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美国中央情报局关于中国的部分解密文件。附件一是美国中央情报局的十条戒令;附件二是美国前中央情报局局长艾伦杜勒斯制订的战后国际关系原则摘录;中英文对照版本:十条诫令 Ten commandment2001年7月16日-8月15日香港 广角镜 月刊披露美国人1951年搞的内部代号为十条诫令的内容。其内容如下:2001.7.16-8.15 Hong Kong “Wide Angle” Monthly Magazine reveals the Americans internal coded “Ten commandment” in 1951, their contents are follows:美国中央情报局在其极机密“行事手册”(Rules for Operation)中关于对付中 国的部分,最初撰写于1951年,以后曾经修改多次,至今共成十项。内部代号称为:十条诫命(TenCommandment),包括有如下一些险恶的内容:十条诫令 Ten commandment2001年7月16日-8月15日香港 广角镜 月刊披露美国人1951年搞的内部代号为十条诫令的内容。其内容如下:2001.7.16-8.15 Hong Kong “Wide Angle” Monthly Magazine reveals the Americans internal coded “Ten commandment” in 1951, their contents are follows: 1、尽量用物质来引诱和败坏他们的青年,鼓励他们藐视、鄙视、进一步公开反对他们原来所受的思想教育,特别是共产主义教条。给他们制造对于色情奔放的兴趣和机会,进而鼓励他们进行性的滥交。让他们不以肤浅、虚荣为羞耻。一定要毁掉他们强调过的刻苦耐劳精神。1.Exhaust all material seduction so as to rotten their youngsters andto encourage them to defy and to disdain. Go further to object publicly their education receiving, especially on Communist principals. Give them chances and promote their interests on pornongraphic freedom,then encourage them on indiscriminate sex. Make them feel unshameful on vanity and skin-deep. We must devastate their emphasis on their spirts on industriousness and hardwork. 2、一定要尽一切可能做好宣传工作,包括电影、书籍、电视、无线电波和新式的宗教传布。只有他们向往我们的衣、食、住、行、娱乐和教育的方式,就是成功的一半。2. Exhaust all possiblities to propaganda work,includesm movies, publications, televisions, airwaves and new religious preaching styles. Only if they linger on our ways of basic necessities(Wearing ,food,living and transportations),entertainment and education,we are already half way to success. 3、一定要把他们的青年的注意力,从以政府为中心的传统引开来。让他们的头脑集中于体育表演、色情书籍、享乐、游戏、犯罪性的电影以及宗教迷信。3. Distract the attentions of their youngsters from their allegiance to government, Redirect their ways of thinkings sporting performances, pornographic publications, pleasure, games, movies of criminal nature and religious sophistications. 4、时常制造一些无风三尺浪的无事之事,让他们人民公开讨论。这样就在他们的潜意识中种下了分裂的因子。特别要在他们的少数民族里找好机会,分裂他们的地区、分裂他们的民族、分裂他们的感情,在他们之间制造新仇旧恨,这是完全不能忽视的策论。4.Frequently produce minor issues for their people discuss publicy. By this we can plant cleaving elements into their subconsciousness. Especially to find good chances within their ethnic minorities.Classify their individual districts,ethnic groups and cleave their sentiments. Createand to tighten hateness amongst them,this is a strategy that can never be foregone. 5、要不断地制造“新闻”,丑化他们的领导。我们的记者应该找机会采访他们,然后组织他们自己的言词来攻击他们自己。5. Create consistent “News” to smear the images of their leaders.0ur reporters should find chances to interview and to report them,then organise their own words to attack themselves. 6、在任何情况下都要传扬民主。一有机会,不管是大型小型,有形无形,就要抓紧发动“民主运动”。无论在什么场合,什么情况下,我们都要不断地对他们的政府要求民主和人权。只要我们每一个人都不断地说同样的话,他们的人民就一定会相信我们说的是真理。我们抓住一个人是一个人,我们占住一个地盘是一个地盘,一定要不择手段。6.In what ever circumstances we shall promote “Democracy”.when chances come, no matter big ones or small, visible or invisible, we have to grasp and to start with “Democratic campaign” In whatever occasions, we have to consistently make demands on their democracy and human rights. 0nly if everyone of us can speak for this consistently would their people believe that we are telling the truth. By hook or by crook, unscrupulously we will expand our every territory and will get hold of everyone. 7、要尽量鼓励他们 (政府)花费,鼓励他们向我们借贷。这样我们就有十足的把握来摧毁他们的信用,使他们货币贬值,通货膨胀。只要他们对物价失去了控制,他们在人民的心目中就会完全垮台了。7.Exhaust to spend their government expenditures, encourage them to borrow from us.This way we shall have the assurance to destroy their credibility,to depreciate their currencies and to create inflations.Only when they lost their controls on price would their people lose confidence totally. 8、要以我们的经济和技术的优势,有形无形地打击他们的工业。只要他们的工业在不知不觉中瘫痪下来,我们就可以鼓励社会动乱。不过我们必须表面上非常慈善地去帮助和援助他们,这样他们 (政府)就显得疲软。一个疲软的政府,就会带来更大更强的动乱。8.Use our economic and technological supremacy, visably and invisably to attack their industry. 0nly when their industry becomes paralysed when we can encourage cocial unrest. However ,we must pretend to be very charitable to help them and to aid them. This, their government will appear weak and fatigue.A weak and fatigue government will bring along more social unrests.9、要利用所有的资源,甚至于举手投足,一言一笑,都足以破坏他们的传统价值观。我们要利用一切来毁灭他们的道德人心。摧毁他们的自尊自信的钥匙,就是尽量打击他们刻苦耐劳的精神。9.Make use of available resources, even for one single bodily movements,one word,one smile, sufficient to destroy their traditional values. We must use all these to devastate their moral beliefs. To destroy the keys to their self esteem and self confidence means exhaustions to attack on their industriour and hardworking spirits .10、暗地里运送各种武器,装备他们一切的敌人,和可能成为他们敌人的人们。10.Deliver in the dark on all kinds of weapons. Armed their enemies and possible enemies.(参见十条诫令为2001年7月16日8月巧日香港广角镜月刊)(Please refer to “Ten Commandments” on 2001.7.16-8.15 Hong Kong”“Wide Angle
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