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北师大版英语四年级(上)单元测试AB卷Unit One A卷听力部分(20分)一、 听录音,写单词。(5分)1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 二、 听录音,标序号。(5分)vet hurt do nurs go home ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、 根据你所听到的句子判断正(T)误(F) (5分)1、How much is it? ( )2、Dont walk! ( )3、Heres your money. ( )4、No smoking. ( )5、I am Mocky. ( )四、 听录音,在你所听到的单词或字母后面的括号里打“”。(5分)1、 food ( )2、smock ( )3、walk ( ) 4、touch ( ) 5、litter ( ) 笔试部分(80分)一、英汉互译。(10分)1、触摸: 2、食物: 3、相机: 4、No smocking. 5、Dont litter. 二、将单词写在正确的类别栏里。(10分)lion, pen, egg, school, goose, noodles, dog ,notebook, ice-cream, book1、动物类_ _ _2、文具类_ _ _3、食品类_ _ _ 三、根据问句,选择合适的答句。(将合适的序号填在横线上) (15分) How nice. Ok. Lets go. Not so good. Ok. Good night. Good morning. 1. How are you, Helen? _2. Look at her coat. _3. Good morning, Gao Shan. _4. Go to bed now. _5. Lets go to the park. _四、选词填空。(10分)1. _ am a student. (I, My, Me)2. _ is thin. (she, She, Her)3. _ friend is tall. (I, We, My)4. _ name is Sam. (He, his, His)5. _schoolbag is heavy. (Your, your, You)五、 选择(将正确答案的序号填在题前的括号内)。(15分)( ) 1.-Whats your name? - . A. Good morning. B. Im David. C. Hello. ( ) 2. A book? - _A.No, thank you. B. Yes, good. C. But how?( ) 3. Look right , please . - . A. All right .B. Goodbye. C. This is Helen. ( ) 4.Look at _ notebook . - How nice . A. his B. her C. she ( ) 5. -Go home now, Tom. - . A. OK. See you, Mr. Green. B. OK. Good afternoon, Mr. Green.C. Nice to meet you. 三、选择情景选择最佳答案。(20分)( ) 1. 当告诉别人要坐飞机走时,应该说: A. By plane. B. With plane. C. To the plane.( ) 2. 当你想把李老师介绍给妈妈时,可以说: A. Im Miss Li. B. This is Miss Li. C. Hello, Miss Li.( )3. 妈妈想让刘涛不要随便扔垃圾,她会怎么说: A. Do litter, Liu Tao. B. Dont litter, Liu Tao.C. Not litter, Liu Tao.( ) 4. 当你听到你的好朋友生病时,你一般会说: A. Im sorry. B. How are you? C. Im fine.( ) 5. 当妈妈告诉你不要触摸天线时,可以说:A. Dont touch. B. All right C. Hi北师大版英语四年级(上)单元测试AB卷Unit One B卷听力部分(20分)一、听录音,写单词。(10分)1. 2 3. . 4 . 5. 二、根据你所听到的内容填空。(10分)1. Dont _.2. Dont _.3. Dont _ . 4. No _.5. No _.笔试部分(80分)一、补充单词。(10分)1. ag n 2. r ght 3. pa king 4. t uch 5. t ank二、单项选择。(20分)1. No_.A. smoking B. move C. litter2. Dont _.A. swimming B. food C. walk3. Simon says, “Sit down. Dont _.”A. stand up B. litter C. touch4. - Can I go to the bathroom? - No _.A. camera B. food C. bathroom5. Dont _! Look left. Look right.A. walk B. touch C. litter三、看图填空。(15分)1. No 2. Dont 3. No 4. Dont 5. No 四、词义连线。(15分)litter照相机food动;移动lef食物;食品camera乱扔;乱丢move左;左边五、句子排序。(10分)( )Thank you, Monkey.( )Dont worry, Ann.( )Oh, no! My money!( )Heres your money.( )Youre welcome.六、选出每一组中“a” 发音不同的单词。(10分)( )1. A. carrots B. apple C. potatoes ( )2. A. bag B. potatoes C. tomatoes( )3. A. hat B. cat C. lake( )4. A. cake B. snake C. fan( )5. A. pat B. crab C. baby北师大版英语四年级(上)单元测试AB卷Unit Two A卷听力部分(20分)五、 听录音,写字阿母或者单词。(5分)1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 二听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)( )1. A. math B. Chinese C. English( )2. A. window B. door C. board( )3. A. twenty B. thirty C. fifty( )4. A. thin B. strong C. quiet( )5. A. music B. science C. sport三听音选择。(10分)( )1. Lets clean the _.A. window B. board( ) 2. Look, you can see 20 .A. chairs B. picture( )3. What colour is it ? Its _.A. white B. red( )4. He has black hair.A. short B. strong( )5. Wheres my seat? Its .A. near the door B. in the classroom 笔试部分(80分)一、看图补全单词。(10分)女孩 老师 书 铅笔盒 尺子g _ _l t_ach_r b_ _k p_ncil-c_se r_l_r二、将单词写在正确的类别栏里。(15分)lion, pen, egg, school, goose, noodles, squirrel, notebook, ice-cream, pencil1、动物类_ _ _-2、文具类_ _ _-3、食品类_ _ _三、选词填空。(15分)1. _ am a student. (I, My, Me)2. _ is thin.
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