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Module 2Developing and Developed Countries.单词语境记忆1.achieve ones goal实现目标2.battle position 战斗位置3.a smart kid 一个聪明的孩子4.have no income 没有收入5.the price index 物价指数6.some household affairs 一些家庭琐事7.contribute to a charity 为慈善团体捐款8.vast grasslands 广阔的草原9.the inhabitants of our village 我们村的居民10.the freeway under construction 正在修建的高速公路 .词性转换与派生记忆1.measure vt.测定;测量;评估n.测量;措施;尺寸2.figure v.计算;认为n.数字;图形;雕像;人物;身材;画像;人影3.exchange v.交换;兑换n.交换4.hunger n.饥饿hungry adj.饥饿的5.poverty n.贫穷poor adj.贫穷的6.development n.发展develop v.发展developing adj.发展中的developed adj.发达的7.expectancy n.(根据概率得出的)预期数额expect v.期望expectation n.期望8.educate vt.教育;培养;训练education n.教育educated adj.受过教育的,有教养的9.crowded adj.拥挤的crowd n.人群 vt.推挤10.similarity n.类似;相似similar adj.相似的similarly adv.相似地11.unfortunate adj.不幸的;遗憾的unfortunately adv.不幸地fortunate adj.幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地fortune n.运气;财富12.tourism n.旅游业;观光业tourist n.旅行者,观光客tour vt.在旅游;巡回演出13.industrial adj.工业的industry n.工业14.polluted adj.受到污染的pollute vt.污染pollution n.污染15.entertainment n.娱乐entertain vt.使快乐entertainer n.演艺人员,表演者entertaining adj.有趣的,令人愉快的16.homeless adj.无家可归的home n.家,住宅homesick adj.想家的;思乡病的17.location n.位置;所在地located adj.位于(某处)的locate vt.使坐落于联想记忆1.盘点ant结尾名词inhabitant n.居民participant n. 参与者accountant n. 会计servant n. 仆人assistant n. 助手;助理2.合成名词(adj.n.)小聚freeway n. 高速公路loudspeaker n. 扬声器blackboard n. 黑板software n. 软件mainland n. 大陆3.“收入”名词集锦income 收入pay 报酬salary 薪水wage 工资profit 利润pension 养老金earnings 收入,收益4.trans开头高频词全接触transport n. 交通transportation n. 运输transplant v. 移植transfer v. 运送transform v. 改造transmit v. 传输5.后缀less形容词大观园homeless 无家可归的hopeless 无望的breathless 气喘吁吁的endless 无休止的countless 数不清的sleepless 不眠的短语背诵1.up to达到;忙于;胜任;由决定2.at the top/bottom of 在顶端/底部3.make sure 确定;弄明白4.make progress 取得进步5.make efforts 努力6.in particular 尤其;特别7.be close to 接近;靠近8.such as 像,诸如9.as a result 因此,结果词块积累1.developed/developing country发达/发展中国家2.make money 挣钱3.in the last ten years 在最近十年4.receive a good education 接受良好的教育5.collect money 筹钱,募集资金6.make comparisons 作比较7.be connected with 与有联系;与有关1.Norway is at the top of the list,while the US is at number 7.挪威高居榜首,而美国则排在第七。2.However,in other regions of the world,e.g.Eastern Europe,water is now mostly safe to drink.然而,在世界的其他地区,例如东欧,现在大部分水饮用起来很安全。3.Its an agreement between towns or cities of similar size and age.这是大小和历史相似的城市或城镇之间的一份协议4.Although more than 80% of children in developing countries go to primary school,about 115 million children are not being educated.在发展中国家,虽然80%以上的儿童都能上小学,但仍有约1.15亿儿童不能接受教育。5.This is because living with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their language,and as a result you improve fast.这是因为和外国家庭在一块儿生活一两周就意味着你不得不说他们的语言,所以你会进步很快的。.单词拼写1.Most people hunt for a job in big cities depending on whether it offers a high income (收入).2.It is believed that the chimps are similar to human (人) beings in many aspects.3.She has been staring at the figures (数字) the whole afternoon in order to find out the mistakes.4.I havent worked with him and it is hard for me to measure (评估) his ability.5.It is convenient for the citizens to take the public transport (交通工具) and it is also environmentally friendly.6.Judging from the efforts he has made,I believed that Rambo can achieve his goal (目标)sooner or later.7.After many years of hard work,Jack now holds a senior position (职位) in a large company.8.A group discussion in class provides a chance for children to exchange (交换) their ideas.9.The government has determined to help people in remote areas to fight against poverty (贫穷)in many ways.10.The scheme has been set up to help homeless (无家可归的) people.词性变化练习1.Tourism (tour)is the citys main industry and it attracts millions of people every year.2.I cant imagine that some children should die of hunger (hungry) nowadays in some countries.3.It is generally acknowledged that we have reached a very important stage in our countrys development (develop).4.I prefer to stay at home during holidays,because everywhere is crowded (crowd) with people.5.With the advancement of society,more and more people attach great importance to higher education (educate).6.It is our duty that we shouldnt expose the citizens to the polluted (pollute) environment any more.7.Although they are twins,they have no similarity (similar) to each other in characteristics and habits.8.Unfortunately (fortunate),all the passengers on board were killed because of the air crash.9.In my opinion,the film last night is not just an entertainment (entertain).Its a film with a message.10.Some industrial (industry) waste is harmful to our environment,so we shouldnt throw it away everywhere
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