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课题Unit 3第4课时课型新授编号3-4英语班级七年级领导签字执笔人使用人使用时间学习目标1、谈论如何到达某地;能够熟练表达或者询问怎样去某地;2、熟记本节单词和短语。学习重点、难点能够熟练表达或者询问怎样去某地课时安排1课时自主预习翻译1.bus stop 2.bus station 3.train station _ 4.subway station 5.think of 6.take the subway_展示交流学习任务一:完成1a,1b部分1. 将词组与图片匹配2核对答案3知识呈现,讲述自己的上学方式(两种) 4. 分组练习1b的对话学习任务二:完成1c,1d部分1. 听录音,并完成1c2. 听录音,核对1c,的答案。3. 再听一遍,完成1d,并在组内核对答案。4. 学生质疑,师生共同解惑。学习任务三:完成1e部分1. 口头谈论Bob去爷爷家的方式 2. 将Bob去爷爷家的方式写成英语句子并展示知识探究1. For many students, it is easy to get to school. It is +adj. +to do sth. “做某事是.”2. There is a very big river between their school and the village. between .and. “在.和.之间”,连接两个并列的成分。 between/among (1) between 用于两者之间。 (2) among 用于三个或三个以上的人或物的“中间”。3. But he is not afraid. afraid: “害怕的,畏惧的”。 (1)be afraid of sth. 害怕某事/某物 (2)be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 (3)be afraid of doing sth. 唯恐做某事,指担心或担忧做某事会引起某种后果。 (4)be afraid + that从句,恐怕. (5)为某件已经发生或可能发生的事表示歉意或者作出否定判断,相当于sorry。巩固提升 1. - does it take?-It takes 20 minutes by bus.A. How long B. How far C. How many 2. - is it from your school to the hospital? -Its about 2 miles.A .How long B. How far C. How many 3._do you think _the transportation in your city? A. What; about B. What; of C. How; of 4. It took me _ hour to do my homework yesterday.A. a B. an C. /5.The boys goes to school _ Monday to Friday. A. from B. to C. from to3实用文档
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