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非谓语动词语法讲解 Non finite 非谓语动词的类型 Infinitive不定式 Gerund动名词 Participle分词 Non finite 1 主语Subject 不定式作主语时 往往放在谓语之后 用it作形式主语 Togetenoughsleepatnightisimportant It Itisadj forsb todosth Itis apleasure anhonor apitytodo Ittakessb timetodo Non finite isimportanttogetenoughsleepatnight 1 吸烟对你来说是不好的 Itisnotgoodforyoutosmoke 2 和你一起共进晚餐很愉快 Itisapleasuretohavedinnerwithyou Itonlytooktwoyearstocompletetheproject 3 完成这项工程只花了二年时间 巩固练习1 2 表语Predicative Myjob is Yourtask 努力学习 istostudyhard Non finite Toseeistobelieve toteachyouEnglish Thesedayseveryonewantstogetrichfast 3 宾语Object 常用动词不定式作宾语的动词有 fail happen mean wish hope decide refuse offer learn agree etc todo Non finite liketodo managetodo thinkconsiderfindmakefeel 形式宾语 4 我希望很快收到你的信 Ihopetohearfromyousoon 5 我决定不留下来 Idecidednottostay 6 学生们认为玩电脑游戏很有趣 Studentsthought 7 她觉得没有没有必要和他辩论 Shethoughtitunnecessarytoarguewithhim itinterestingtoplaycomputergames it adj todo 巩固练习2 Theteachertoldmetocleantheblackboard 4 宾补Complement 五看 watch see lookat observe notice 三使 let make have 二听 listento hear 一感觉 feel 当遇到下列动词时 不定式省略to allow cause ask advise expect force permit persuade tell want warn teach等 Non finite 医生建议他去南方 Thedoctoradvisedhimtogotothesouth sbtodo Imadehimdohiswork He byme Seesbdosth sbbeseentodo Hewasseen fromthetreeandgethurt fallB tofallC fallingD fallen 改错 Hewasheardtalktohismotherforanhour totalk wasmadetodohiswork 5 定语Attributive 如果不定式中的动词是不及物动词 则不定式中要有介词 Heislookingfor 一间可以住的房子 Thereisnothing 我想要几本书在旅途中看 I dlike afewbookstoreadduringthejourney Whatdoyouthinkoftheschool Itisaverygood A schooltostudyinB schoolforchildrentostudyC studyingschoolD schooltostudy toworryabout Thetopicstobediscussedattomorrow smeetingisconcernedabouttheOlympics2008 没有什么可担心的 aroomtolivein Icameheretoseeyou Hegotupearlytocatchthetrain 6 状语Adverbial inorderto soasto 1 表目的 2 表原因 Wewereveryexcitedtohearthenews 3 表结果 Thisroomisbigenoughtoholdus enough to too to onlyto etc Heliftedarockonlytodropitonhisownfeet Non finite 1 lateinthemorning Bobturnedoffthealarm A TosleepB SleepingC SleepD Havingslept2001春季高考第21题 巩固练习2 翻译 1935年 他离开家再也没回来 In1935helefthomenevertoreturn 1 作主语 2 作表语 3 作宾语 4 作宾语补足语 5 作定语 6 作状语 在句中承担的成分 TenseandVoice 时态与语态 tobedoing tohavedone tohavebeendone tohavebeendoing 1 Theypretendednottoseeus 2 Hepretendedtobesleeping 3 Shepretendedtohaveknownitbefore 一般式表示与谓语的动作同时 发生在它之后 在谓语动词发生的同时 不定式的动作也正在进行 完成式表示动作发生在谓语动作之前 1 Theboypretended whenhismotherentered A readingB toreadC tobereadingD beingread 2 Doletyourmotherknowallthetruth Sheappears everything 01年高考 A totellB tobetoldC tobetellingD tohavebeentold 巩固练习3 3 CharlesBabbageisgenerallyconsidered thefirstcomputer MET9334 A toinventB inventingC tohaveinventedD havinginvented 4 TheEmperororderedthewonderfulcloth forhimwithoutdelay A tohavewovenB tobewovenC tobeweavingD toweave who which when how what whom whether等连用 在句中起名词作用 可充当主语 表语 宾语等 我不知道是否要接受邀请 Idon tknowwhethertoaccepttheinvitationornot 宾语 Howtosolvetheproblemisveryimportant 主语 如何解决这个问题很重要 我的问题是什么时候开始 Myquestioniswhentostart 表语 Non finite 不定式与疑问词连用 关于省略 1 不定式中的动词上文已出现过 下文要省略该动词 e g Wouldyouliketogowithme 2 不定式是tobe结构 be不可省 e g Wouldyouliketobeateacher A I dliketoB I dliketogo Yes Non finite A I dliketobe B I dliketo Yes 1 Didyougetajob No I butit snouse A expectedB triedtoC managedtoD planned 2 Theboywantedtoridehisbicycleinthestreet buthismothertoldhim A nottoB nottodoC notdoitD donotto 巩固练习4 不定式用在介词but except besides后时 如果这些介词前有行为动词do的各种形式 那么介词后的不定式不带to 相反则带to 1 Shecoulddonothingbut cry 2 Ihavenochoicebut go 3 Whatdoyoulike besides do sleep cry togo todo sleep Non finite Exercise eat giveup finish explain tell 1 Myteacherwasmade histeachingbecauseofpoorhealth togiveup explaining tobeexplained tobefinished nottoeat 3 Wefinditimpossibleforthework aheadoftime 4 Thepatientwaswarned oilyfoodaftertheoperation 2 Thesentencewants oncemore 5 Imeant youaboutit butIforgottodoso tohavetold 1 MET9214 Iusuallygotherebytrain Whynot byboatforachange A totrygoingB tryingtogoC totryandgoD trygoing 2 Ratherthan onacrowdedbus healwaysprefers abicycle MET9422 A ride rideB riding rideC ride torideD toride riding 4 Shecan thelp thehousebecauseshe sbusymakingacake 97上海12 A tocleanB cleaningC cleanedD beingcleaned 3 Whileshopping peoplesometimecan thelp intobuyingsomethingtheydon treallyneed 96上海14 topursueB persuadingC beingpersuadedD bepersuaded 5 Robertissaid abroad butIdon tknowwhatcountryhestudiedin tohavestudiedB tostudyC tobestudyingD tohavebeenstudying6 Thepurposeofnewtechnologiesistomakelifeeasier itmoredifficult notmakeB nottomakeC notmakingD don tmake 7 Havingatripabroadiscertainlygoodfortheoldcouple butitremains whethertheywillenjoyit toseeB tobeseenC seeingD see8 Themotherdidn tknow toblameforthebrokenglassasithappenedwhileshewasout A whoB whenC howD why 9 Pauldoesn thavetobemade Healwaysworkshard learnB tolearnC learnedD learning 10 Thelightintheofficeisstillon Oh Iforgot turningitoffB turnitoffC toturnitoffD havingturneditoff 11 Iwouldlove tothepartylastnightbutIhadtoworkextrahourstofinishareport A
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