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西南大学网络与继续教育学院课程考试试题卷类别:网教 专业: 英语教育、应用英语 2015年12月课程名称【编号】: 英语阅读二 【0085】 A卷大作业 满分:100 分 I. Answering questions (5*10=50)Direction: Answer the following questions in English briefly based on the stories you have learned. 1. In “Lady in the Dark”, 1) What was the old woman doing when she was talking to the young man? 2) How did she take down her description of the young man since she was blind? 3) How did the inspector finally find out who the thief was? 2.In “How George, Once upon a Time, Got up Early in the Morning”, 1) Was George able to get to sleep again when he went home again? 2) How did he kill his time? 3) What lesson did he learn from this experience?3.In “The Story of the Bible”,1) How did God create Adam on the sixth day? 2) How did God create Eve on the eighth day? 3) Why did God create Eve for Adam?4. In “The Story of the Bible”,1) Why did God decide to destroy all life on earth except Noah? 2) How Noah was saved in the floods? 3) What does the rainbow symbolize after Noah and his family landed?5. In“The Merchant of Venice (I)”, 1) Why did Bassanio ask his rich friend Antonio to lend him money? 2) Why did the rich Antonio borrow money for him from the moneylender Shylock? 3) What was the bond between Antonio and Shylock about?II. Translation (5*6=30)Direction: Read the following paragraphs taken from the texts you have learned and translate them into Chinese.1.You want to take my jewels because they mean money. I have never looked at them in that way. To me they are memories. They all mean something in my life. If you think that Ill give you the key to my safe so that you can walk out of here with my memories, you are very much mistaken. (From “Lady in the Dark”)2.Every year thousands of tourists visit the National Archives in Washington D. C., to view the original document. This is the document that has shaped our national life for more than 180 years. I shall deal with the background of the Constitution, the great Convention of 1787 that produced it, some of its leading principles. (From “The Constitution of the United States” )3.In the beginning, this earth floated through space in silence and darkness. There was no land, but the endless waters of the deep ocean covered our vast empires. Then the Spirit of Jehovah came brooding over the sea. And Jehovah said: “Let there be light,” and the first rays of dawn appeared amidst the darkness. “This,” Jehovah said, “I shall call the Day.” (From “The Story of the Bible”)4.Is it possible that the people of the world today could agree upon a single international language that everyone would be able to speak and understand? This has been the dream of many linguists over the centuries, and almost a thousand languages have been invented for this purpose, not to replace the native languages but to provide a second language for worldwide communication. (From “Bricks from the Tower of the Babel”)5. At the time when the city of Venice was at the height of her fame and prosperity, one of her most prominent citizens was a merchant named Antonio. He was well known for his kindness and generosity, and had many friends (From “The Merchant of Venice I”)III. Summary and comments (1*20=20)Direction: Write a summary (including the theme, the plot, major characters) of a story you have learned and make comments on either the characters or the theme or the plot of it. 答卷提交要求:考试题提前公布,学生下载试题和答题卷后,在答题卷上答题。完成后需网上提交答卷。答卷于11月20日12月6日通过点击页面左侧导航栏内“我的考试”“课程论文/大作业”提交。- 1 -
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