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七年级英语(下)Unit1-6测试答案另外发布,或到学校校对Class(班级)_ Name(姓名)_ Marks(成绩)_ Listening Test Part 听 力 部 分(25分) .Listening and judge.听句子,并判断正误:说法正确的写“T”, 说法错误的写“F”。(5分) 1.The restaurant is across from the pay phone. _2. Pandas are kind of shy. _3. My mother works as a bank clerk. _4.Tony is writing to his pen pal. _5. Mary isnt watching TV at home because of the nice weather. _. Listening and tick.请听对话及问题,并在最佳答语上打“”。(5分)6. A. Japan B. Australia C. South Africa7. A. A supermarket B. A library C. A post office8. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. C. No, he doesnt.9. A. Doing homework. B. Cleaning her room. C. Watching TV.10. A. Windy and cold. B. Rainy and humid. C. Sunny and hot. Listening and match.请听一段采访节目,将左右两个方框相匹配。(5分)Jim _Ginas father _Ginas mother _Ginas brother _Ginas sister _A. Works long hour every day in a hospital.B. A reporter.C. Works in a police station.D.A busy shop assistant.E. A bank clerk but wants to be a teacher.JimGinas fatherGinas motherGinas brotherGinas sister. Listening and draw.请听短文,并在图中画出所指的去学校的路线。(10分) Garden StreetLibraryIP phoneSchool Post officeSupermakrketParkHotelRestaurantSupermarketBookstoreShopClothe StoreCenter StreetSun StreetHelen Street Written Test Part 笔试部分(95分) . Choose the best answer. 选择最佳答案,并将答案代号填入题前括号内。(15分) () 11. -Look, Jim is_ TV. And his father is _ newspaper. A. seeing, reading B. looking, seeing C. watching, reading D. looking at, watching () 12. Nurses often _ white uniforms at work. A. wears B. wear C. put on D. dress () 13. Mr. Read works _ a big bank, and he always works _ money. A. in, for B. with, with C. with, for D. in, with() 14. There _ lots of people here _ vocation. A. have, on B. are, on C. are, at D. have, for () 15. Jerry finds a job _ a shop assistant. A. as B. be C. for D. with () 16. I want _ a reporter because it is an interesting _. A. to do, job B. as, work C. to be, work D. to be, job () 17. -Betty, come here. Here _. A. some new books for you are B. are some new books for you C. some new books are for you D. are some new books you for () 18. -Mom, _ is my good friend, Tom. A. he B. she C. this D. it () 19. Thanks a lot _ us about it. A. for telling B. telling C. to tell D. tell () 20. The summer in Hai Nan is sunny and _ . A. cold B. hot C. warm D. cool () 21. The students are cleaning their classroom. _ are cleaning the windows(窗户),_ are cleaning the chairs and desks. A. Some, others B. Some, another C. some, the others D. some, other () 22. What _ your mother often do when it _? A. does, rains B. does, is raining C. do, rains D. do, is raining () 23. John can play _ basketball, but he cant play _ guitar. A. /, / B. the, the C. the, / D. /, the () 24. -What is your job? -A policeman. Its a little _ but very _. A. interesting, boring B. dangerous, exiting C. difficult, boring D. dangerous, difficult () 25. -_ do we go shopping, Dad? -Lets go half past eight. - _ do you want to buy? -Some food and drinks.A. When, What B. Why, What C. When, Which D. How, When. Complete the passage. 完形填空。阅读短文,并根据短文内容,选择正确选项。(10分) Jim Green is a student in No. 1 Middle School, New York. He does a part-time (26) because he needs some (27). He works in a supermarket after (28) from Monday to Friday and all (29) on Saturday. He helps people look after their kids and he works with (30) kids. He thinks its great (31). After school, he (32) a bus to the supermarket. He (33) there at about 4:30 p.m. he works (34) 4:30 to 8:30. He gets home at 9:00. Jim likes his job very much. And he enjoy (35) a lot from the job.( ) (26) A. work B. job C. assistant D. nurse( ) (27) A. money B. help C. thanks D. jobs( ) (28) A. work B. school C. class D. lesson( ) (29) A. day B. night C. date D. time( ) (30) A. difficult B. dangerous C. many D. different( ) (31) A. fun B. boring C. difficult D.
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