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Module 9 Cartoon storiesUnit 1 We need someone like Superman who can save Tony.学案导学一、Warming-upStep 1 Look at the pictures and talk about them with your partner using the questions in Activity 1. 二、Listening and readingStep 1 Listen and find out what kinds of cartoons Tony and Betty like.NameLike what kinds of cartoonsBetty1) I like cartoon stories with a hero _ _ _ _, like Superman.Tony2) I like _ _,like Tom and Jerry, because Jerry is _ _ _ _.And I also like the ones _ _ _ _.(1)who saves the world, 2) funny cartoons, both smart and cute, which make me laugh)Step 2 In Module 8, Tony is in deep trouble. What can we do for Tony if we are Tonys friends? Step 3 Here is a conversation. Lets listen and say True (T) or False (F).(Activity 3)1) The cartoons the boy likes have lots of pictures. ( )2) The girl says they need someone like Superman who can save them. ( )3) The man wants to have a word with the boy. ( )4) Tony will be in deep trouble if hes lost the camera. ( )5) Tony will know theyve got his camera if they take a photo. ( ) (1. F F F T T)Step 4 . Read the conversation in Activity 3 and finish activities 4 and 5.三. SpeakingStep 1 Please work in pairs. Ask and answer about the cartoons that you read or watch. And write the notes in the form.What cartoons do you read, or watch on TV?When do you read them or watch them?Which one do you like best? Why?Which one do you like least? Why?Step 2 Make a report about the cartoons that your partner reads or watches, with the information in the above form._达标提高I. 单项选择。( ) 1. He wants to have _with me. A. word B. words C. a word D. the word( ) 2. We should help the people in _trouble. A. the B . a C. one D ./ ( ) 3. There are some cartoon favourites which_ older.A. am B. is C. are D. was( ) 4. The _of the story is very interesting. A. end B. ending C. ended D. ends( )5.Lucy came over to my house _Thanksgiving Day.A. in B. at C.of D. on 二.完成句子。1) 这不是让你发笑的那些卡通片之一. This isnt one of those cartons _.2) 我们需要像超人一样能救托尼的人.We need someone like Superman _ _ _Tony.3) 我有一部上面有他的名字的相机. Ive got a camera _.4) 我喜欢有许多笑话的卡通片. The cartons _ _ have lots of jokes.5) 但这不是什么可笑的事情。这很严肃。But its no _ matter. This is_.6) 他想和你说说话. He wants _ _ _ _ _ you.7) 我们应该帮助那些处于困境中的人.We should help people _ _ _ _. 8) 把它给我! _!9) 她喜欢阅读有美好结局的小说. She likes to read the novels _.10) 这儿有则好消息. Heres _.三. 选择正确的词组完成对话。in deep trouble, who can help me, laughingwhich has a happy ending, have a word withA: Hi, Jack. May I you?B: OK! Whats up?A: Im . I need someone like Monkey King .C: Really? Its no matter. A: Yeah. Because I want to visit the moon. I cant wait, please!D: Draw a cartoon . All your dreams will come true. Good luck.Module 9 Cartoon storiesUnit 2 There are several fan clubs in China which have held birthday parties for Tintin.学案导学一. Warming-upBoys and girls, do you know who the cartoons characters are? And where are they from?Nemo _ _ _ _Nemo is from _ _ _ _America. 二. ReadingStep 1. Scan the passage. Answer the question:1. How many cartoon characters are there in the passage? _2. What are they? _Step 2. Read the passage silently. Match the paragraphs with the main ideas.Paragraph 1 a sweet dog that lives in his own private dream world.Paragraph 2 a popular cartoon hero that is a reporter.Paragraph 3 an old cartoon hero that is famous for Havoc in heaven.Paragraph 4-5 two cartoon heroes which are popular all over the worldStep 3 Read the passage carefully and finish the following exercises paragraph by paragraph.Task 1 Read Paragraphs 1 2 and choose the best answers.1) The Monkey King is a cartoon character which _. a) causes problems in heaven b) has travelled to the moon2) Shrek is a monster who_. a) falls in love with a princess b) was born from stone3) Nemo is the name of a _. a) fish which is caught by a diver b) big, fat cat which is very lazyTask 2 Read Paragraph 3 carefully, finish the information form a
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