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授课教师 皮雅 微课课件 被动语态 PassiveVoice 被动语态的基本构成 be done 被动语态的否定构成 be not done 被动语态的一般疑问 助动词位句首 Isthetallbuildingbuiltbythem 知识点 Atallbuildingisnotbuiltbythem Atallbuildingisbuiltbythem Hewritessomethingonthebook 1Something 2iswritten 3byhim 1宾变主 2be done 3by 原主 变化三步曲 Exercises 1Mickeydrivesabluecar AbluecarisdrivenbyMickey drive drove driven 2HesentabeautifulflowertoLimi Exercises AbeautifulflowerwassenttoLimibyhim send sent sent Exercises 3Myfatherandmotherlovemedeeply Iamdeeplylovedbymyfatherandmother Exercises 4Snoopyisdrawingapicture ApictureisbeingdrawnbySnoopy 5Theworkersweredestroyingthebuildings Exercises Thebuildingswerebeingdestroyedbyworkers Exercises 6Theworkersaregoingtobuildalotofskyscrapers Thebuildingsaregoingtobebuiltbyworkers skyscraper Exercises 7Peopleshouldtakegoodcareofpets Petsshouldbetakengoodcareof bypeople take took taken Exercises 8Shehasalreadyfinishedherhomework Herhomeworkhasalreadybeenfinished byher Conclusion 将下列句子改为被动句 MoreandmorepeoplespeakChineseintheworld 2 Weaskedhimtosingasong 3 Theywillplantmoretreestomorrow 4 Sheiswateringtheflowers 5 Jimhasfinishedthework 6 Hecanfinishtheworktoday 7 Mybikeneedsrepairing 8 Yourhairwantscutting madeinChina Whereistheclockmade ItismadeinChina bemadeinsomeplace It smadein TheUSA Japan Germany China Taizhou France 练习题 cat mouse catch caught caught littleboy apple eat ate eaten 此课件下载可自行编辑修改 此课件供参考 部分内容来源于网络 如有侵权请与我联系删除 感谢你的观看
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