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Module 5 Museums if条件状语从句(1)和表示“禁止”的结构1If you ever go to London, make sure you visit the Science Museum.如果你去伦敦,务必要参观科学博物馆。2If you want to see ancient technology, go to the ground floor.如果你想看古代科技,去一楼。3No shouting, please!请勿喧哗!4Dont cross that rope!不要越过那条绳子!一、if条件句祈使句1if从句的构成:条件状语从句表示主句动作发生的条件,在初中阶段常由if(如果)引导。本模块重点学习的是“if条件状语从句祈使句”这一结构。Please call me if he is at home. 如果他在家,请给我打电话。2主从句的位置: 从句可以位于主句_,也可以位于主句_。不过从句在前时,主从句之间必须用逗号隔开。Please tell me if he comes back. If he comes back, please tell me. 如果他回来了,请告诉我一声。3时态:在以if引导的条件状语从句中,如果主句为祈使句,从句通常用_时。Put up your hand if you have any questions to ask. 如果你有问题要问,请举手。4if的“两面性”: if既可以引导条件状语从句,也可以引导宾语从句。引导条件状语从句时,意为“_”;引导宾语从句时,意为“_”。 Stay in if it is snowy tomorrow.如果明天下雪就待在家里。I dont know if the train has arrived.我不知道火车是否已经到了。二、表示“禁止”的结构1No名词No photos.禁止拍照。2No动名词No smoking.禁止吸烟。3Dont动词原形Dont smoke here. 这里禁止吸烟。4You mustnt动词原形You mustnt smoke here.你不准在这里吸烟。5You arent allowed to do sth.You arent allowed to smoke here.你不准在这里吸烟。.单项选择()1.2017天津 Well stay at home _ it rains tomorrow. A. and B. if C. but D. so()2.2017咸宁Celia, join us in the Super Summer Camp if it _ this weekend.Id love to. But nobody knows if it _A. is fine; rainsB. is fine; will rainC. will be fine; will rainD. will be fine; rains()3.2017永州David, _ make trouble at school.A. cant B. dont C. doesnt()4.2017长春Youll get better grades _ you follow the teachers advice.A. if B. until C. though D. while()5.2017营口Which of the following signs means “Do not drink and drive”? A B C D.根据汉语意思完成句子1如果你累了,就好好休息一下。 _ a good rest if you _ tired.2我不知道这周是否会举行运动会。I dont know _ the sports meeting will be held this week.3如果你想通过驾照考试,多练习。If you want to pass the driving test, _ more.4如果天气不变暖,多穿点衣服。If the weather _ _ warmer, _ more clothes.5看标语“禁止喧哗!”Look at the sign, “_ _!”详解详析【语法探究】之前; 之后; 一般现在; 如果; 是否【实战演练】.1.B2B考查if引导的条件状语从句和宾语从句的用法。第一句中的连词if意为“如果”,用来引导条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时表示将来,故用is fine;第二句中的if意为“是否”,引导宾语从句,根据句意从句用一般将来时will rain。故选B。3B考查祈使句。本句是一个祈使句,祈使句是以动词原形开头的,否定句在动词原形前加dont。故选B。4A考查连词的用法。分析句子两个部分,前部分“取得好成绩”为结果,后部分“听从老师的建议”是条件。整个句子为条件关系的复合句,即条件状语从句,应选用连词if,故选A。5A.1. Have/Take; are/feel2. if3. practise4. doesnt get; wear 5. No shouting 5
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