect D. pop.( ) 5. -What happened to her ? She is so _ .-She lost her new bike. A. lively. B. noisy C. slow D. sad.( ) 6. -Is your father a teacher or a doctor ? - _ . A. Yes , he is a doctor. B. He is a teacher. C. No , he is not a teacher . D. Yes , he is .( ) 7. Lin Lin is a beautiful girl , _? A.is she B. isnt she C. does she D. doesnt she .( ) 8. Not only you but also my father _swimming. A.likes. B. liked C. like D.liking.( ) 9. -Dont drink _ coke . It is not good for you. A.too many B.many too C. too much D. much too.( ) 10. Listen to the song . It is so exciting ! -It is too noisy. _. A. Give me a break. B. I dont believe it. C. Thank you so much. D. I like it very much .( ) 11. There is some water in that bottle , isnt_?A. there B. it C. that D. this( ) 12. Lets go to the park on Sunday,_ ? A. shall we B. will you C. do we D.do you.( ) 13. Excuse me , is this the right way to the cinema ? Sorry , _ .Please ask the policeman over there . A. Im not sure B. Give us a break C. Let me guess D. I dont believe it.( ) 14. You went to the cinema with Li Ming yesterday afternoon, _? A. dont you B. didnt you C. were you D. werent you( ) 15. -Is this your pencil? -No, it isnt. It _ Toms. A. maybe B. may be C. perhaps D. would be( ) 16. -The music in the supermarket sounds too _. -Yes, I want to leave at once. A. soft B. wonderful C. friendly D. noisy( ) 17.He is a German, _ he? A. isnt B. is C. doesnt D. does( ) 18.You like listening to pop music, _ you ? A. do B. dont C. listen D. like( ) 19.-Whats it _? - The Blue Danube. A. called B. calling C. call D. to call( ) 20.The play called Tea House is _ Lao She.A. from B. for C. by D. at( ) 21.The film makes us _.A. A. to happy B. happily C. happy D. to happily ( ) 22.His waltzes _ him famous all over Europe. A. kept B. made C. felt D. may( ) 23. Jack never goes to the park,_ ? A. does he B. doesnt he C. does Jack D. doesnt Jack( ) 24. -Can you finish the work today? - I hope _. A. can B. so C. it D. too( ) 25. Dont touch the things on the table,_? A. wont you B. do you C. will you D. dont you( ) 26.- What do you think of the book Harry Potter? - I like it very much. Its _ interesting _ exciting. A. neither, nor B. not, but C. not only, but also D. either, or( ) 27. -Excuse me, where are we going to have our class meeting? -_. Ask our monitor , please. He may know. A .Im not sure B. Give us a break C. Let me guess D. I dont believe it.( ) 28. Hefei is the _ of Anhui Province. A. country B. town C. countryside D. capital( ) 29. - _ did you go there? -By train. A. When B. Where C. How D. Who( ) 30. - _is it from your home to school? -Three kilometers. A. How far B. How much C. How soon D. How long( ) 31. My uncle usually _a bus to go to work. A. take B. by C. on D. takes( ) 32. My sister _ home _ 5:00 p.m. every day. A. gets ;at B. get ;to C. get ;in D. gets ;on( ) 33. -_does it take you to go to the park by taxi? -About 30 minutes. A. How B. How far CHow long D. How many( ) 34. - How do you _the story? -Its boring. A. think of B. think about C. like D. get to( ) 35. Its time _ supper.OK, Lets _ .A.for; goB.for; to goC.for; goingD.to; go二. 完形填空(10分) I like pandas very much . They are very 36 Most of them live in Sichuan, China. They 37 white
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