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Unit5MyFuture WhatWillIBe 第一PPT模板网 WWW 1PPT COM Peopletraveltoseetheirfamilies forworkorjustforfun 人们为看望家人 为了工作或仅仅是为了娱乐而去旅游 forfun意为 为了娱乐 fun表示 娱乐 乐趣 是不可数名词 for表示目的 后边常接名词 可以和表示目的的不定式互换 eg Let sgotherefordinner Let sgotheretohavedinner 让我们去那里吃饭吧 PPT模板 Iwouldseetheworldandexperiencemanyinterestingthings 我会看到整个世界 并且会经历很多事情 experience在本句中为动词 表示 经历 体验 拓展 它还可以作名词 表示 经验或经历 表示 经历 时 是可数名词 表示 经验 时是不可数名词 eg teachingexperience教学经验 Ihaveafearofheights butthatwon tstopmefrombeingapilot 我恐高 但那不能阻止我成为一名飞行员 1 afearofheights表示 恐高 2 stopsb fromdoing意思是 阻止某人以免 eg Thedoorcanstopanimalsfromgoingout 那扇门可以阻止动物们出去 Icantakesmallstepstoovercomemyfear 我可以采取一些小措施来克服我的恐惧感 takesteps意为 采取措施 Imightbuildanewtypeofplanesomeday 也许将来我会制作一种新型的飞机 someday表示 将来有一天 有朝一日 一 单项选择 1 Ihaveafearofdark HowcanI it A getB comeC makeD overcome 2 Theheavyrainhasstoppedus ontime 阿凡题1074773 A togettoschoolB fromgettingtoschoolC fromgettingschoolD beinglateforschool 3 She differentthings A likemakingB islikemakingC likesmakeD likesmaking D B D 4 Ican tmakefriendswithhim Idon tknowhim A tooB stillC yetD also 5 Areyou thedark Oh yes Ialwaysgotosleepwiththelighton A usedtoB afraidofC interestedinD goodwith C B 二 根据句意 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空 experience growup afearofheights takestepsto aroundtheworld1 Mydreamistotravel somedaywithmyparents 2 Ihave butIamtryingtoovercomeit 3 Lucyissoyoungandshehasn t manythingsyet 4 Itistimeto helppoorchildreninthecountryside 5 TomwasborninChina buthe inNewYork aroundtheworld afearofheights experienced takestepsto grewup 三 补全对话 A Whatareyougoingtobewhenyou1 up B Iamgoingtobeanactor A Areyougoingto2 toHollywood B No IamgoingtomovetoNewYork A Andhowareyougoingto3 anactor B Well Iamgoingto4 actinglessons A Whenareyougoingtostart B Iamgoingto5 inahighschoolandcollegefirst grow move be have start 四 根据短文内容及所给提示或用所给单词的适当形式填空 Whatdoyouwanttobewhenyougrow1 Iwanttobea2 Ilikeplanes Butthereisabigproblem Ihavea3 ofheights Iwon tletitstopmefrom4 fly inthesky Icantakesmall5 step toovercomeit up pilot fear flying steps
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