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动词与动词短语 1 概念 动词是表示动作和状态的词2 基本形式 动词的四种基本形式 现在时 过去时 过去分词和现在分词 动词的规则变化 P433 2 动词的种类 1 行为动词 即实义动词 表示动作的动词 它分为及物动词和不及物动词两种 1 1及物动词a 动词后要求有宾语 否则意思不完整的动词 及物动词有被动结构 Ialwaysreviewmylessonsintheevening b 及物动词的使用结构 1 动词 宾语 V O Janelikesmusicverymuch 2 动词 直接宾语 间接宾语 V O O Shegavemeabook 3 动词 宾语 补语 V O OC Ifoundthebookinteresting 2 不及物动词 不及物动词指不可带宾语的动词 也不可用于被动语态 P444 445 Makesentences rise come workThesunrisesintheeast Hecamelastmonth Heworkshard 2 连系动词类连系动词只起连系作用 虽有词义但不能单独作谓语 后必须加表语一起构成谓语 P450 459 Nowwatchtheflashandgetthegeneralideaofthelinkverbs 连系动词常用结构P451 1 形容词2 名词 代词3 副词 连系动词后面一般不加副词 4 分词5 介词短语 gobad hungry mad wrongfall fell fallen ill asleepYourdreamwillcometrueoneday 变化类 become 成为 get 变得 turn 变为 grow 变得 come 成为 后来证实 go 变成 进入 的状态 fall 变成 感观类 look 看起来 sound 听起来 feel 觉得 taste 尝起来 smell 闻起来 E g Hisvoicesounds A wellB beautifullyC excellentD wonderfully C 显得类 seem appear lookItlooksasif though Itseemsasif that Itappearsthat 可接从句eg Itlooksasifitisgoingtorain Helookedasthoughhewerefromthecountry look 为连系动词 意为 看起来 似乎 从句中的谓语多用直陈语气 有时可以用虚拟语气 状态类 keep stay remain lie sit standTheweatherwill hotforanothertwoweeks A lastB remainC getD turnThehotweatherwill anothertwodays A lastB remainC getD turn B A 3 使役动词 感官动词类 使役动词是表示使 令 让 帮 叫等意义的动词 主要有make 使 令 let 让 help 帮助 have 有 让 从事 允许 拿 等 Eg 1 Hemademelaugh 他使我发笑 2 Ilethimgo 我让他走开 look sound smell taste feel这一类的动词既可作连系动词 又可作感官动词 除look外 其他几个动词的主语往往是物而不是人 Eg Theseflowerssmellverysweet 这些花闻起来很香 Thetomatoesfeelverysoft 这些西红柿摸起来很软 使役动词和感官动词练习 Thebossmadethem 12hoursaday A workB toworkC workedD workingTheyweremade 12hoursaday A workB toworkC workedD working A B Theboywaslastseen footballontheplayground A playB playingC toplayD playedHeoftenheardthissong bythefamoussinger A singB singingC tosingD sungHehadhisleg A breakB breakingC tobreakD broken B D D 4 主动表被动类 与easily well等副词连用的动词sell wash burn cook cut drive dress play last open write start translate run read operate break measure weighDrywoodburnseasily Theclothwasheswell ThisphrasedoesnottranslatewellintoChinese Haveyougotaticketfortheconcert No thetickets wellandthey outlastweek A sell weresoldB sell soldC sell havebeensoldD aresell sold A 5 一般只接动名词做宾语的词 词组 mind risk avoid enjoy miss keep suggest appreciate practice delay finish dislike excuse imagine consider forbid escapeadmit advise allow putoff giveup beworth bebusygetdownto devote to lookforwardto beusedto leadto succeedin spend wastetime in haveagood hardtime in havedifficulty trouble in thereisnouse in Shelookedforwardeveryspringto theflower linedgarden A visitB payingavisitC walkinD walkinginIwouldappreciate backthisafternoon A youtocallB youcallC yourcallingD you recalling D C B 6 一般只接不定式作宾语的词 词组 decide expect hope wish order refuse promise pretend agree seem attempt fail offer happen warn afford Shepretended mewhenIpassedby A nottoseeB notseeingC tonotseeD havingnotseen A 九 瞬间动词与延续性动词 Classactivity page447Brainstorming Mymotherisquitediligent Busywiththehomework shesleepsverylateevery day TheendBye bye 此课件下载可自行编辑修改 此课件供参考 部分内容来源于网络 如有侵权请与我联系删除 感谢你的观看
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