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Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to自主学习(自读课文,完成下列题目)一、词汇1. latest 形容词,“最新的,最近的”。辨析:latest / last / later / lately / late (1)latest 形容词,译为“最新的,最近的”。(2)last 既可作形容词,又可作副词。译为“最后的”。(3) lately 仅作副词,译为“最近”。(4) later仅作副词,译为“后来”。(5) late既可作形容词,又可作副词。译为“迟的,晚的”。例如:有奥运会的最近消息吗?Is there any _ news about the Olympic Games?他是最后一个到会的。He was the _ person to come to the meeting.后来走失的孩子找到了妈妈。_ the lost child found his mother.近来你在干什么?What have you been doing _ ?你知道有关韩国人质的最近消息吗?Do you know the _ news about Korean hostage (韩国人质)?2.whatever 译为“不管什么,无论什么”,是连接代词,相当于no matter what引导让步状语从句。例如:不管做什么,你都应该认真。Whatever you do, you should always do carefully. (同义句转换)_ _ _ _ _, you should always do carefully.类似的词还有:whenever 无论什么时候,wherever 无论在哪儿,whoever 无论谁, however 无论怎样。上述词都可以改为“no matter +疑问词”的形式。二、短语1. be sure to do 主要有以下用法:(1)用在祈使句中,表示说话人的要求,译为“一定要,务必要”。例如:一定要按时吃药。_ _ _ take the medicine on time.千万别忘记呀!_ _ _ _ forget it.(2)当主语是第三人称时, 所表示的内容是说话人的一种判断,认为某人“必然,一定”会做某事。例如:她一定会来。 She _ _ sure to 替换。例如:他一会通过考试。Im sure that hell pass the exam.(同义句转换) He _ _ _ pass the exam.2.to be honest译为“老实说,说实话”,相当于to tell the truth,常在句中作插入语。例如:老实说,我对此事一无所知。To be honest, I dont know anything about it.(同义句转换)_ _ _ _, I dont know anything about it.3.suit sb. fine 译为“合谋人的意;对某人来说(很)合适”。例如:这件衣服很合你身。The dress _ you very _.suit与fit 的区别:(1)fit sb.译为“适合某人,合谋人的身”,指衣服鞋子等在尺寸上合(2)suit sb.指衣服鞋子等在花色、款式、美观方面适合,也可指发型适合某人。此外suit还可作名词,指“(一套)衣服,西装”。例如:你穿着衣服很合身,但颜色不合适。The suit _ you _, but its color doesnt _ you.当堂达标一、单项选择题( )1._ Yellow River is the second _ river in China. A. The, longest B. The, longer C. /, longer D. A, longer( )2.He is expectintg me _ tomorrow. A. to coming B. come C. coming D. to come( )3.I thought the _ were really funny. A. fishermans wife B.fishermens wives C. fishermens wives D. fishermans wife( )4. Her uncle doesnt like people _ talk much but do little. A. whose B. who C. which D. what( )5. A few women love movies _ have scary monsters. A. that B. who C. which D. what二、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1.Some f_ are catching a big fish in the lake.2.If youre looking for e_, youd better go to see comedies.3.Our art teacher will hold an exhibition at the g_.4.The girl is full of e_. She always feels relaxed.5.Liu Xiang has been a w_ running player.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.We will consider your _ (suggest) later.2.In your spare time, what do you like for _ (entertain) besides watching TV?3.Gu Changwei is one of the top _ (photograph) in China.4.His parents are _ (energy).5.I like fish very much, but my daughter _ (like)it.四、根据汉语提示完成句子。1.这部电影太长而且乏味,但它有几处优点。The movie is _ and _, but it has _ _ _ features.2.他相信自己能通过这次考试。He _ _ that he can pass the exam.3.许多著名的照片在这次展览中展出。Many famous photos _ _ _ in this exhibition.4.无论做什么事,他总是力求做好。_ _ _, he always tries to do it well.5.我每天看到这些相同的东西,它们并不那么吸引我。I see the _ things everyday and they dont _ me as _.五、补全对话A: Hi, Lin Chan. What kind if music do you like?B: Hi,Gao Qiang. I like (1)_music_ that I can dance to. What (2)_about_you?A: I like music that I can sing (3)_along_ with. What kind if singers do you love?B: I love (4)_those_ who can play different kinds if music.A: What kind of (5)_books_ do you (6)_like_?B: I like books (7)_that_ have many pictures in it.A: Oh, I like books that (8)_have_ great stories.2
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