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第五单元测试卷一、 朗读选择不同类的单词。()1、A、bread B、rice C、bird()2、A、milk B、monkey C、doughnut()3、A、mango B、apple C、mosquito ()4、A、nest B、neck C、nose ()5、A、tall B、lion C、long 二、 朗读后,根据所给的情景选择正确的答案。()1、你想知道一个离你很近的东西是什么,你这样说:A、Whats this? B、Whats that?()2、你想知道李雷表演猴子的动作,你这样对她说:A、 Act like a monkey.B、Show me the monkey.()3、你知道nest的含义吗? A、A birds home. B、coffee.()4、你想把哥哥介绍给你的同学,你应这样介绍:A、 Its my brother.B、This is my brother.()5、远处有一个东西,你想知道它是什么,你应这样问:A、 Whats this?B、Whats that?()6、你想说:它是一头大象,应这样说:A、 Its an elephant.B、 Its a elephant.()7、你想夸奖杨明表演得很好,你这样说: A、Oh, Yes. B、Very good.()8、杨明听到你的夸奖后,他应这样说:A、 Thank you.B、I see.()9、上英语课,刘老师一进教室就会对你们说: A、Good morning, boys and girls. B、Show me the big letter A.()10、李明指着远处的老虎,他会这样问你: A、Whats this? B、Whats that?()11、你想问杨明,这是什么? A、Ying Ming ,Whats this? B、Ying Ming ,Whats that?()12、你想说它是一头大象。 A、 Its an elephant.B、Its a elephant.()13、你想问那是什么?A、Whats this? B、Whats that?()14、你想说:这是我的鹦鹉。 A、This is my parrot. B、Im a parrot.()15、你想说把字母L和lion 举给我看。 A、Show me the letter N and nest. B、Show me the letter L and lion.()16、鹦鹉说我叫Polly. A、Im a parrot. B、 Im Polly.()17、你想问:什么时间?应这样说: A、What time is it? B、 Its tiger time?()18、你想说:那是一只猫头鹰。应说: A、Thats an owl. B、This is an owl.()19、你想说:我喜欢牛奶和鸡蛋,应这样说:A、I like milk and eggs.B、I like milk or eggs.()20、你想说:我不喜欢橘子和芒果,应这样说: A、I dont like oranges and mangoes. B、I dont like oranges or mangoes.三、选择正确的答语。 一组:( )1、Whats that?( )2、A nest.( )3、Do you like juice?( )4、What about you?( )5、An ice cream , please.A、 Yes. A birds home.B、Here you are.C、No. I dont.D、Its an orange.E、I like apples.四、补全对话,将正确的答案写在横线上。一组:A: ?B: Oh, .A: B: No. I dont. What about you?A: I like kangaroos. Do you like kangaroos?、Whats this?、Yes. I like lions.、Its a kangaroo. 二组:A、Lucy, B、Its a quail.A、 B、Oh, A、Yes. I do. B、I dont like chicks. 、Do you like chicks?、I like quails.、Whats that?、What about you?、No. Its a chick. 三组:A: Hi, Good evening!B: A: B: My names Li Yan .A: B: Im eight.A: B: An elephant.A: B: Yes. I do.A: Whats that?B: A: How nice!B: A、How old are you?B、A lion.C、Good evening!D、Yes. I do. What about you?E、Whats this?F、Whats your name?G、Thank you. 五、重新排列下列句子,使其成为一段通顺的话。一组:A、Do you like it ?B、 A tiger.C、Excuse me , Whats that?D、Yes. I do. What about you?E、Yes. Its a big tiger.F、Its a tiger.G、Me,too.( ) - ( ) - ( ) - ( ) - ( ) - ( ) - ( )二组:、Whats that?、A cat、Look, Gao Wei.、A cat、No!、Then , Whats it?、An owl.、Oh, Yes. An owl.( 3 )-( )-( )-( )-( 5 )-( )-( )三组:1、Yes. Do you like monkeys, Li Hong?2、Mum, Whats that?3、Yes. I do. Its funny (滑稽的)4、Oh, I see.5、Hmm. Its a monkey.6、A monkey.7、Yes. It can also climb up trees (他也会爬树)( )-( )-( )-( 1)-( )-( )-( 4)六、写出所给字母的小写形式。七、阅读理解,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”.Hoello, I am Li Yan. Im in Class One, Grade Three. I like grapes, mangoes and honey . How about you, Peter? I like apples ,hamburgers, and coffee . What about you ,LiSa? I like grapes, bananas and doughnuts.( )1、Li Yan likes honey.( )2、Peter likes mangoes.( )3、LiSa doesnt like grapes.( )4、We all like grapes.( )5、Li Yan and LiSa like doughnuts.
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