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可编辑公寓租赁协议TENANCY AGREEMENT出租方:【李宝华】(以下简称“出租方”) (代理人:王嵘)Lessor: (hereinafter known as the “Lessor”). 承租方:【GIOVANNI DI LIBERTO】(以下简称“承租方”)。Lessee: (hereinafter known as the “Lessee”). 中介方:【湖岸天地地产顾问有限公司】(以下简称“中介”)Agent: Relocate China Company Ltd (hereinafter known as the “Agent”)1鉴于:WHEREAS:出租方愿意根据下述条款和条件出租、承租方愿意承租位于该物业的 6-1005 单元供其本人或其家人居住(“住户”)。The Lessor is agreeable to leasing out, and the Lessee is agreeable to leasing, the apartment No. is 6-1005 in the said Property as residence for the Lessees /clients and his family members (“Residents”) in accordance with the following terms and conditions.就上述事宜,双方兹协议如下:Both parties have entered into the following agreement with regard to the above matter:2. 出租标的The Premises: 位于中华人民共和国【江苏省*工业园区】的名为【和乔丽晶公寓】的【6-1005】单元的全装修房屋,该房屋总建筑面积约为【130.59】平方米,该房屋的配备列于承租人签收的财产清单之中(以上统称“租赁单元”)。The premise with renovations and furnishings is apartment Block 6-1005 in Chateau Regency SIP, 215021 with a Gross Floor Area of 130.59 sqm (hereinafter known as the “Premises”). The Furnishings have been included in the property inventory list. 3 房屋用途Rental Purpose:租赁单元仅供居住之用,承租人不得将其用于任何其他用途,也不应将其用于任何违法或不道德行为;未征得出租方之书面同意,承租方不得以任何形式将租赁单元的全部或任何部分转让、转租或分享给任何第三方。The Premises is only meant for residential purposes. The Lessee shall not use the Premises or any part thereof for any illegal or immoral purpose or for any other purpose. The Lessee shall be forbidden from transferring, subletting or sharing all or any part thereof of the Premises to any third party in any way prior to obtaining written consent from the Lessor.4 租赁期限Lease Term:租赁期限:租期由2011年3月05日起至2012 年3月04日止。(12个月). The tenancy term shall last from 1st /Jan/2011 to 31st /Dec/2011(12months).5租金The Rent:房屋租金 (人民币 3900 元/月);Rent for the Premises(RMB 3900 /month);包括:Includes:(1) 宽带安装费;Installation fee on Telephone & Broadband;(2) 物业费 Tax Fee and Management fee除上述内容之外,其他服务均不包括在租金之内。房租尤其不包括:Besides the above items, other services provided by the Lessor or its authorized managing agent shall not be included in the Rent, especially the following:(1) 宽带使用费Internet using fee.(2) 能源使用费(水、电、煤)Utilities (water, gas, electricity) .(3) 清洁服务 Cleaning Service(4) 本地有线电视费Local Cable Fee(5) 卫星电视安装 Installation fee of SAT TV6押金Security Deposit:相当于人民币 4000 元的押金。租赁期满:承租方需在租约期满当日搬出单元,在租约期满后,若属终止合同,出租方在承租方付清由承租方支付的所有费用后,且不损坏房屋、家电、家具的前提下迁空、点清、交还房屋及设施和所有家电、家具,出租方在7天内将全部退还承租押金(不计利息)至承租方。若出租方于到期日7日后仍未能支付,则应就每一迟延退款日,按应退款项金额的0.5%/日之标准向承租方支付滞纳金,直至全部款项清偿完为止。Required one month rental RMB 4000 as the security deposit, Lessee shall vacate the Property on the expiry date of this Contract. If either party doesnt wish to renew this Contract upon its expiry, Lessor shall return the 100% deposit (without interest) within 7 days to Lessee after Lessee has cleared the entire rental and fees, dont damage any furniture & appliance. The Lessor shall pay a fine of 0.5 % of the amount due per day for each day that deposit is not returned after seven days from the due date, until all overdue payments are paid.7续租Extension of Lease租赁期限届满,若承租人于租赁期内没有任何违反本协议项下的任何条款的行为,则承租人可以选择续租,但应至少于租赁期限届满的两个月前将此一意图书面通知出租人,新的租赁条款和条件将由双方按届时的情况协商确定。Upon the expiration of this Agreement, the Lessee may, if it has not breached any of the terms and conditions as stipulated in this Agreement during the Term choose to extend the term of the Agreement. However, the Lessee shall give at least written notification of such intention at least two months prior to the expiration of the tenancy to the Lessor. The terms and conditions of the renewed tenancy term shall be negotiated between the Parties, based on the prevailing circumstances. 8付款Payment 租金每三个月支付一次。每季度租金由承租方在第一个月的5号交与出租房(或其代理人)。在承租方入住前,出租方应将附件二中所列的所有家具电器配齐, 所有待修整的事项完成,服务设施连接好。在以上事情完成且承租方能够顺利入住的前提下,承租方将在签订合同5个工作日内付给出租方第一次的三个月租金和押金。The rent will be paid every three months. Before Lessee moves in, Lessor has to make sure all the furniture and electrical appliances listed in the appendix are fully installed, all listed things to be fixed are properly done and all services are connected. After Lessee has been allowed to move in smoothly and all the above requirement are met satisfactorily, Lessee should pay the first three months rent and security deposit within 5 working days after signing the lease contract by three parties.9. 维持原状No change to the Premises9.1 未征得出租人的书面同意,承租人不得改变租赁单元之原状。若承租人对出租人的房屋任何部分及其任何设施、装修及配备造成损坏或破损(正常损耗除外),则其有义务按租赁时的状态对其进行维修修复或更换,且最迟不得迟于收到出租人通知的24小时内作出。Prior to obtaining written consent from the Lessor, the Lessee shall not change in any way the existing condition of the Premise. Should the Lessee damage or destroy any of the facilities, Renovations and Furnishing (normal wear and tear excepted), the Lessee shall be responsible for the repair, restoration or replacement of any damages made to the facilities, renovations and installations (normal wear and tear excepted)
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