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第二课时课时内容A Lets learn ask and answer 课时分析本课时是人教版五年级下册第四单元的第二课时,与第一课时紧密相连,围绕“四月安排的活动”展开话题。本节课主要是通过对话的情景学习序数词first(1st), second(2nd) third(3 rd), fourth(4th), fifth(5th)以及巩固询问和回答节日与活动的日期句型When is .? Its on.。激发学生学习英语的热情,保持学习英语的兴趣。在第一课时中句型When is .?” Its on.的句型的学习,为本课时奠定了基础。本课时的重点是序数词的掌握以及询问和回答节日与活动日期的句型的熟练运用。本课时包括Lets learn 和ask and answer两个版块。Lets learn 通过Amy和John 在公告栏前讨论四月初活动安排的情景,呈现了单词的词形和意义。Ask and answer呈现了五幅日历图片,用来询问活动和生日的日期并做出回答。话题的设置符合学生的实际生活,学生们愿意学,也想学。本课时出现的词汇,first, second, third, fifth在四年级的教材中和本单元的第一课时中都已经学过,所以在设计本课教学时,利用学生已知的基数词和序数词展开单词教学,运用小小调查员、击鼓传盒子等游戏的方式,巩固所学新知。课时目标1. 能够听、说、读、写单词:first(1st), second(2nd) third(3rd), fourth(4th), fifth(5th)2. 能够在语境中正确运用上述序数词。3. 能够熟练运用句型When is the sports meet? Its on April 4th.4. 激发学生学习英语的热情,保持学习英语的兴趣。课时重难点1.重点(1)能够听、说、读、写单词:first(1st), second(2nd) third(3rd), fourth(4th), fifth(5th)(2)能够在语境中正确运用上述序数词。(3)能够熟练运用句型When is the sports meet? Its on April 4th.2.难点(1)能够在正确的语境中运用序数词。(2)询问和回答节日与活动日期的句型的运用。教学准备 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带教学过程Step 1 Warm up1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hi, Miss/Mr.T: Nice to see you again.Ss: Nice to see you, too.T: Whats the weather like today?Ss: Its.T: How do you feel? Are you happy?Ss: Yes.T: Ok. Now lets begin our class.设计意图:师生间的交流拉近与学生之间的距离。Step 2 Lead in 1. Enjoy a song.T: Boys and girls, now lets enjoy a song “Ten little candles” together.(学生欣赏唱歌。)Can you count one to ten?Ss: Yes. One,.ten.教学资源:课件设计意图:歌曲的运用活跃了课堂气氛,复习了旧知。2.T:One,.ten.叫做基础词,今天我们来一起学习序数词。Step 3 Presentation1. Teaching “first(1st), second(2nd) third(3rd), fourth(4th), fifth(5th)” (1)呈现一张学校教学楼的简笔画,从第一至第五层有各种教室,师生对话,引出序数词。 T: Look at this school. Its very nice. There are many room in the school. Where is the art room? S1: Its on the first floor.(板书单词first(1st)) T: Where is the computer room? S2: Its on the second floor.(板书单词second (2nd). . (教师接着提问Where is the teachers office/music room/library?,在与学生的对话中板书单词third(3rd), fourth(4th), fifth(5th))(2)录音播放序数词first(1st), second(2nd) third(3rd), fourth(4th), fifth(5th),学生跟读,然后拼读序数词。(3)呈现基础词six-ten,引导学生说出对应的序数词。(板书sixth(6 th), seventh(7th), eighth(8th), ninth( 9th), tenth(10th))(4)小组讨论基数词变序数词的规律。(5)儿歌总结,学生记忆。 基变序,有规律,123特殊记,词尾各是t, d, d。 th,要从4加起,8加h, 9去e。教学资源:课件、录音机、磁带设计意图:利用旧知展开教学,学生接受起来会很容易。背歌谣,能较好的掌握序数词的变化规律。2. Teaching “When is the sports meet? Its on April 4th.”(1)呈现Lets learn图片,引出句子。 T: When is April Day? S1: Its April Fools Day. T: When is sports meet?(板书句子,理解句子。) S2: Its on April 4th.(板书句子,理解句子。)(2)听录音,学生模仿跟读句子。然后开火车问答句子。教学资源:录音机、磁带设计意图:模仿朗读,培养学生的语调、语音,同时养成听的习惯。Step 4 Practice1.小小调查员 两人一组根据Ask and answer的内容,模拟“小小调查员”进行问答练习。 参考句型:When is singing contest? Its on Jul.1st.2.击鼓传盒子 教师敲板擦,学生开始传盒子。板擦停时,拿到盒子的学生打开盒子,抽出一张纸条读出问句,如:When is Childrens Day?其他学生指名回答,答对得到一个奖励。设计意图:在有趣的活动中,运用语言巩固核心句型和词汇。Step 5 SummaryT: What did you learn about this lesson?学生自由汇报,教师整理。1.学习了序数词first-fifth。2.学习了基础词变序数词的儿歌。3.学习了询问和回答节日与活动安排的句型:When is.? Its on.设计意图:整理和归纳本课知识点,加深理解和记忆。课堂作业一、将下列序数词按照从小到大的顺序排列。thirdfirstfourthfifth 1. 2. 3. 4. _二、单项选择。( )1. Today is May_. A. 3rd B. 3th C. 1nd( )2.When is Teachers Day? _A. Sept. 10th B. Sept. ten C. Aug. 1st( )3. The sports meet is _ April 8th.A. on B. in C. at三、看图,补全句子。school tripMar.9th 1. When is the school trip? Its on _ _.EasterApril 5th 2. _ is Easter? Its _ _ _.maths testDec. 3rd 3. _ _ the maths test? _ _ _ _.Answers:一、first third fourth fifth二、1. A2.A3. A三、1. Mar.9th 2. When, April 5th 3. When is, Its on Dec. 3rd板书设计Unit 4 When is the art show? one first(1st) two second(2nd) three third(3rd) When is the sports meet?four fourth(4th) (运动会)five fifth(5th) Its on April 4th.six sixth(6 th)seven seventh(7th)eight eighth(8th)nine ninth( 9th)ten tenth(10th) (基数词) (序数词)6实用文档
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