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20春阅读(II)作业4 1 单选题 1 No one thought of anything even a little bit like the zipper until Whitecomb L.Judson came along. There were buttons and button-holes, hooks and eyes, laces and buckles. They all took an irritatingly long time to do up, especially when men wore high-laced boots and fashionable ladies squeezed themselves into long corsets. Whitecomb L.Judsons slide-fastener was an out-of-the-blue invention, and no one knows what gave him the idea. No one even knows much about him, except that he was a mechanical engineer living in Chicago and that he patented other inventions, to do with a street railway system and motor-cars. Judson invented the first zipper(called, at the time, a Clasp Locker or Unlocker)in 1891. This ingenious little device looks so simple, and the principle behind it is simple: one row of hooks and eyes slotting neatly into another row by means of a tab. Yet it took 22 years, many improvements and another inventor to make the zipper really practical. 问题:The first zipper was invented in ( )A the end of the 18th centuryB the beginning of the 19th centuryC the end of the 19th centuryD the beginning of the 20th century2 I believe this clock-dependent alertingcan often deceive people into thinking they are (sufficiently)meeting their sleep needs.A adequatelyB poorlyC nearlyD hardly3 Most Americans think that ice cream is as American as baseball and applepie.But ice cream was known long before American was discovered.The Roman emperor Nero may have made a king of ice cream.He hired hundreds of men to bring snow and ice from the mountains.He used it to make cold drinks.Traveler Marco Polo brought back recipes for chilled and frozen milk from China.Hundreds of years later,ice cream reached England.It is said that King Charles I enjoyed that treat very much.There is a story that he bribed his cook to keep the recipe for ice cream a royal secret.Today ice cream is known throughout the world.Americans alone eat more than two billion quarts a year. 问题:More than 2 billion quarts of ice cream have been eaten ( )A by Americans in one yearB all over the world in one yearC since the time of NeroD since America was discovered4 At the 1908 Olympics in London the Marathon race was held on a very hot day.The race started at Windsor Castle,one of the homes of the Royal Family,so that the Royal children could see the runners leave.The race was planned to continue for 26 miles 385 yards (42,195 metres),now the accepted distance for this race,into Central London.Because of the great heat,however,many runners had to give up before they could finish the race.Towards the end,the large crowd waited with great excitement for the South African,Charles Hefferon,to come into the stadium first.They were surprised,however,when the 1st man to appear was the small Italian,Pietri Dorando.Dorando was by now extremely tired and weak and,as he was running round the stadium towards the finishing line,he fell to the groud,unable to continue.Doctors rushed to help him and he soon got to his feet and continued,with loud cheers from the crowd.As he came close to the line he had to be helped again, this time by a journalist,but finally he finished the race.He was not,of course,allowed to receive the gold because he had had help during the race.Afterwards, Dorando argued unsuccessfully that he had not asked for this help.But the medal was given to an American,Hayes,who had finished second.However, Dorando later received a special gold cup from Queen Alexandra for his courage. 问题:The problem with the Marathon race at the 1908 Olympics in London was ( )A the distance to be coveredB the hot weatherC the route of the raceD the destination of the race5 Everyone who eats in Carmans Country Kitchen in South Philadelphia knows that if you need a job,a place to stay or a friendly ear on a blue day,you come to Carman Luntzel.The six-foot,46 year-old powerhouse not only cooks,she also acts as her restaurants discussion leader and matchmaker.When breakfast regular Stephen Sacavitch wasnt meeting women,she put his picture on a bulletin board,with the words:Girls.Nice guy.Give him a break.Last September a coffeepot left on a red-hot burner nearly destroyed the restaurant.Luntzel didnt have insurance.But bad news has a way of turning good at Carmans.Bereft at the thought of no more buttermilk pancakes or homemade pear pie-and no more Carman dishing out advice and help-her customers pitched in.They boarded up her windows,removed debris and primed and painted her scorched walls.It wasnt just the regulars.A guy on a motorcycle dropped off some cash.A woman from a nearby restaurant scoured charred dishes and stuck two $50 bills in Luntzels pocket as she left.Just three weeks after the blaze,Luntzel was serving breakfast again.It was incredible,she says.Theres a sense about Carman that is just can-do,says regular Kevin Vaughan.Its infectious.
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