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8AU2SchoollifeGrammarA Comparingtheamountofthings 1 Tocomparetwothingsusing more than fewer than and less than 2 Tocomparemorethantwothingsusing themost forthelargestamountand thefewest theleast forthesmallestamount Therabbitisthefastestofthethree Thepigisfast Thedogisfasterthanthepig rabbit dog pig Task1 Speaking 用 fast 描述下列图画 Aistall Task1 Speaking 用tall描述下列图画 talltallertallest BistallerthanA Cisthetallestofthethree Task1 Speaking 用easy描述下列题目 2 3 1 1 120 48 easyeasiereasiest No 3iseasy No 2iseasierthanNo 3 No 1istheeasiestofall B Aisexpensive Task1 Speaking 用expensive描述下列图画 expensivemoreexpensivethemostexpensive BismoreexpensivethanA Cisthemostexpensiveofthethree taller tallest smaller smallest 一般情况下直接加 er 或者 est nicer nicest finer finest 以 e 结尾的形容词直接加 r 或者 st heavier heaviest easier easiest 以辅音字母 y 结尾的形容词吧 y 改 i 加 er 或 est slimmer slimmest bigger biggest 重读闭音节并且只有一个辅音字母结尾的形容词双写加 er 或者 est morebeautiful mostbeautiful 部分双音节词或者多音节词直接加 more 或者 most Task2 Writing best better worse worst more most less least farther 较远 farthest 最远 further 进一步 furthest 最大程度 older 可用于比较级 oldest elder 较年长的 eldest 最年长的 不可用于比较级 注意 older一般指年龄大小 可用于比较级 Myfatherisolderthanmymother elder指家庭成员长幼关系 一般修饰名词作定语 不用于比较级 MyelderbrotheristwoyearsolderthanI farther指距离更远 further指抽象的 进一步地 IwanttostudyEnglishfurther 记忆口诀 合二为一共三对 坏bad badly 病ill 两多many much 和 两好good well 一分为二只两个 一是 远far 来二是 老old 还有一词little含双义 只记 少 来不记 小 Let senjoysomepictures speakout Task1 Daniel Kitty Danielhas balloons Kitty Kittyhas balloons Daniel fewerthan morethan Kitty Daniel morethan fewerthan Millie Amy Milliehas flowers Amy Amyhas flowers Millie morethan fewerthan BettyLinda Let stry more fewer 可数名词复数 than Task2 conclusion Let senjoysomepictures comparethem Task3 Simon Sandy Simon Sandy Simonhas orangejuice Sandy lessthan Sandyhas orangejuice Simon morethan 50 100 I Kate Ihave money Kate Katehas money I than less more than Hobohasbread Eddie Eddiehasbread Hobo morethan lessthan SanMaohas hair GeYou GeYouhas hair SanMao SanMao GeYou morethan lessthan SimonSandy Let scompare Task4 conclusion moreless more less 不可数名词 than countable uncountable nouns than 可数 不可数 72words68words65words72points68points65points Amy Sandy Simon 1 Amywrote words Shescored points themost themost 2 Simonwrote words Hescored points zxxk thefewest thefewest Danielhas money Kittyhas money themost theleast Let scompare workouttherule 比较三者或三者以上的数量 Consolidation 可数 不可数 可数 不可数 themost fewest least more fewer less than read books do housework spend money join clubs playcomputergames Asurvey Amy Daniel Sandy Simon read books do housework spend money join clubs playcomputergames Amy Daniel Sandy Simon Amyspendsthemostmoneyofthefour all Danielspendstheleastmoneyofthefour all Sandyreadsthemostbooksofthefour all Simonreadsthefewestbooksofthefour all Asurvey read books do housework spend money join clubs playcomputergames Amy Daniel Sandy Simon Simonjoinsthemostclubsofthefour all Sandyjoinsthefewestclubsofthefour all Simondoesthemosthouseworkofthefour all Danieldoestheleasthouseworkofthefour all Danielplaysthemostcomputergamesofthefour all Amyplaysthefewestcomputergamesofthefour all Asurvey read books do housework spend money join clubs playcomputergames Whatadvicewouldyouliketogivethem Amy Daniel Sandy Simon Amyshould Danielshould Sandyshould Simonshould Wecancomparetheamountofthingsusingmore than fewer thanandless than Weusethemostforthelargestamountandthefewest theleastforthesmallestamount Comparingtheamountofthings 1 MrBrownisfat Thedoctortoldhimtoeat foodandtake exercise A more moreB more lessC less moreD less less 2 Canyoufinishtheworkbetterwith timeand people A little littleB few fewC fewer lessD less fewer C D 3 Doyouknowanythingabouttherichman Yes Ido Themanhas moneybut friends sohefeelslonely more lessB fewer moreC less moreD more fewer D 4 Thereare teachersand studentsinourschoolthanintheirs Andourschoolisthreetimesasbigastheirstoo fewer fewerB more moreC few fewD little little 5 Whyisthere trafficinthestreetsinMaythaninSeptember A lessB fewerC fewD little B A DoTorFexercises 1 Mr Smitheatsthefewestbeef 2 Tomhasleastsheepofthem 3 Maryhasthemorebreadthanherclassmate 4 ThestudentsinChinahavelittlefreetimethanthoseintheUK 5 Cindyhaslessfriendsinhisnewschoolthaninhisoldschool least thefewest 去掉 less fewer F F F F F 3 Millie的中国朋友比Daniel多 MilliehasmoreChinesefriendsthanDaniel 1 Sandy喝的水比Simon少 SandydrinkslesswaterthanSimon 2 Daniel学的科目比John多 DanielstudiesmoresubjectsthanJohn 4 他讲的笑话比我少 5 Tom有的空闲时间比Millie的多 6 在所有的学生中 我有最多的光盘 7 我有最少的钱 但是我有最多的朋友 Hetellsfewerfunnyjokesthanme TomhasmorefreetimethanMillie Ofallthestudents IhavethemostCDs Ihavetheleastmoney butIhavethemostfriends Theharderweworknow themorebeautifulourfuturelifewillbe 我们现在越努力 未来生活越美好 8AU2SchoollifeGrammarB adj adv 比较级用法 1 表一方超过另一方用 比较级 than 比 更 一些 Iamolderthanyou You reyoungerthanme Themore thebetter 2 the 比较级 the 比较级 越 越 Whichcountryisbigger ChinaorJapan 3 Which 比较级 or 表示在两者中选择 adj 比较级用法 4 在比较级前可用much still far even alittle alot等来修饰 eg Nowtheairinou
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