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1有志者 事竟成 Proverbs 2好的开始是成功的一半 3不入虎穴 焉得虎子 4少壮不努力 老大徒伤悲 5谁笑到最后 谁笑得最好 Wherethereisawill thereisaway Wellbegunishalfdone Nothingventure nothinghave Ayoungidler anoldbeggar Helaughsbestwholaughslast 一 非真实条件句中的虚拟语气二 宾语从句中的虚拟语气三 主语从句中的虚拟语气四 表语从句 同位语从句中的虚拟语气五 状语从句中的虚拟语气六 几种特殊的虚拟语气 虚拟语气的主要内容 时态 从句 无人称和数的变化 主句 现在时 1 过去时 were 2 行为动词的过去时 should 动词原形would 动词原形could 动词原形might 动词原形 1 和现在的事实相反 一 非真实条件句中的虚拟语气 时态 从句 主句 过去时 had 过去分词 should have 过去分词would have 过去分词could have 过去分词might have 过去分词 2 和过去的事实相反 时态 从句 主句 将来时 should 动词原形would 动词原形could 动词原形might 动词原形 3 和将来的事实相反 1 wereto 动词原形2 should 动词原形 二 宾语从句中的虚拟语气 1 wish后面宾语从句中的虚拟语气 表示与事实相反的愿望 其表达形式一般是将谓语动词提前一个时态 例如 1 与现在事实相反 wish that did were IwishIwereashealthyasyou IwishthatIhadaplane 2 与过去事实相反 wish that haddoneIwishIhadbeentotheconcertlastnight Iwishyouhadwrittentohim 3 与将来事实相反 wish would could might doIwishhewouldforgiveme 考题点击 1 IwishI youyesterday It sapitythatIdidn tattendthelecturetogetherwithyou A seenB didseeC hadseenD weretosee2 Iwenttobedearlylastnight butIwishI so A didn tdoB hadn tdoneC haven tdoneD couldn tdo3 HowIwisheveryfamily alargehousewithabeautifulgarden A hasB hadC willhadD hadhad C B B 2 在动词suggest order demand request desire insist require decide determine advise direct ask decide propose prefer recommend deserve 值得提及 后的宾语从句中需用should 动词原形的虚拟语气 should 可以省略 Heorderedthatthestudents should washtheclotheseveryweekbythemselves 考题点击 Theteacherdemandedthatthework before4o clock A finishedB befinishedC shouldfinishD finish2 Whatdidthedoctorsayaboutyourmother sillness Hesuggestedthatshe anoperationatonce A musthaveB hadC haveD hadhad3 Theteacherorderedthatstudents A mustn tsmokeB notsmokeC smokedD hadsmoked B C B 三 主语从句中的虚拟语气 基本句型 1 Itbe 形容词 that should 动词原形 形容词 important necessary natural right wrong better proper funny strange surprising desirable advisable imperative Itisnecessarythatwe should haveawalknow It simportantthatwe should takegoodcareofthepatient 2 Itbe 过去分词 that should 动词原形 过去分词 suggested requested ordered proposed Itisrequiredthatnobody should smokehere It ssuggestedthateverybody should buyadictionary 3 Itbe 名词 apity ashame nowonder that should 动词原形 考题点击 Isitnecessarythathe theexamination A takesB hastotakeC musttakeD take2 Itisstrangethathe youthis A wouldtellB shouldtellC hadtoldD hastold D B 四 表语从句 同位语从句中的虚拟语气 在suggestion proposal idea plan order advice decision等名词后面的表语从句 同位语从句中要用虚拟语气 即 should 动词原形 Mysuggestionisthatwe should leaveatonce 1 表语从句 2 同位语从句 Imakeaproposalthatwe should holdameetingnextweek 考题点击 Hissuggestionthatyou oncemoresoundsreasonable A tryB triesC musttryD cantry2 Hegaveanadvicethatthey eachother A helpedB musthelpC helpD hadhelped A C 五 状语从句中的虚拟语气 1 用在由asif asthough引导的比较或方式状语从句中 表示和现在事实相反或对现在的怀疑 用过去时 表示过去想象中的动作或情况 用过去完成时 Itseemsasifthemanwerehisbrother Thisdeviceoperatedasthoughithadbeenrepaired 考题点击 Wefeltasifwe eachotherforyears A knewB wereknowingC hadknownD haveknowing C 2 用在lest forfearthat和incase引导的状语从句中 这时谓语动词用should 动词原形或动词原形 Sheclosedthewindowslestshecatchcold 考题点击 Hetookawaytheoxygentankforfearthatit explode A mayexploreB explodedC explodeD hadexplode C 六 几种特殊的虚拟语气 虚拟倒装句1 Wereit Ifitwere notfortheirhelp wecouldn thavegotoverthedifficulties 2 HadI IfIhad knownaboutit Iwouldhavetoldyou 3 Shouldanyone Ifanyoneshould call pleasetakeamessage Whatwouldhavehappened asfarastheriverbank 01上海 BobhadwalkedfartherB ifBobshouldwalkfartherC hadBobwalkedfartherD ifBobwalkedfarther C 考题点击 2 错综条件句Ifyou himyesterday you whattodonow asked wouldknowB hadasked wouldhaveknownC askedhim knowD hadasked wouldknow D Ifyouhadn tboughttheticketlastweek howwouldyougonow 考题点击 3 介词短语表条件Butforyourhelp wecouldn thavesucceeded Nothingcouldlivewithoutthesun 考题点击 Withoutyourhelp we suchrapidprogress A couldn tmakeB wouldn tmakeC willnothavemadeD wouldn thavemade D 4 情境中提供虚拟语气Supposetherewerenogravitationalforce objectswouldnotfalltothegroundwhendropped Shewasn tfeelingverywell Otherwiseshewouldn thaveleftthemeetingsoearly 高考题点击 Iwentbyplane otherwiseI muchlongertime A couldtakeB wouldtakeC willhavetakenD wouldhavetaken 5 比较ifonly与onlyifonlyif表示 只有 Iwakeuponlyifthealarmclockrings ifonly则表示 如果 就好了 其从句中的谓语动词用过去时或过去完成时 IfonlyIknewmore Ifonlythealarmclockhadrung Ifonly也可用于陈述语气 Ifonlyhecomesearly Ifonlygrandmother thistogetherwithusnow A hadseenB couldseeC mustseeD shouldsee B 考题点击 6 It s high low time从句 Itis high timethat后面的从句谓语动词要用过去式或用should加动词原形 但should不可省略 Itistimethatthechildrenwenttobed Itishightimethatthechildrenshouldgotobed 类似的结构为wouldrather从句 Iwouldratheryouattendedthemeetingthisafternoon 考题点击 Itistimethatyou thewholebook A mustgooverB cangooverC wentoverD havegoneover C 1 IfIwereabird Icouldflyinthesky 2 Ifyoursistertriedharder shewouldsucceed 1 Youwouldn thavecaughtacoldifyouhadputonmoreclothes 2 Ifwehadstartedsooner wemighthavereachedthere IfIweretoseeTom whatwouldyoutellhim 2 IfIshoulddoit Iwoulddoitbetter
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