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Module 10 Unit 3 Language in use5 Listen and complete the sentences.听录音并完成句子。我的名字叫彼得,和我的父母住在澳大利亚的悉尼。我的祖父母是美国人,他们住在纽约。那儿的天气是很不同的!在纽约,冬季月份(十二月、一月和二月)经常下雪。我的祖父母穿很暖和的衣服,因为天很冷。在纽约,夏季很热。在七月,温度经常超过30度。在悉尼,十二月从不下雪,因为正处于夏季中期。天气很热很晴朗,所以我们经常去海滩!在悉尼,在澳大利亚的秋季(四月、五月和六月),天经常下雨。悉尼的冬季不是很冷。温度大约在18度。My name is Peter and I live in Sydney, Australia, with my parents. My grandparents are American and they live in New York. The weather is very different there! In New York, it often snows in the winter monthsDecember, January and February. My grandparents wear very warm clothes because its very cold. In New York, the summers are very hot. In July, the temperature is often over thirty degrees. It never snows in Sydney in December because its the middle of summer. Its very hot and sunny, so we often go to the beach! In Sydney, it often rains in the Australian autumnApril, May and June. Winter in Sydney is not very cold. The temperature is about eighteen degrees. 1
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