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Unit 2 Families (2)一、单项选择( )1. What class are you in? I am in _.A. class Four B. Class Four C. four class D. Four class( )2. _ names Sun Mei. Whats _ name?A. I; your B. My; you C. My; your D. I; you( )3. Jim and Tom _ in Row 5.A. is B. beC. am D. are( )4. _ Whats this in English? Its a jeep.A. Hello! B. How do you do?C. Excuse me.D. Sorry.( )5. Jim, _ my teacher, Miss Li.A. its B. thiss C. she isD. this is( )6. Whats that in English?_.A. Yes, its a desk B. No, its not a deskC. Its a desk D. Its not a desk( )7. _ a big pear?A. Its B. ItC. Is D. Is it( )8. What number _?A. are you B. you areC. are you in D. you are in( )9. _?Ah, its a secret.A. How are you B. How old are youC. How do you do D. How is Mrs Read( )10. Thank you very much._.A. Im fineB. Its OKC. Thank you, too D. Thats all right二、词汇A)按要求写出下列词或句的相应形式。11. I am(缩略形式) _ 12. two (同音词) _13. plus (反义词) _14. its (完全形式) _15. Thats OK. (同义句)_B)用 a 或 an 填空。16. This is _ bike. Its _ old bike.17. This is _ pen, not _ book.18. This is _ “M”. And thats _ “H”.19. Is that _ ruler? No, it isnt. Its _ map.20. Miss Gao is _ English teacher, not _ Chinese teacher.三、句型转换21. Its a pear. (改为否定句)_ _ a pear.22. You can sit down. (改为一般疑问句)_ _ sit down?23. I am in Grade 2 .(对划线部分提问)_ _ _ you in?24. Is that a cake?(作否定回答)_, _ _.25. is, what, three, one, and(连词成句)_ _ _ _?四、补全对话大清早,小猫(Cat)来到树下锻炼身体,这时,它遇到了树上的小鸟(Bird)。它们在聊些什么呢?Cat: _(26)?Bird: How do you do?_(27)?Cat: Im Cat. May I have your name? Bird: _(28). Cat: How old are you? Bird: _(29).Cat: Im eleven, too. Nice to meet you.Bird: _(30). We can be good friends(朋友).五、汉译英,根据汉语意思,完成英语句子,每空一词。(含缩写)31. 看!这儿有一辆日本自行车。_!Here _ a Japanese _.32. 那个用英语怎么说?那是鼠标。_ that _ English? _ a _.33. 你的房间在哪里? _ _ your _?34. 五加十三是多少? _ five plus _?35. 那是尺子吗? 不, 是橡皮。_ that _ ruler? No. Its _ eraser.六、阅读对话,完成表格。Becky: Hello! Are you Hyde?Hyde: Yes, I am. Whats your name, please?Becky: My names Becky. Im in Class Two, Grade One. Im in Row Four.Hyde: Im in Class One, Grade One. Im in Row Six. What number are you?Becky: Im Number 8. Are you Number 10?Hyde: Yes, I am. Im twelve. And how old are you?Becky: Im eleven. Nice to meet you. Good-bye!Hyde: Bye-bye!Name: BeckyClass:_(38)Age:_(36)Row:_(39)Grade:_(37)Number:_(40)七、阅读填词,根据短文内容,补全所缺单词,每空一词。Good afternoon! My Chinese _(41) is Jia Jia. My _(42) name is Lily. I am a student(学生) of a middle school in Beijing. I am in _(43) One, _(44) One. _(45) Gao is my English teacher. I like her. Welcome to Beijing!课外阅读,请大家试着在十分钟之内读完这篇文章Peter and the WolfThis is a story about a brave boy. His name was Peter. Peter and his grandfather lived in a house next to the woods. In the summer, Peter liked to play outside with the animals. They were his friends.In the winter, Peter didnt play outside. His grandfather was worried. A wolf lived in the woods. Grandfather said, “The wolf cant find food in the winter. A hungry wolf can eat a boy!”One cold day, Peter wanted to go outside. He wanted to find the wolf. “Im stronger than a wolf, “ he said. “Im going to catch the wolf.”Peter went outside. He walked in the woods. He heard a sound! “The wolf!” he shouted.“No,” said Sasha the Bird. “Im not the wolf. I am your friend.”Peter wasnt afraid now. He and Sasha walked in the woods. They heard a sound! “The wolf!” they shouted.“No,” said Ivan the Cat. “Im not the wolf. Im your friend.”Peter and Sasha werent afraid now. The friends walked in the woods. They heard a sound! “The wolf!” they shouted.“No,” said Sonia the Duck. “Im not the wolf. Im your friend.”Peter, Sasha, Ivan, and Sonia walked in the woods. They heard a sound. “The wolf!” they shouted.A big wolf jumped in front of the friends. “Im the wolf!” it said, “Im bigger than a bird. Im wilder than a duck. Im scarier than a cat. Im stronger than a boy. And Im very, very, hungry!”The wolf jumped! Sasha the Bird flew into a tree. Ivan the Cat climbed the tree. Peter ran behind the tree. Peter threw a rope around the wolf. “Sonia,” he shouted. “Where are you?” Did the wolf eat Sonia?Then Sonia flew to Peter. “Here I am,” she said. “I was faster than the wolf.”Peter was happy. He caught the wolf, and his friends were safe.- 3 -用心 爱心 专心
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