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初中英语听力突破I Unit19http:/www.DearEDU.com听力理解听力风向标有关学校生活的话题一般与学校里的学习科目、考试、课余活动有关。其中主要在于作息时间的安排、学生的爱好和课程的进度等。平时我们要注意这方面的话题或句子的积累,这样在做听力题的时候才会得心应手。必备工具箱常用词汇:subject 科目、学科,science 科学,teacher 老师,student 学生,week 星期,weekday 工作日,Tuesday 星期二,finish 完成,strict 严格,classmate 同班同学,assessment 评价,kind 善良,funny 有趣的,pen 钢笔,book 书,write 写,diary 日记,classroom 教室,desk 桌子,chair 椅子,office 办公室,exercises books 练习本常用短语:have an English class 上英语课,be late for class 上课迟到,do ones homework 做作业,learn from 向学习,physical education 体育,have a holiday 放假,hand in 上交,on time 按时,Spring Festival 春节,Thanksgiving Day 感恩节,Childrens Day 儿童节,Teachers Day 教师节,do well in/ be good at 擅长,help with 帮助做常用句型:(1)How many classes are there on Monday?星期一有几节课?There are five classes.五节。(2)Do you have an English class this afternoon?今天下午有英语课吗?Yes, I do.有。(3)Li Lei is often late for school.李雷上学常常迟到。(4)Please hand in your homework on time.请按时交作业。(5)Whats your/ her/ his favorite subject?你/她/他最喜欢的科目是什么?My/ Her/ His favorite subject is Chinese.我/她/他最喜欢汉语。(6)Why do you like English?你为什么喜欢英语?Because its interesting and useful.因为有趣并且有用。(7)Who is your English teacher?谁是你们的英语老师?Mrs. Green.格林夫人。(8)We must finish the homework before ten oclock.十点前我们必须完成作业。(9)There are many foreign teachers in our school.我们学校有很多外籍教师。听前热身营听对话,根据问题选择正确答案。A. About 1,000.B. About 1, 500.C. About 2,000.D. About 2,500.听力录音原文及答案:M: How long have you been at this school?W: For over two years.M: How many English words have you learned since you came?W: About one thousand.Question: How many English words has she learned?解析:这是一个关于学习的对话,从所给答案可以看出,本题与数字有关。在对话中出现表示数字的只有one thousand,即1,000。所以答案为A。听力练功房一. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。你有约3秒的答题时间。( )1. A. MondayB. WednesdayC. ThursdayD. Friday( )2. A. ChineseB. mathsC. physicsD. English( )3. A. JapaneseB. ChineseC. scienceD. English( )4. A. biologyB. geographyC. mathsD. science( )5. A. MondayB. TuesdayC. WednesdayD. Thursday二. 听句子,选出与所听句子意思相同或相近的选项。听每个句子前,你有5秒的时间预习相关的内容;听完后,你有3秒的答题时间。( )1. A. I find it difficult to learn English well.B. I find its not hard to learn English well.C. I find it easy to learn English well.D. I find it not difficult to learn English well.( )2. A. Wang Feng likes maths vey much.B. Wang Fengs maths is weak.C. Wang Feng is good at maths.D. Wang Feng learns maths very hard.( )3. A. The boy learns Chinese a little.B. The boy likes Chinese best.C. The boy doesnt learn Chinese.D. The boy doesnt like Chinese.( )4. A. We have P.E. on Monday.B. We dont have P.E. on Friday.C. We dont have P.E. on Monday.D. On Saturday we have P.E.( )5. A. We always go to school on time.B. We are often late for school.C. Sometimes we are late for school.D. Sometimes we go to school on time.三. 听对话,回答下面的问题。对话听两遍。听每个对话前,你有5秒的时间预习相关的内容;听完后,你有3秒的答题时间。( )1. Who is away?A. I.B. None.C. All.D. Lucy.( )2. Where do they talk?A. In a shopB. In class.C. At home.D. At a bus stop.( )3. A. What are they talking about?A. New words.B. New students.C. New teachers.D. New watches.( )4. Why will he give his English teacher a book?A. Hell borrow it from the teacher.B. He lent it to the teacher.C. He is a good student.D. Because Teachers Day is coming.( )5. What did they do yesterday afternoon?A. Had a Chinese class.B. Had an English class.C. Had a Chinese exam.D. He an English exam.四. 听短文三遍后,用适当的单词填空。下面你有10秒的时间预习相关内容。Its Tuesday, November 11. I am on duty today! At 8 oclock I 1 math. I dont 2 math. Then at 9:00 I have science. Its 3 but interesting. Next, at 10:00, I have history. Its boring but 4 . But at 11:00 I have P.E. Thats my 5 subject!I like music . Music is relaxing. I like my music teacher, Mr. Morgan. Hes fun. All my classes finish at 2:00. After class I have gymnastics for two hours.1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _参考答案一. 1. We have science class on Friday. 2. My favorite subject is English. 3. Do you know our Chinese teacher, Mr. Yang? 4. I passed the maths exam. 5. Steves favorite day is Tuesday because he has art. He likes art very much.二. 1. I find it hard to learn English well. 2. Wang Feng does well in maths. 3. The boys favorite subject is Chinese. 4. We only have P.E. on Friday. 5. We are never late for school.三. 1. M: Whos on duty today?W: I am. Everyone is here except Lucy. 2. M: Im sorry. Im late.W: Come in, please. Next time come earlier for class. 3. M: How many new words can you remember?W: I think about a thousand. 4. W: What are you going to give our English teacher on September 10th?M: Im not sure. Maybe Ill give her a book. 5. M: Did you have An English class yesterday afternoon?W: No,
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