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Unit 1 AsiaPeriod 1(welcome)【学习目标】1. Learn new words and phrases;2. Make the students learn more interesting places in China;3. Know some Chinese tradition.【学习重点、难点】1. Make the students learn more interesting places in China;2. Know some Chinese tradition. 【教学过程】Step 1 Lead inA. Check the preview1. 最好做某事 2. 继续走 3. 休息一下 4. 把某人叫醒 5. 在某人回来的路上 6. 一个亚洲国家 7. 传统的中国艺术 8. 中国结 9. 中国剪纸 10. 舞龙 Teach them new words, and correct their pronunciation;B: Lead-in (Show a map of the world.) Know some information about the world and Asia Talk-Where would you like to go? Why?Step 2 Presentation1.Talk about China What is China famous for? Show some famous things/festivals/attractions in China.2. Write correct names under each picture on P7.Step3 Comic strips1.Tell the students that Eddie and Hobo are visiting the Great Wall.2. Get the students to listen to the tape and find out what happened. What does Hobo think of the Great Wall? Will Eddie go on to the end of the Great Wall? Why? What does Hobo advise Eddie to do?3.Get the students to read and practice the dialogue and then act the dialogue out.4.Get the students to fill in the blanks. One day, Hobo and Eddie c_ the Great wall .Hobo thought it was e_ to climb the Great Wall, but Eddie felt very t_ and wanted to have a r . Hobo encouraged Eddie to keep m_ until the end , but Eddie didnt want to go o_ and asked Hobo not to w _ him up.Step4 Welcome to the unit1.Listen and answer(Part B) Where shall Kevin visit first? Which places are wonder for Kevin to go? What special things can Kevin see?2.Practise in pairs and make up new dialogues.Step 5 Homework1.Revise the contents weve learned in this period .2.Finish exercises in .【反馈练习】一、根据句意及所给首字母或中文提示,完成下列句子1. We are going to watch the d dance this afternoon.2. Foreigners cant use (筷子) well when they have meals in China.3. Chinese (剪纸) is one of the traditional Chinese folk arts.4. Its rather (累人的) to work late every day.5. Its hard for old people to climb so many (台阶).6.Are you _ after a long walk with you parents? (tire) 7.If we _to destroy forests to build roads, animals wont have suitable homes. (继续) 二、单项选择( )1. People never stop to take a look and just keep . A. moveB. movingC. movesD. moved( )2. How do you like the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil? Its very . Im loving it.A. boringB. disappointingC. exciting( )3. You cant visit In Beijing. A. the Great Wall B. Tians anmen SquareC. the White House D. The Summer Palace ( )4. He didnt get up . his mother this morning.A. until; work him upC. After;woke him upB. until;woke up himD. after; woke up him( )5. I dont know where to go sightseeing, dear. go somewhere relaxing?A. Do you mindB. How about C. Had you better toD. Why dont you三、完成下列句子1. 中国结闻名于世。 2. 看这个剪纸,它是多么美啊! 3. 今天我们有太多的家庭作业要做。 4. 这个故事将在下月的刊物上续载。 2
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