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携手促进孔子学院可持续发展在第五届孔子学院大会上的主旨演讲Working Together Towards the Sustainable Development of Confucius Institutes-Keynote Speech at the 5th Confucius Institute Conference中华人民共和国国务委员 刘延东孔子学院总部理事会主席Liu YandongState Councilor of the Peoples Republic of ChinaChair, Council of the Confucius Institute Headquarters2010年12月10日December 10, 2010尊敬的各位来宾,女士们、先生们、朋友们:Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, and friends,大家晚上好!Good evening!在这华灯璀璨的美好夜晚,全球孔子学院大家庭欢聚一堂,共庆第五届孔子学院大会的开幕,我和大家一样感到由衷的高兴。在此,我代表中国政府和中国人民,向来自世界各地的朋友们表示热烈欢迎和诚挚问候!I take great pleasure to be here with you in this family reunion of the world Confucius Institutes to celebrate the opening of the 5th Confucius Institute conference in this dazzling evening. On behalf of the Chinese government and the Chinese people, I would like to extend my warmest welcome and sincere greetings to all of you, friends from all over the world.过去的一年,在各国政府和人民的热情关心和大力支持下,中外双方齐心协力,开拓创新,全球孔子学院取得可喜成绩:一是稳步发展,势头良好。今年新增孔子学院40所、中小学孔子课堂97个。目前已在96个国家和地区建立了322所孔子学院和369个孔子课堂。注册学员比去年增加了56%,达到36万人。网络孔子学院开通9个语种,注册用户达10万人。这些努力为所在国民众学习汉语拓宽了渠道。二是教师素质不断提升。专兼职教师净增1000人,达到4000人,其中中外双方各占一半。有3000人参加了总部实施的培训计划,总部还为各国孔子学院提供2000个奖学金名额,培养本土教师,促进了中外院长和教师业务素质的提升。三是教材创编实现新进展。编写出版了45个语种的9套汉语教材和工具书,向各国孔子学院赠送图书40多万册,目前104所孔子学院编写出版了77种本土汉语教材,缓解了教材匮乏问题。2500名外国中小学教师来华接受教材培训,推动了所在地区的汉语教学。四是品牌活动形成新声势。今年,300名校长、2000多名院长和教师应邀参观上海世博会,亲身感受了世界多元文化的交相辉映。部分亚洲国家孔子学院所在大学校长参观了广州亚运会。中国与俄罗斯、中国与西班牙合作举办“汉语年”,两国孔子学院发挥了主力军作用,开展活动600多场,30多万人参加。在50多个国家300多所孔子学院开展文艺巡演、教材巡展和文化巡讲活动,拓展了孔子学院的文化交流功能,提升了在当地社会的影响力。五是交流合作取得新成果。各孔子学院之间的交流精彩纷呈。在所在国政府和社区的大力支持下,新家坡南洋理工大学、新西兰奥克兰大学、智力圣托马斯大学、英国伦敦南岸大学、喀麦隆雅温得第二大学、俄罗斯新西伯利亚国立技术大学等,成功举办亚洲、大洋洲、西语地区、欧洲、非洲、东欧中亚地区等6个地区性孔子学院会议。美国大学理事会和亚洲协会成功举办了全美汉语大会。这些活动促进了各国孔子学院、汉语教学机构之间的信息沟通和经验交流,起到了相互借鉴、共同提高的效果。In this past year, with the unprecedented enthusiasm and unwavering support from the governments and people of all the relevant countries, and with the concerted, innovative, and pioneering efforts by both the Chinese and international colleagues, Confucius Institutes around the globe have made remarkable achievements. First and foremost, we have witnessed the momentum of stable growth. This year, about 40 Confucius Institutes and 97 Confucius Classrooms have been newly established. So far a total of 322 Confucius Institutes and 369 Confucius Classrooms have been put in place in 96 countries and regions. The total number of registered students has increased by 56% over the previous year, amounting up to 360,000 in total. The Confucius Institute Online has opened channels in 9 languages, with 100,000 registered users. Such efforts have greatly facilitated people from the host countries to learn Chinese. Secondly, we have ensured higher quality of teachers. The total number of teachers, part-time and full-time alike, has reached 4,000, with a net increase of 1,000 this year. Among them, half are from China, and half from the local countries. About 3,000 people have participated in the training programs organized by the Confucius Institute Headquarters. Moreover, the Headquarters has provided 2,000 scholarships for Confucius Institutes to train local teachers. All these endeavors have enhanced the performance of directors and teachers. Thirdly, we have made new progress in the development of teaching materials. About 9 collections of Chinese language teaching materials and reference books in 45 languages have been published and more than 400,000 books have been donated to Confucius Institutes. Currently, about 104 Confucius Institutes have developed and published 77 local Chinese language teaching materials, thus greatly alleviating the pressure of textbook shortage. We have provided training on the use of teaching materials in China to 2,500 primary and secondary school teachers from abroad, boosting Chinese language instruction in the host countries. Fourthly, there emerges a new surge of brand name events. This year, about 300 university presidents and 2000 Confucius Institute directors and teachers have been invited to visit the Shanghai World Expo to get a first-hand feel about the harmonious coexistence of the multiculturalism in the world. Some presidents from Asia also visited the Guangzhou Asian Games. During the Chinese Language Year in Russia and Spain, Confucius Institutes in these two countries played a major role by staging more than 600 events, attracting more than 300,000 participants. Performance, textbook exhibition and cultural lecture tours have been taken place in more than 300 Confucius Institutes in over 50 countries, further tapping into the cultural functioning of Confucius Institutes, and enhancing their influences in the local communities. Last but not least, our efforts have resulted in more exchanges and cooperation. Robust exchange programs have been carried out amongst Confucius Institutes. Supported by the government and communities of the host countries, for instance, Nanyang Technology University in Singapore, Auckland Univ
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