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Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Section B3a-4学习目标 1.学会描述超级鸡肉三明治和优等火鸡三明治的制作工序。2.学会编写一种你所喜欢的食物的制作工序。3.提升自己说和写的能力。重点,难点 在不同类型三明治的制作工序中找到编写任何一种食物制作说明的方法。温故知新 一、 再次翻译下列词组。一块面包_;两茶匙佐料_;十片火鸡肉_一个洋葱_;把.放到._;一瓶佐料_。二、优秀作业展示。选出编写较好的四篇三明治制作说明并由作者到讲台朗读。一、 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.How many _(sandwich) would you like?2.There are three bottles of _ (orange) and five _(orange) in the fridge.3.On Thanksgiving Day, many westerners eat _(turkey) and pumpkin pie.4.We need _(cut) up two apples to make fruit shake.5.Then add some relish to the three chicken _(slice).自主互助学习一、仔细阅读3a中的原料单和制作说明,完成下列问题。1.翻译下列词组并大声朗读识记它们。两块面包_;一茶匙蜂蜜_;两片鸡肉_三瓶佐料_把.放到.上_ 切碎_;加.到.里(上)_把.放到.顶上_;首先_;然后_;接下来_;最后_; 2.弄清3a题意,按要求填写课本3a下边的图表。3.核对答案并按照原料提示复述超级三明治制作说明。二、弄清3b题意并完成选词填空。然后核对答案并复述优等火鸡三明治制作说明。课堂练习根据所给的原料清单,编写优等牛肉三明治制作说明。IngredientsGreat Beef Sandwich2 slices of bread2 teaspoons of butter1 carrot(cut up)Lettuce5 beef slices2 teaspoons of relish _要点归纳 回顾编写一种食物制作说明所需用到的重要词组及写作大致模式。拓展练习First ,beat two eggs in a bowl,add some salt and stir(搅;拌)them . Cut up some garlic(大蒜)and chillies(辣椒). Then heat(加热)some oil(油) in a pan(平底锅)and put the garlic and chillies into the pan to cook them for a little while(一小会儿), put the egg into the pan and stir them for one minute. After that, pour it in a bowl. Next, boil(煮沸)a pot(锅)of water and cook some noodles for 5 minutes. After that, put the cooked noodles in a bowl and add the egg from that bowl to the noodles. If you like, you can pour a little sauce(酱油)and vinegar(醋) into it and stir them. Finally eat the egg noodles. 1.What does this passage teach you to make? _2.How long does it take you to cook the noodles?_3.According to the passage, what do we need to make egg noodles?_总结反思2
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