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What sthematter Unit7 Cartoontime Soundtime Tickingtime 牛津小学英语译林版四年级下册 Playagame Magictelescope 魔幻望远镜 Tips Makeupanewsentencewiththewords 大声读出你看到的单词 再把这些单词组合成一句话 hungry am I Iamhungry Magictelescope you Are tired Areyoutired Magictelescope a have pie CanIhaveapie Magictelescope I Can I m thirsty not I mnotthirsty Magictelescope some water Here s Here ssomewaterforyou Magictelescope you for the matter What s What sthematter Magictelescope Magictelescope Let schant Mike Mike what sthematter Hot hot I mhot Fan fan here safan WangBing WangBing what s Thanks thanks thanksalot I m havea Thankyou thankyou thankyouverymuch What sthematter I mthirsty Thankyou Mum Here saglassofwaterforyou Who What baby Bill ill sitting still baby Bill ill My Is sitting still If you re MybabyBill Issittingstill Ifyou reill pill Takethispill 药片 如果 still ill pill Isheill Bill Bill still ill pill Joe close go open home nose Rose andshowyour Go home Joe Rose nose o note Canyousaymorewords o Canyoureadthenewwords bone pose hope o Let sdosomeexercise 1 A noseB coffeeC close B 2 A coldB noC hot C 3 A openB boxC so B 3 A someB homeC over A What sthematter Ishehappyorsad Whyishenothappy What sthematterwithBobby What sthematterwithBobby What sthematterwithBobby Whatdoeshismotherbring Acake Ahamburger Haveacake Thankyou Mum Tip Usedifferentintonationstoreadthedialogues 亲切的 不高兴的 有礼貌的 担心的 What sthematter Bobby Areyouill No I mnot Areyoucold No Hello MrsMouse ThisisMrsFoxspeaking Areyouallright Bobby I mhungry Mum Haveacake Thankyou Mum Ha Ha He shappynow 分角色朗读要求 4人一组分角色朗读课文 轮到自己角色时请起立大声朗读 注意模仿语音语调哦 读完坐下 表演要求 4人一组 每人扮演一个角色 看谁模仿的语音语调最棒 别忘了表情还有动作哦 3 Icanenjoyandactoutthecartoon 能借助图片进行表演能借助图片有表情 有动作的进行表演能不看图片有表情 有动作的进行表演 Tip 1 四人小组表演 Sam Bobby MrsFoxandMrsMouse 2 用适当的表情和动作演绎完整的故事情节 Igetupatfourinthemorning I m 2 Ihavealotofhomework I m 3 Mydressissobeautiful I m Readandactthecartoonwithyourpartners ReadSoundtime
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