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嘉兴英语教学网 www.jxenglish.com 收集整理 欢迎使用高考仿真模拟试题(七).完形填空(2008年福建) The position of children in American family and society is no longer what it used to be. The_1_family in colonial(殖民地时期的)North America was mainly concerned with survival and beyond that, its own economic prosperity. Thus,children were _2_in terms of their productivity (生产能力), and they played the role of producer quite early.Until they fulfilled this role, their position in the family was one of subordination(附属)With the_3_of the society, the position of children in the family and in the society became more important. In the complex and technological society that the United States has become, each_4_must fulfill a number of personal and occupational_5_and be in contact with many other members. Therefore, viewing children as necessary members of society means that they are_6_more as people in their own right than as those of subordination. This acceptance of children as_7_participants in the family is reflected in various laws_8_the rights of children and in the social and public welfare programs.This new_9_of children and the frequent contact between the members of society has also_10_an increasing interest in childraising techniques. People today spend much time_11_the proper way to raise children.Nowadays,the socialization of the child in the United States is a _12_transaction (事务)between parent and child_13_a oneway,parenttochild training_14_. As a consequence, socializing children and_15_with them over a long period of time is for parents a mixture of pleasure, satisfaction and problems.解读:本文是一篇议论文。在美国,随着社会经济和文化的发展,孩子们在家庭中的地位也在变化。殖民时期,人们在家庭中的地位与经济挂钩,儿童在家庭中处在附属地位。随着社会的不断发展和进步,人们思想观念随之转变,孩子们在家庭和社会中的角色变得越来越重要,这使得他们逐渐摆脱了受支配的地位,受到了各方面的尊重和爱护。1. A. poorB. ordinaryC. happy D. wealthy解析考查形容词。殖民时期的“普通”(ordinary)家庭主要关注的是生存以及家庭自身的经济繁荣。happy families和wealthy families不需要关注生存问题,而根据语篇的分析,文章不只是关注poor families的儿童。答案B2. A. supported B. receivedC. encouraged D. valued解析考查过去分词。通过孩于们自身的生产能力来“评价”(value)他们。support支撑,receive收到,encourage鼓励,都不符合句意。答案D3. A. movement B. achievementC. development D. requirement解析考查名词。随着社会的发展,孩子们在家庭和社会中的地位变得更为重要了。with the development of随着的发展。答案C4. A. parent B. memberC. family D. relative解析考查名词。由下文的关键信息“many other members”可知,该用member。答案B5. A. purposes B. promisesC. roles D. tasks解析考查名词。每个成员都必须担当属于自己的“角色”(role)并与其他社会成员相互接触。purpose目的,promise承诺,task任务,均不符合句意。答案C6. A. admired B. regardedC. made D. respected解析be regarded as被看作,被当作。答案B7. A. willing B. equalC. similar D. common解析考查形容词。接受孩子们作为家庭“平等的”(equal)参与者这一事实已反映在各种各样“保护”(protect)孩子权益的法律之中,也同样反映在各类社会公益福利项目之中。答案B8. A. enjoying B. preventingC. considering D. protecting解析考查现在分词。与上题一起理解,该用protecting the rights of children,修饰laws。enjoy欣赏,prevent防止,consider考虑,均不符合句意。答案D9. A. view B. faithC. world D. study解析考查名词。this new view of children意思为“对儿童的这种新看法”。答案A10. A. led in B. brought inC. resalted in D. taken in解析社会成员之间的频繁接触也“导致”(result in)了在孩子抚养技术方面的兴趣的提高。lead in导入,bring in引进,take in吸收,均不符合句意。答案C11. A. seeking B. makingC. fighting D. working解析人们花费很多时间“寻求”(seek)抚养孩子的合适方法。make制造,fight打仗,work(使)工作,均不符合句意。答案A12. A. onesided B. manysidedC. roundway D. twoway解析在美国,儿童的社会化已经成为父母和儿童“双方的”(twoway)事,“而不是”(rather than)父母对孩子的单方培养计划。onesided单边的,manysided多边的,roundway全方位的,均不符合句意。答案D13. A. more than B. rather thanC. better than D. less than解析考查副词短语。与上题一起理解,该用rather than“而不是”。more than超过,不仅仅,better than好于,less than少于,小于,均不符合句意。答案B14. A. manner B. methodC. program D. guide解析考查名词。父母对孩子成长所进行的培养或培训“工程”(program)。manner礼貌,method方法,guide向导,都不符合句意。答案C15. A. talking B. livingC. playing D. discussing解析考查动词。对于父母而言,让孩子们融入社会并且与他们长时间地“生活”(live)在一起,这既会给父母带来愉快、满足,也会给他们带来诸多麻烦。talk谈论,play玩耍,discuss讨论,都不符合句意。答案B.语法填空(2008年潮州二模)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。The Internet is an amazing information resource. Students, teachers, and researchers use it as_16_investigative tool. Journalists use it to find information for stories. Doctors use it to learn more about unfamiliar diseases and the_17_(late)medical development. Ordinary people use it for shopping, banking,billpaying, and communicating with family and friends.People all over the world use it to connect with individuals from_18_countries and cultures. However,_19_there are many positive developments_20_(associate)with the Internet, there are also certain fears and concerns._21_concern relates to a lack of control over_22_appears on the Internet. With television and radio there are editors to check the accuracy or appropriateness of the content of programs, and with television there are_23_(restrict) on what kinds of programs can_24_(broadcast) and at what times of the day. With the Internet, parents canno
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