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Period 3 Listening, Speaking, and Vocabulary, Function,Everyday English课前预习:使用说明与学法指导:通过完成课前预习练习题复习与有关的词汇。Words and expressionsembassy n.使馆 reply n.回答,答复refund n.退款 tidy v.使.整洁,整理prize n.奖品,奖金 form n.表格immigration n.移民 reception n.欢迎会,招待会visa n.签证 application n. 申请certain pron. 某些 favor n.恩惠,照顾impolite adj.不礼貌的 genuine adj.纯粹的,真实的secretive adj.隐藏的,秘而不宣的 hospitable adj.好客的,殷勤的factual adj.实际的,事实的 violate v.骚扰,妨碍leave out 省去,删去 talk about with 与.讨论.be good at擅长于 be worried about 担心我的疑问:课内探究&检测:Listening:1. Pre-listening:Read and match the conversations with the places. There is one extra place on page 5.2. While-listening: Answer some questions about the story1) Do the people both speak English as a first language?2) Why did the woman have problems understanding what the man was saying?3) How did the man help her to understand him better?Listen to the tape, and then fill in the blanks.M: Wonderful, arent they?F: Er . Im sorry?M: The cliffs.F: Oh yes, they are.M: _ _ _?F: _?M: I said, “Have you been to _ before?”F: Sorry, I couldnt hear what you said. No, this is my _ _.M: You must be very excited.F: Yes, I am. Very excited.M: _ _?F: Im really sorry. I didnt _ what you said.M: Sorry, _ _. I said, “Are you going to stay in England for a longtime?”F: Oh, no. Just _ _.M: Language course?F: Yes.M: Going _ _?F: Im going to study in Oxford.M: Oxford?F: Yes.M: Lovely place. Go there _ _.F: Sorry? Could you _ what you said?M: I go there a lot.F: Oh.M: Well, have a good time.F: Thank you. Er . excuse me?M: Yes?F: You _ _ _ so slowly. I just needed a few seconds to _ _ _ your voice.M: Oh.F: So it wouldnt have been _ _.课后反思:课后训练:下一课时的课前预习练习题。课后学习指导:牢记本节课所学的词汇、句型的用法。
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