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Lesson6 Unit1Mynewteachers 第一PPT模板网 WWW 1PPT COM 唱一唱 猜一猜 读读写写 说歌谣 小组活动 练一练 小结 外国的教师节 听故事 PPT模板下载 Let schant Heistallandstrong andheisverykind Who she Heis Guessinggame Readandwrite Whatishelike Shortortall Whatisshelike Bigorthin Pretty beautiful shortortall Theyaremyteachers oneandall Saythechant Saythechant Andyisshort He smyfriend Lilyistall She smyfriend Billisbig He smyfriend Yaoyaoisthin She smyfriend Joyispretty She smyfriend Luckyisstrong Luckyistall Weareclassmates Wearefriendsall 1 Timismygoodfriend 2 Whatishelike 5 Isheactive 3 He sthinandshort 6 Yes Ilikehim 4 Ishefunny Groupwork Readandretell AteacherishavingaMathsclass Atwo year oldgirlopensthedoorandcomesinside Thegirl sfathertriestostopher ButtheMathsteachersays For20yearsnoonewantstocometomyclassbyhimself Thisgirlcanstayhere Thinkandanswer 1 Isthisteacher sclassinteresting 2 DoyoulikeyourMathsteacher sclass 1 IsKimabigboy 2 Howoldishe 3 IshefromUSA 4 What shelike Yes heis He s19 No heisn t He sfromCanada Ihaveanewneighbour HisnameisKim He s19 He sfromCanada He sauniversitystudent He stall He ssmartandfunny Iliketoplaywithhim Wearegoodfriends Answerthequestions He stall He ssmartandfunny 1 He smynewneighbour 2 Yes he sverysmart 3 No he stall 4 Yes he sveryfunny Writethequestions Who sthis that theboy Ishesmart Isheshort 1 He smynewneighbour 2 Yes he sverysmart 3 No he stall 4 Yes he sveryfunny Writethequestions Who sthis that theboy Ishesmart Isheshort Ishefunny Isshequiet No sheisn t She sveryactive Isshestrict 小 结 Readandwrite Yes sheis butshe sverykind NAME 苏丹 从1971年2月24日起 全国实行教育改革 将这天定为教师节 中 小学一律放假一天 以示庆祝和纪念 朝鲜 为纪念金日成主席1977年9月5日发表 社会主义教育提纲 将这天定为教师节 前苏联 每年10月的第一个周日定为教师节 外国的教师节 Sudan Korea FormerSovietRussia PPT模板下载 可以在下列情况使用不限次数的用于您个人 公司 企业的商业演示 拷贝模板中的内容用于其它幻灯片母版中使用 不可以在以下情况使用用于任何形式的在线付费下载 收集整理我们发布的免费资源后 刻录光碟销售
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