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12月英语四六级考试必记的热点词句(一)动词短语和词组1.向祝贺,向干杯raise a glass to sb.婚礼上,人们举杯向这对新人祝贺,祝福他们永远幸福。At the wedding party, people raised a glass to the new couple wishing them a happy life for ever.2. (疑心 / 兴趣 / 好奇心)与日俱增(ones suspicions / interest / curiosity) to be aroused over time随着孩子们年龄的增长,他们对周围世界的好奇心与日俱增。As children get older, their curiosity about the outside world around them is aroused over time.3. 全部买进buy up考试大论坛听说要涨价,市民们纷纷到商店大量抢购。Word of price rise sent the citizens to shops to buy up as much as they could.4. 投入大量资金 / 投资于provide a large injection of cash intopour money intosink money into政府投入了大量的资金去改善生活环境。The government provided a large injection of cash into bettering the living environment.5. 使起死回生 / 使焕发生机bring sth. / sb. back to life改革开放政策使深圳这个过去的小镇焕发了生机。The policy of reform and opening-up brought Shenzhen, a small town in the past, back to life.6. 实践梦想,生活在幻想中live out a fantasy她年轻的时候幻想着自己是个电影明星,过着和她们一样的奢侈生活。When young, she led an extravagant life, living out a fantasy that she was a movie star.7.提升为rise to a position as经过努力,这位年轻人很快升为公司的总经理。Through his own effort, the young man soon rose to a position as the general manager of the company.8.遭到不幸,倒霉fall upon dark days当那个地区的人民遭受不幸时,政府和社会各界都表示了他们的关怀和爱心。When the people in that area fell upon dark days, both the government and the people from all walks of life showed their concern and love.9.(尤指在困难时刻)继续支持,忠于stick by sth. / sb.尽管球队目前处于低谷,但忠实的球迷们继续支持她。Although the team is at the lowest point, the devoted football fans stick by her as they used to.10. 收回,撤回get sth. back / take sth. back这位企业家在此小镇投入巨资,并无意收回,而只是为了回报家乡的养育之恩。This enterpriser sunk a large amount of money into the town with no intention of getting it back but with the mere purpose of repaying his hometown for her love and care for his growth.11.开展活动,反对 / 支持conduct activities against / for被占领国的人民举行各种活动反对这个超级大国的入侵。The people of the occupied country conducted various activities against the invasion of the superpower.12. 深深地 吸引了某人;因使某人着迷capture ones heart with电影“泰坦尼克”以它那美妙的音乐和感人的情节深深地打动了许多年轻人的心。Titanic, a wonderful movie, captured many young peoples hearts with its fascinating music and touching plots.13.消失在远方/夜幕中/人群中disappear into the distance / in the dark / in the crowd当夜幕降临时,整个村庄消失在黑暗中。As evening came, the whole village disappeared in the dark / into darkness.14.向远方行进march over the horizon部队唱着歌,迈着整齐的步伐向远方前进。Singing songs, the troops are marching in step over the horizon.15. 获取,得到 / 占领的绝大部分acquire / conquer the bulk of sth.通过收购其股票,这家国有公司很快控制了那家私营公司绝大部分的股权。Through purchasing the stocks, the state-owned company soon acquired the bulk of the stocks of that privately-run company.
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