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Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Section A重要词组 instead of, stay up, be allowed to重点句型 I think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive. I disagree. I think sixteen is too young. Do you think thirteen-year-olds should be allowed to have part-time jobs?一、单项选择( )1. I have a _ child. She is a lovely little girl.A. five-years-old B. five-year-old C. five-years-olds答案: B( )2. Jane _ allowed to go to the movies with me yesterday evening.A. is B. was C. were答案: B( )3. My P. E. teacher always _ me to do things that I like.A. allow B. allowed C. allows答案: C( )4. Many young trees _ in our school every year.A. should plant B. should be planted C. should planted答案: B( )5. Girls would like to get their ears_.A. pierced B. pierce C. piercing答案: A二、看图完成对话6.A:We have too much rules in our school. B:_ _ _. For example, we have to wear the school uniforms every day.答案: So do we7. A: Oh, how handsome he is! B: But I think he _ _ _ his notebook computer.答案: is cool with三、句型转换8. My teacher doesnt agree with me. (写同义句)My teacher _ _ me.答案: disagree with9. Mother does housework every day. Father does housework every day, too.(写同义句)Mother does housework every day. _ _ father.答案: So does10. I think she will let her parents down. (改否定句)_答案: I dont think she will let her parents down.11. Alice is too young to look after herself. (变同义句)Alice isnt _ _ to look after herself.答案: old enough12. I failed the English exam. (变同义句)I _ _ the English exam.答案: didnt pass四、用方框中所给的词填空technology, equipment, latest, comfortable, practice13. Steven finishes basketball _ at 6clock every day.答案: practice14. New _ is popular today because it can make our lives easier.答案: equipment15. The _ dress is always expensive.答案: latest16. There is much _ in a satellite.答案: technology17. The old like to sit in an armchair because it is more _.答案: comfortableSection B重要词组 be strict with, at present,learn from,the other day一、根据句意和首字母完成单词1.It was s_ of you to go out in the hot sun without a hat.答案: silly2.I cant c_ on my work when I am hungry.答案: concentrate3. She took the o_ to visit her friend while she was in Beijing.答案: opportunity4. It is very n_ to feel nervous when you go to a new school.答案: natural5. He usually stays up late at night and is often s_ in class.答案: sleepy二、单句改错6. He lovely children shouldnt work in weekends. _ A B C D答案: A his lovely7. My little daughter finishes her homeworks well and quickly. _ A B C D答案: C her homework8. Parents always want to be strict in their children. _ A B C D答案: C with9. Living in the wild forest was wonderful experience for me. _ A B C D答案: C is wonderful experience三、从B栏中找出A栏的正确答语A( )10. Are you allowed to go out on school nights ?( )11. Is your maths teacher strict with you?( )12. Do you think he will pass the test?( )13. Is he old enough to get the driver license?( )14. Should students be allowed to choose their own clothes?( )15. What about your weekends?( )16. Who is your teacher strict with?( )17. Why must students need to keep strict rules?Ba. No,she isnt.b. I often go out and play with computer at home on weekends.c. Because students must concentrate on their studies.d. He is strict with Sally.e. No. They disagree.f. No. I dont think so.g. No. They must wear school uniforms.h. Yes,he is.答案:10. e 11. a 12. f 13. h 14. g 15. b 16. d 17. c四、根据汉语提示完成句子18.对我来说健康就是酷了。A healthy body _ _ _ _.答案: is cool for me19如果我们有丰富的经验,我们就能更胜任工作。If we have _ _,we should _ more _ work答案: rich experience, concentrate, on20大量阅读对于学习有好处。_ a lot is _ _ study答案: Reading , good for21她应该停止戴耳环。She _ _ _ the earring答案: should stop wearing22他们在这种年龄不够严肃。They are not _ _ at _ ages答案: serious enough, thatSelf Check (时间90分钟,满分100分)一、选择填空(每题1分,共15分)( ) 1.I _ Mr. Black but I do
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