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九年级(全) Units 34河北中考基础知识梳理类别课标考点要求词汇拓展1.careful(副词)_(反义词)_2ice(形容词)_3good(名词)_4they(反身代词)_5.knife(复数)_6warn(名词)_7stick(过去式)_8appear(反义词)_9.awake(反义词)_10lie(现在分词)_11sudden(副词)_12certain(副词)_短语互译1.及时_2追赶_3如此以至于_4脱掉_5扑灭_6提防;警觉_7keep calm_8一定数量的_9.谋生_10从前_11逃跑_12做比较_13right away_14从伸出来_15pass by_句型温故1.当你过马路时,你需要做什么?_ do you need to do _ you cross the street?2医生说:“不要担心,你很快就恢复了。”“_!You will recover soon,”the doctor says.3我感到很痛苦以至于我再一次躺下。I felt _ terrible _ I lay down again.4当她倒下的时候她正在骑自行车。She _ her bicycle when she fell.5许多事故发生是由于人们太粗心了。Many accidents happen _ people are careless.6发生地震时,你应该干的第一件事是什么?What is the first thing you _ when an earthquake happens?7.地震很危险,但是你可以做一些事情来保护你自己。An earthquake is dangerous,but there are things you can do _ yourself.8丹尼因为他的粗心觉得很糟糕。Danny feels terrible _ his carelessness.9我还没确定要写哪一个。I havent decided _ to write yet.10如果你靠近大海,尽可能远离海水。If you _ the sea,try to get _ far away from the water _11她看着我爬得越来越高。She watched me climb _12和诗比起来,故事通常篇幅更长。_ poems,stories usually have longer passages.语法总览1.祈使句。 2.过去进行时。3.情态动词(must)。话题再现1.Safety安全2.Stories and poems故事和诗歌河北五年中考真题演练过去进行时( )1.(2015年37题)I saw Jeff in the park. He _ on the grass and reading a book.Asits BsatCis sitting Dwas sitting情态动词( )2.(2012年35题)Whose is the pencil box?It _ be Toms. Look at his name on the cover!Acan Bmay Cmust Dneed( )3.(2010年31题)Do we have to finish our homework this afternoon?Yes,you _Amust Bcan Cmay Dneed河北中考重难点突破 辨析in time和on time【考点抢测】( )(2016中考预测)Nick is never late for work.He always gets to the office _Aon time Bin time Cat times【考点剖析】词条含义例句in time意为“及时”。表示在限定的时间到来之前赶上,来得及。They should arrive in time to have the meeting.他们应该及时赶来开会。on time意为“按时;准时”。表示恰好在那个时刻赶到。Come here on time tomorrow.明天要按时到这儿。 辨析compare with和compare to【考点抢测】compare with,compare to1_ your answers _ those at the back of the book to see if they are right.2My handwriting cannot be _ my fathers.3He _ his girl friend _ a singing bird.【考点剖析】(1)comparewith,把和比较(常表示同类相比,比较)comparewithcomparewithIf you compare his work with hers,youll find hers is much better.要是把他俩的工作比较一下,就会发现她的好得多。(2)compareto,把比作(常表示异类相比,比喻)comparetocompareto hang的用法【考点抢测】1刚才她把她的包挂在了门后。Just now she _ up her bag behind the door.2他们去年绞死了这个抢劫犯。They _ the robber last year.3我一气之下就把电话挂了。I was so angry that I _ on her.【考点剖析】hangv.悬挂;垂下过去式和过去分词为hung绞死过去式和过去分词为hangedhang up动副词组挂断(电话)挂起 stopfrom doing的用法【考点抢测】1我们必须阻止那个男孩爬树。We must stop the boy _ the tree.2什么也不能阻挡我们实现目标。Nothing will _ reaching our aims.Nothing will keep us _ our aims.【考点剖析】stop sb.from doing sth.stop sb.doing sth.prevent sb.(from) doing sth.keep sb.from doing sth.意为“阻止/防止某人做某事”。在主动语态中,stop和prevent后面的from可以省略,而keep后面的from不可以省略。 put构成的词组【考点抢测】1请把布告贴在黑板上。Please put _ the notice on the blackboard.2我得把访问推迟到下周。I have to put _ my visit till next week.3她把火熄灭了。She put the fire _【考点剖析】put away动副词组把收起来put on动副词组穿;戴上;上演put up动副词组举起;挂起;升起;张贴;竖起;建造put off动副词组推迟;拖延put out动副词组扑灭;熄灭 如:Put away the books neatly in the cupboard.把书收起来整齐的放在橱柜里。She put her hat and coat on.她戴上帽子,穿上外套。Can you put up the tent yourself?你自己能搭起帐篷吗? 河北中考考点精练.单项选择。 ( )1.(2016中考预测)My mother prefers to take a bus to her office _ she has a car of her own.Aif BbecauseCalthough Duntil( )2.There are _ people on the playground.Atoo many Bmuch tooCtoo much Dtoo( )3.(2015唐山龙泉中学模拟)Its dangerous to leave small children _ at home.Abehind BlonelyCalone Dout( )4.(2015承德2中模拟)Dont worry.We are sure to be at school _Aat times Bon timeCall the time Dby the time( )5.(2016中考预测)We _ soccer yesterday afternoon when it began to rain.Awere play Bwere playingCare playing Dplayed( )6.(2015邯郸11中模拟)How does your new house compare _ your old one?Ato Bwith Cfor Dof( )7.Dont _ to me.If you do it,and I will never believe in you.Alay Blie Clain Dlaid( )8.Would you mind closing the window to stop the wind _ t
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