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Unit 7 Will people have robots教师寄语He who has hope has everything.( 怀有希望者,便拥有一切。)学习目标知识目标1.熟练掌握词汇:future,environment,planet,building,play a part,world peace2. 熟练掌握以下句型(1)In the future,there will be. (2)A:Will there be. ? B:Yes,I hope so.技能目标: 学习一般将来时态的相关知识,学会对未来进行预测。情感态度:能根据自己过去和现在的实际情况预测未来,拥有远大的理想并为之努力学习学生自主活动材料课前预习:I.根据实际情况,回答下列问题:1. Which school are you in now? _ 2. What do you think the school will be like in the future? _ 3. Whats the city like now?_4. What do you think the city be like in the future? _. 小组交流,完成下面的调查表。NameWhich school are you in now?What do you think the school will be like in the future?Whats the city like now? What do you think the city be like in the future?. 在你的朋友和家人中展开调查,向他们咨询一下他们对现在成武的城区面貌和生活状况的看法There are a lot of_ (old houses/tall buildings).There is_(little/much)pollutionThere are_(few/many)peopleThe people live in a _(happy/hard)life.五十年后,成武会有什么变化?发挥你的想象力,把它们用图画描绘出来。课堂学习:Warming upGroupwork: 小组讨论课前准备和的内容。While reading1. 情境导入:运用上节课所学的将来时的表达展示你心中一百年后世界的模样2. 2d. (1)Read the conversation quickly and answer a question. What is the book that Jill is reading about? (2) Read it carefully and judge the sentences are right or wrong. (R or W) A. Cities will not be crowded and polluted any more in the future. B. There will be a lot of trees everywhere and the environment will be beautiful. C. People will use less water and plant more trees to save the earth in the future. (3) Listen and repeat. The read aloud for 5 minutes to recite (4)Role-play the conversation.语言点:1.about. prep.关于 Its a book _the future .这是一本关于未来的书2.move to 搬到. We have to_ other city.3.play a part in (doing) sth. 参与,在.中扮演角色,起作用. Everyone should play a part in_(save) the earth.3. 自我检测你对Grammar Focus的理解, 完成3a,相信你是最棒的1)In the future,there will be_ fresh water because there will be _pollution in the sea. 2)In 100 years,there will be _cars because there will be_ people in the cities. 3)There will be_ jobs for people_ robots will do the same jobs as people. 4) I think there will be_ cities because people will build _buildings in the country. 5) In 50 years, people will have _ free time because there will be _ things to do.观察与思考:通过刚才的填空练习,你发现下面这些用法的规律了吗?(1)预测某人将来的情况应该采用_时态。在运用时,我们应注意句子本身的时间状语,一般含有in the future. In+一段时间等(2)无论哪一种时态,都有许多常见的时间状语。(3)Groupwork:一般将来时态还有哪些常用的时间状语?请就此问题展开小组讨论。练习:用所给动词的适当形式填空。a) I_(study)in high school ten years ago, and now I_(be)a college student. In ten years, I_(be)a lawyer.b) He_(live)in a big city now. He _(go)to the country next month.c) Kate often _(watch)TV at night, but this evening she _(watch)a new movie in the cinema.After reading1. Pairwork:利用3a中有关将来时的表达方式,预测未来的其他情况。讨论式可借助3b的提示信息2. 全班进行讨论,对将来的状况进行预测。比一比谁的预测最合理。For example: Kids study at school now. In 100 years, they will study at home or.1. Groupwork:结合课前准备和的内容,完成3c,写一写将来的城市会是什么样子,然后在小组里进行汇报。_4. 结合课前准备的内容,将自己的课前所画的成武未来的面貌图在班内展示,全班同学各抒已见,发表自己的观点,对成武的未来进行预测。预测时可仿照课本中4的形式。知识巩固: . 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I_(be)a little kid ten years ago. I_(be)a middle school student now. I_(be)a college student in five years.2. She _(not have)a pet parrot five years ago. She _(have)a parrot now. She_(have) a car in five years. 根据所给汉语完成句子。 现在,我是一名中学生。我喜欢打网球,擅长英语,拥有许多好朋友。十五年后,我将是一名足球运动员。我会挣很多钱,我将拥有一架飞机。 Now, I _ a middle school student. I_ tennis. I_ good at English. I _ a lot of good friends. _fifteen years, I_ _a football player. I _ _much money, and I _ _a plane.课堂反思: 本课的重点是预测其未来。预测某人的未来用_时态,其结构为_。家庭作业: . 背诵2d,学会用将来时的表达. 根据本课所学到的重点句型,模仿3b写一篇你心中的丁庄镇新貌。. 依据下一个学案的学习目标,完成课前准备。教学反思:4
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