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Unit 4 When is the art show?第一课时一、看图连线。1. Chinas National Day Jan.1st 2. Childrens Day Apr.1st 3. April Fools Day June 1st 4. New Years Day Oct. 1st 二、连词成句。1. is, when, Day, Fools, April (?) _2. some, in, are, there, July, special days (.) _ 3. Chinas, Day, is, When, National (?)_ 4. are, about, month, they, which, talking (?) _ 三、将下面的句子重新排列,组成对话。( )April Fools Day and Easter.( )And Easter?( )There are some special days in April.( )Wow! I love April.( )When is April Fools Day?( )Its on April 5th this year.( )What are they?( )Its on April 1st. 答案:一、 1New Years DayJan. 1st 2Childrens DayJune 1st 3April Fools DayApr.1st 4 Chinas National DayOct.1st 二、1. When is April Fools Day? 2. There are some special days in July. 3. When is Chinas National Day?4. Which month are they talking about?三、3 6 1 8 4 7 2 5 3实用文档
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