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课 题Chapter 1 Making friends (1)课 型Reading1 (Extensive)制作时间2010-9【学习目标】1. To know how to name some sports by pictures 通过图片了解一些体育项目名称2. To learn about the format of English letters by observing 通过观察了解英语书信格式3. To read Simons letter using skimming and scanning skills, and know about Simons life in the UK. 通过略读和跳读Simon的信件,了解Simon在英国的生活情况。【学习重点】1. To know the differences of formats between Chinese letters and English letters. 了解中文和英文英语书信在格式上的区别。2. To adopt Skimming and Scanning reading skills in class 能在课堂上运用略读和跳读技巧。【学习难点】 Using different reading skills properly.正确运用不同的阅读技巧。【学习过程】一、Pre-reading 1. Discussion: How can we make friends with others? 2. Brainstorm: Make a list of things(列一张清单) we could tell our new pen friend. 我们会告诉新朋友有关自己的哪些方面呢? 3. Self-check: Tick the ball games you know. 你都知道哪些球类运动呢?请打勾: Basketball Football Rugby Soccer Badminton Volleyball Table tennis Hockey 4. Look and think 1) Do you know how to write a Chinese letter? 你会用中文写信吗?英文信件呢? What about an English letter? Look at the PPT and try to do the match: 根据PPT完成以下连线练习:地址 署名 称呼 主体 结束语 日期Signature Address Body Date Greeting Ending 2) Read the beginning and ending parts of the letter (Page 3), find out the following information: Address: _ Date: _ Greeting: _ Ending: _ Signature: _二、While-reading (Fast-reading 快速阅读) 1. Skimming 浏览 :Listen for the text for once, then skim the letter quickly and try to match the main ideas. 听课文录音,然后快速浏览课文,并连线每段段落大意 (Pra:段落)Pra1 About the photo of Simon and his friends.Pra2 About Simons school life.Pra3 About Simon himself.Pra4 About Simons family 2. Scanning 快速查阅 1) Read Pra1&2 and answer the questions quickly. 快速查阅第1、2段并回答下列问题: Has Simon a Chinese name? _ How tall is Simon? _ Whats Simons favourite hobby? _ Where are they from? _ How old is Edwin? _2) Read Pra3&4 and complete the True or False exercise. 快速阅读第3、4段并完成判断对错。 Simon is in Form Two at Walker School. (T / F ) He always goes to school by bus. (T / F ) He enjoy playing tennis in winter. (T / F ) His best subject at school is music. (T / F ) He is in the middle of the photo. (T / F ) 3. Third reading 1)C Find the meanings (课本p4)三. After- reading(课后练习):Find out the following sentences in the text on P3.在课文中找出相应的句子。 1. 你的名字和地址在Penfriends杂志上。_ 2. 我有着黑色的短发和棕色的眼睛。_ 3. 我的父母在Newcastle拥有一家中国餐馆。_ 4. 我能讲点汉语,但写得不好。_ 5. 他在伦敦是一名设计师。_ 6. 我热爱体育。_ 7. 这是一张我和一些朋友照的相片。_ 8. 我想成为一名工程师。_四. Summary【课后反思】1. 本节课的重难点你掌握了吗?请在1(很差)5(非常好)五个等级中小结自己的掌握情况1) 英语书信格式 【 1 2 3 4 5 】2) 浏览和快速查阅的技巧【 1 2 3 4 5 】2. 课堂掌握存在的其它问题:年级:七年级 制作人: 审核人: 课 题Chapter 1 Making friends (2)课 型Reading2 (Detailed)制作时间2010-9【学习目标】To know or master some words and expressions about self introduction. 了解或掌握有关自我介绍的词汇和用语。1)核心词汇:work as 从事工作 in the middle 在中间 hear from sb. 收到某人来信 tell sb. Sth. 告诉某人某事 own 拥有 enjoy 喜爱 reply to sb. 回复某人2)同义词组: I would like to be your pen friend. = I want to be your pen friend. 想要成为 How old are you? = Whats your age? (询问年龄) My favourite hobby is playing chess. = I like playing chess best. 最喜爱 They are from Beijing. = They come from Beijing. 来自 What do they do? = Whatre their jobs? = What are they? (询问职业) He works as an architect. = He is an architect. 是(职业) I am keen on sports. = I am interested in sports. 热衷 I can walk to school. = I can go to school on foot. 步行去 3)交际用语: My name is How old are you? How many people are there in your family? What do they do? Whats your favourite hobby? How do you go to school? 4)拓展词汇: full name first / given name family / second name【学习重点】1. To get to know and use the new words and expression properly. 理解或运用新词汇和用语。【学习难点】 To be able to introduce oneself with target voca
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