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必修 1 Module3 My First Ride on a Train 语音知识 从 A B C D 四个选项中 找出其音标与所给单词的读音相同的选项 1 cassette A k sit B k sit C k set D k sit 2 diamond A dai m nd B di m nd C deim nd D di m nd 3 exhausted A eksh stid B iks stid C ig z stid D igs stid 4 vacuum A v kju m B v kju m C v kju m D v kju m 5 souvenir A s v n B su v ni C s r n D 1su v ni 单词拼写 1 The opening c of the 2020 Olympic Games was well organized splendid and Chinese styled 2 After several months of hard t he won first place in the contest 3 Most children cry for several days when they first go to k 4 This year the price of farm p is likely to go up as a result of drought 5 Most old people would rather live in the countryside than live in d areas 6 When uncle Bill went abroad to pay a visit to his friend he bought me a fashionable watch as a 纪念品 7 As the famous director had nothing to tell he refused to give any 采访 to the journalists 8 The new couple have bought an 单元住宅 in the center of the city 9 Being an 专家 in the computer field he is respected by all of us 10 The manager 遗弃 his wife and daughter and went abroad with a lot of money 辨析填空 A product produce production 1 The field is shipped by train to other parts of the country 2 Their latest car has just gone into for the Japanese market 3 Ours is a firm known for its high quality B scenery scene view sight 1 We spent a fortnight in Rome looking at all the 2 The from the top of the mountain is breathtaking 3 All the passengers passing by stopped to admire the charming mountain 4 There was a happy of children playing in the garden 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 1 It is one of the funniest things find on the Internet so far this year 2 What are on show in the museum Some photos take by African children 3 lose in deep thought he didn t hear the sound 4 The police all felt exhaust after a whole weekday searching for the lost child in the forest 5 Jenny hopes that Mr Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English improve in a short period 翻译句子 1 他是个训练有素的乒乓球运动员 经常参加各类比赛 well trained 2 在会议上提到的那位教授下周将给我们作报告 refer to 3 火车以每小时 200 多公里的速度行驶 at a speed of 4 在咱们排队等候时 你介意我借你的报纸看看吗 不介意 一点也不 would you mind 5 随着科技的发展 农民们不再使用牲畜做农活了 not any more 语法和词汇知识 从每小题的 A B C D 四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 1 Jack the bus as soon as it stopped then to his joy he met his best friend at the station A got off B took off C got on D took on 2 The chemical weapons by the Japanese troops are the chief cause of the frequently happened poisoning accidents A were abandoned B abandoned C had abandoned D abandoning 3 As an English teacher I often train my students fluently and clearly A of reading B to read C into reading D from reading 4 Seeing the that the students were busy preparing their lessons I couldn t help expecting all of them to be admitted by colleges A scenery B sight C scene D view 5 It is very hot today Would you mind if I the electric fan Of course not A open B opened C will open D to open 6 Mr Smith today will visit Japan for his new song next week A interviewing B interviewed C to interview D interview 7 According to the timetable the airplane will cover the from Beijing to Shanghai in an hour and a half A area B reach C distance D speed 8 You can ask Thomson for help he is the president of that school It s said that he is the president and can t help me A no longer no more B not any longer no more C no longer any more D no more no longer 9 The programme cannot continue because some system files are on your old system A date from B out of time C out of date D up to date 10 I wish you could allow one of these beautiful chickens Mum I m afraid you wouldn t be allowed in our house A buying to keep it B to buy keeping it C me buy kept it D my buying keep it 完形填空 阅读下面短文 从短文后面各题的A B C D 四个选项中 选出适合填入对应空 白处的最佳选项 My mother often asked me what the most important part of the body is When I was young I thought 1 was very important so I said My ears Mommy She said No Think about it and I will 2 you again Several years passed 3 she asked me again After carefully thinking I thought I got the 4 answer So this time I told her Mommy seeing is very important so it must be our 5 She looked at me and told me You are learning fast but the answer is not correct 6 Wrong again Mother asked me a few more times and 7 her answer was No But you are getting cleverer every year Then last year my grandpa 8 Everybody was sad and crying My mom looked at me when it was our 9 to say our last goodbye to grandpa She asked me Do you know the most important body part yet my dear I was 10 when she asked me this now I always thought this was a 11 between her and me She saw the confusion 迷惑 on my face and told me This 12 is very important For 13 answer you gave me in the past I have told you that it was wrong and I have given you an example why She 14 at me as only a mother could I saw her eyes filled with tears She said My dear the most important part is your 15 I asked Is it because it can 16 my head She replied No it is because it 17 hold the head of a friend or a loved one 18 they cry E
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