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目录313地理1.insular adj.海岛的island n.岛,岛屿,岛状物(孤立状态的物),安全岛【例】 coral island n.珊瑚岛;continental island 陆边岛;peninsula n.半岛;islet n.小岛marine adj.海的(marine);海上的;近海的【例】 Human beings are natural enemies of marine mammals.2.maritime adj.海的(marine, oceanic);海上的;近海的3.moist adj.湿润的,多雨的(damp, humid)4.ledge n.暗礁5.oasis n.(沙漠中的)绿洲【例】 The travelers were saved when they finally found an oasis.6.tide n.潮汐7.ebb vi.退潮【例】 The water washed up on the shore, then slowly ebbed away.8.continent n.大陆9.terrestrial adj.领土的【例】 terrestrial heat 地面干扰;terrestrial magnetism 地磁,地磁学outskirt n.外边,郊区(surrounding)region n.地区,领域(zone, area, field, domain)endemic adj.地方的(native)【例】 This disease is endemic to the southerners, and will not spread in the cold north.cosmopolitan adj.全世界的(global)【例】 The farmer was unused to the cosmopolitan ways of life in a large city.10.subterrane n.地下(underground)subterranean adj.地下的11.cavern n.大山洞,大洞穴【例】 Inside the cavern were the remnants of an ancient fire.12.flaw n.裂隙13cleft n.裂缝(crevice)14.crevice n.裂缝,破口(rift, slit)【例】 The rain came in through a crevice in the cabin wall.gap n.裂口(opening)【例】 Generation gap lies between parents and children.15.zone n.带(region, area)【例】 time zone 时区16.equator n.赤道【例】 It is warmer near the equator.17.longitude n.经度altitude n.(尤指海拔)高度,高处(海拔甚高的地方)18.latitude n.纬度19.meridian n.子午线,正午20.subsidiary n.支流(branch)【例】 He followed the subsidiary to trace its origin.21.Antarctic adj.南极的,南极地带的Antarctica n.南极洲22.Arctic adj.北极的,北极区的 n.北极,北极圈23.coastland n.沿海岸地区24.hemisphere n.半球25.contour n.轮廓;海岸线(outline, profile)【例】 The artist accentuated the models contours.26.geography n.地理学,地理27.horizon n.地平线28.lowland n.低地,苏格兰低地 adj.低地的29.plain n.平原,草原30.strait n.地峡,海峡31.channel n.海峡,水道,沟32.valley n.(山)谷,流域33.volcano n.火山34.plateau n.高原35.basin n.盆地【例】 The Amazon basin covers a vast amount of land.navigation n.航海36.ranges n.射程表尺数37.salinity n.盐分,盐度38.sediment n.沉淀物,沉积39.elevation n.高地,正面图,海拔40.formation n.形成,构成41.geothermy 地热42.terrain n.地形43.topography n.地形学44.tropical adj.热带的45.tropics n.(天球的)回归线,热带46.temperate adj.(气候)温和的【例】 temperate latitudes 温带地区地质47.vein n.矿脉48.pit n.坑,地坑(hole)49.pit n.煤矿50.quartz n.石英51.marble n.大理石52.gem n.宝石(jewel, precious stone)53.fieldstone n.(建筑用的)散石,大卵石54.emerald n.祖母绿,翡翠,绿宝石55.wiikite 杂铌矿56.granite n.花岗岩57.lead n.铅58.limestone n.石灰石59.lava n.熔岩,火山岩60.ruby n.红宝石61.bonanza n.富矿带【例】 Winning the lottery was a bonanza for the Browns.62.ore n.矿石63.vein n.静脉,血管(blood vessel)64.sediment n.沉淀物65.fossil n.化石66.petrify vt.变为化石【例】 I was totally petrified with fear.67.aluminum n.铝68.core n.果核,中心,核心69.crater n.弹坑70.diamond n.钻石,菱形71.glacial adj.冰的,冰状的,冰河的,冰河时代的72.glacier n.冰河,冰川73.iceberg n.冰山74.plate n.盘子,金属板,图版,金银餐具75.tremor n.震动,颤动76.earthquake n.地震77.seism n.地震78.seismic adj.地震的【例】 seismic wave 地震波,海震波,海啸波79.seismology n.地震学80.magnitude n.震级81.cataclysm n.地震,灾难,大洪水82.stratum n.地层83.mantle n.地幔84.lithogenous a.岩层的85.lithosphere n.岩石圈86.layer n.层,阶层87.crust n.地壳;硬外皮(shell)【例】 The crust of the pie was delicious.fault n.断层【例】 fault plane 断层面;fault zone 断层magma n.(有机物或矿物的)稀糊,岩浆88.squirt v.喷出(spurt)【例】 Bishop named it Squirt because the drink seemed to “squirt” into your mouth like a freshly squeezed grapefruit.89.erupt vi.爆发(explode, burst out)【例】 We feared that the volcano would erupt again.outburst n.(火山,感情等)爆发,喷出(surge, explosion)90.eruption n.爆发,火山灰91.volcanic adj.火山的,像火山的【例】 volcanic island n.火山;volcanic ash n.火山灰;volcanic dust 火山尘动物学1.gregarious adj.群居的【例】 My gregarious sister makes friends wherever she goes.2.swarm n.(蜜蜂、蚂蚁等)群(throng, crowd, horde)3.flock n.羊群,(禽、畜等的)群4.herd n.兽群,牧群5.mammal n.哺乳动物6.carnivore n.食肉动物7.carnivorous adj.食肉类的8.appetite n.食欲9.herbivorous adj.食草的10.omnivorous adj.杂食的,什么都吃的11.predator n.掠夺者,食肉动物12.predatory adj.掠夺的,食肉的13.prey n.被掠食者,牺牲者14.poikilotherm n.变温动物,冷血动物15.rodent n.啮齿动物16.scavenger n.清道夫,食腐动物17.microbe n.微生物,细菌18.reptile n.爬虫动物19.homotherm n.恒温动物20.primate n.灵长类的动物21.primates n.灵长类22.mollusk n.软体动物23.coelenterate n.腔肠动物24.vertebrate n.脊椎动物25.invertebrate n.无脊椎动物26.finch n.鸣禽【例】 This kind of birdseed is perfect for all kinds of finches.27.bird n.鸟28.fowl n.鸡;家禽(chicken; poultry)monster n.怪物,巨兽(demon)hordes n.昆虫群insect n.昆虫worm n.虫,蠕虫beast n.兽,畜牲aquatic adj.水的,水上的,水生的,水栖的amphibian adj.两栖类的,水陆两用的migrate vi.(鸟类的)迁徙【例】 Some birds migrate to find warmer weather.graze v.放牧【例】 This field will graze 30 head of cattle.gasp v.气喘,喘息(breathe, gulp)【例】 The terrible scene made me gasp.peck v.啄,啄起(bite, nibble)【例】 Woodpeckers pecked wood for a pest.trot vi./n.(马)小跑,慢跑(jog)【例】 The horses trotted along the road.dormant adj.休眠的(inactive)【例】 The dormant volcano has not erupted for two hundred years.offspr
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