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初三英语Unit9知识精讲一. 本周教学内容:Unit 9二. 重点、难点: Words, Phrases and Sentences 三. 具体内容:Lesson One(一)大声读单词:1. volunteer n. 志愿者2. India n. 印度3. money n. 货币,钱,金钱(二)重点词汇:1. volunteer n. 志愿者要点:n. 志愿者The volunteers for this school are doing a good job.这个学校的志愿者做得很出色。要点:vt. 自愿(做)They volunteered to repair the house for the old lady.他们主动提出替老太太修缮房子。2. India n. 印度要点:India is to the south of China. 印度在中国的南边。要点:Some Indians are friendly to us. 有些印第安人对我们很友好。3. money n. 货币,钱,金钱要点:不可数名词That short man has a lot of money. 那个矮个子的男人有很多钱。 How much money are the volunteers getting? 志愿者可以得到多少钱? Time is money. 一寸光阴一寸金。(三)课文解析: 1. They are building houses for free. 译文:他们正在无偿的建造楼房。要点:build houses 建造楼房 The volunteers in India do more than just build houses.印度的志愿者不仅仅盖房子。build v. 建筑 building n. 建筑物要点:free a. 自由的He is running like a free bird. 他奔跑的像只自由的小鸟。a.免费的 These magazines are free. 这些杂志是免费的。a.空闲的Im quite free this evening. 我今晚没有事。a. 闲置的; 未被占用的Is that seat free? 那个座位有人吗?2. Therefore, poor people will have a place to live in. 译文:因此,穷人就会有地方可以居住。 要点:He is ill, therefore cant come to the party. 他病了,因此不能前来参加宴会。3. How do you help your friends or family?译文:你是怎么帮助你的朋友或你的家人的?要点:help sb. 帮助某人4. I want to be a volunteer like that some day. 译文:有一天,我想成为一名志愿者。要点:want to do sth. 想要做某事 I want to see a film on Sunday. 我想周日的时候去看电影。 Lesson Two(一) 大声读单词:1. therefore adv. 因此,所以2. Africa n. 非洲3. Asia n. 亚洲4. enough adj. 足够的,充足的5. nurse n. 护士,保姆6. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事7. hometown n. 故乡8. cant wait to do sth. 迫不及待做某事9. elementary school 小学10. local adj. 乡土的,当地的11. kindness n. 亲切,善意12. nearby adj. 附近的,邻近的13. neighborhood n. 邻居14. amount n. 数量 v.总计15. since conj. 因为,既然16. over prep. 在之上,超过17. in order to 为了(二)重点词汇:1. Africa n. 非洲Asia n. 亚洲Europe n. 欧洲America n. 美洲 Oceania n. 大洋洲 2. enough adj. 足够的,充足的(1)用作形容词,意为“充足的;足够的” 作定语时,它的位置较灵活,既可放在所修饰词前,也可放在所修饰词后。We have enough time to finish the work.我们有足够的时间来完成这项工作。We have time enough to finish the work.我们有足够的时间来完成这项工作。(2)用作副词,意为“充分地;足够地;十分”,修饰形容词、副词或动词,位于所修饰词之后。例如:Are you warm enough in such a light jacket?你穿这么薄的夹克够暖和吗?(3)enough往往用在“be+ 形容词+enough+ for+sb. +to do”结构中,注意do后面不接宾语。The book is easy enough for you to read. 这本书很简单,你们可以看懂。(4)注意:我们在使用enough时,还需要注意以下几点:enough不能与no连用。I have no enough money to buy a car. ()I dont have enough money to buy a car. ()enough 用作形容词时不可被very修饰,但可以用quite修饰。We have quite enough time.我们有足够的时间。3. hometown n. 故乡要点:I can come back to my hometown some day. 总有一天我会回到家乡。July is the hottest month in a year in my hometown. 在我的家乡,七月是一年里最热的一月。4. elementary school 小学要点:elementary school 小学 middle school 中学high school 高中university 大学5. local adj. 乡土的,当地的要点:a. 地方性的;当地的,本地的He works at the local post office. 他在本地的邮局工作。n. 当地居民,本地人One of the locals showed me the way to the post office. 一位本地人给我指点去邮局的路。6. kindness n. 亲切,善意要点:词根 - kind adj. 善良的 kindness n. 善良She is a kind girl. 她是一个善良的女孩。She was known to all for her kindness. 她的仁慈人人皆知。She is well known for her kindness. 她以善良而尽人皆知。 7. amount n. 数量 v.总计要点: n. 总数; 总额What is the amount we owe them? 我们总共欠他们多少钱?n. 数量We need a small amount of milk. 我们需要少量的牛奶。(三)课文解析: 1. I used to go to that elementary school. 我以前去那个小学上学。 I used to be a volunteer in our hometown in Canada for many years. 我以前在加拿大,我在家乡当过很多年的志愿者。 要点:used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 例句:I used to go fishing on Sundays. 我以前常在星期日去钓鱼。 This river used to be clean. 这条河以前是干净的。2. Mom, youve been a volunteer, havent you? 妈妈,你曾经是一名志愿者,对吗?I have also done this in other countries, too. 我也曾在其他的国家做过这项工作。Which other countries have you been a volunteer in? 你在其他的国家做过志愿者吗?For many years, I have helped both at the local hospital and at an elementary school. 很多年来,我已经帮助了当地的医院和当地的小学校。要点:现在完成时:have / has + 过去分词 3. Nurses take care of sick people. 译文:护士照顾病人。要点:take care of 例句:Please take care of the baby for me for a while, will you? 请替我照顾一下这孩子,好吗?4. Im old enough to be a volunteer, dont you think?译文:我已经到了当志愿者的年龄了,你不这么认为吗?要点:be + adj. + enough to do sth. 有足够的去做某事 例句:He is tall enough to be a basketball player. 他的身高足够当一个篮球运动员了。 He ran fast enough to catch the thief. 他跑得飞快,足以抓住那小偷。Lesson Three(一)大声读单词:1. wise adj. 英明的,明智的2. wisely adv. 聪明地,精明地3. considerate adj. 考虑周到的4. improve n. 改进,改善(二)重点语法:1. 定义:现在完成时用来表示之前已发生或完成的动作或状态,其结果和现在有联系。动作或状态发生在过去,但它的影响现在还存在;也可表示持续到现在的动作或状态。2. 构成:have (has) +过去分词。3. 基本句型:I have worked.Have I worked?I have not worked.I havent worked.He /She/ It has worked.Has he /she / it worked?He /She / It has not worked.He / She / It hasnt worked.You have worked.Have you worked?You have not worked.You havent worked.4. 基本用法:a. 现在完成时可表示过去发生的动作对现在所产生的影
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