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九年级英语上册 unit 4学案(无答案) 冀教版【学习目标及知识清单】 词汇:fever(n,发烧;发热),hospital(n,医院),nurse(n,护士),weak(adj,弱的)同音词 week, spirit(n,精神;心灵)短语和句型结构:wake (sb.) up 唤醒某人;have (got) a fever发烧;have (got) a pain 疼痛;get dressed穿好衣服;arrive at(in)=get to =reach到达重难点句子和知识点:Whats wrong with you?=whats the matter with you?=whats your trouble? Dannys father gets dressed quickly.Danny needs to stay in the hospital.Danny is weak in poor spirits【导学过程】一、自主预习,认真准备1. 词形转换及短语互译:写出下列词及短语。wake(过去式)_ quick(副词)_ feel(过去式)_bad(比较级)_worry(形容词)_ ill(名词)_ (同义词)_lie(现在分词,过去式,过去分词)_ _ _weak(同音词)_pain(形容词)_唤醒_穿好衣服_ 发烧_在字典中查寻_深夜_二、自主探究,合作交流 (一)听录音回答下列问题:Whats wrong with Danny?_(二)读课文回答下列问题:1.Who took Danny to the hospital?_1. Why did Danny cry?_(三)语言点导学:1. Whats wrong with Danny?寻问某人某物怎么样或出什么毛病了.常用此句子同义句:_?_?2.Dannys father gets dressed quickly.丹尼的爸爸很快穿上了衣服。Eg: ( )The girl doesnt get _ till now. A. to dress B. dressing C. to dressed D. dressedShe is well_(dress).3.You are sick, arent you? 你病了,不是吗?Sick 和ill 都可以做表语,而sick可以做定语修饰名词。 ill的名词是illness。Eg: Im _/ _ (病了)。My father is a _(病人)。 He didnt go to school because of his _(ill). He was unsuccessful, _?(反义疑问句) Lets go for a walk, _? 三、当堂练习,检测固学一.用所给汉语的正确形式填空1.He had got a bad_(发烧)。2.Please take him to_(医院)as soon as possible.3.If you dont feel well, you should go to see a_(医生).4.Tom is _(弱的) in English and math.5.Get_(穿衣)quickly, or we will be late.二、单项选择( )1.What is_ with your bike? A. the wrong B. wrong C. matterD. a matter( )2.I have to get up early tomorrow. Please _.A. wake up mine B. wake mine up C. wake up me D. wake me up( )3. They _ the car and drove to the hospital. A. got on B. got off C. got out of D. got into( )4. He has a few friends in the new school,_? A. has he B. is he C. doesnt he D. did he( )5. Will you please take this shopping-bag _? A. to home B. home C. at home D. in the home 3. 句型转换:1. whats wrong with you?(同义句)Whats_ _ with you? Whats your_?Whats_ _ with you?Is there anything _ _ you?2. You ate ten donuts for dessert,_ _?(反意疑问句)【学教后记】_Lesson 26: where is Danny?主备人:张春琴 责任人: 张卫权 审核:王发银授课时间:2012年9月 日 课时:1 课型:新授 【学习目标及知识清单】 词汇:chest, lung, breathe(名词)breath, ill(名词)illness, cough, suppose 短语和句型结构: have got a cough=have a cough=catch a cough咳嗽;breathe through my nose通过我的鼻子呼吸;take medicine吃药;onethe other一个另一个;catch a cold 伤风,感冒; get sick生病 Bless you/保佑你重难点句子和知识点: I dont know, either. Ive got a cough. It always makes me feel better I cant breathe through my nose.【导学过程】一、自主预习,认真准备1. 词形转换及短语互译:either(同义词)_ breathe(名词)_ catch(过去式)_good(副词)_ ill(名词)_miss(单三)_感冒_生病_咳嗽_感到好一些_ 不能上学_一天吃三次药_二、自主探究,合作交流 (一)听录音回答下列问题:Is Danny in school today? _ (二)读课文回答下列问题:Whats wrong with Brian?_语言点导学:1. I dont know, either. 我也不知道。 Eg:Peter _has two brothers. 彼得也有两个兄弟。Danny is a boy. I am a boy,_.(我也是个男孩) My mother doesnt like eating eggs. I dont like,_.2.Ive got a cough. 我咳嗽了。(have got a cough咳嗽) have got a cough=have a cough=catch a cough咳嗽 I have got a cough,_?(反意疑问句)3.It always makes me feel better. 她总是让我感到好一些。( make me feel使我感到)语言点:_. She made all of us _.它使得我们都笑了This flower_.这朵花使我漂亮。三、当堂练习,检测固学一、单项选择:( )1.How are you feeling now? _.A. Very interesting B. Much better CNever mind D.Thank you very much.( )2.The girl got in _ the window. A. into B. across C. through D. with( )3. I _ a cold. I am not feeling well now. A. caught B. have caughtC. am catching D. catch( )4. The boy _ a cold last week. A. take B. brought C. had D. receive( )5.When you are sick, you _ your doctor. A. go to see B. stay with C. come in D. make a visit二、根据汉语意思补全句子:1. 当你感冒时你感觉怎样?How do you feel when you _ _ _?2. 比尔怎么了?他患了咳嗽。Whats_ _Bill? He is _ a _.3. 疾病总是使你感到难受。An _ always makes you _ _.【学教后记】_Lesson 27 : Good food,Good health Lesson 28:Move your whole body主备人:张春琴 审核:王发银 责任人:张卫权 授课时间:2012-9- 课时:1课型:新授 【学习目标及知识清单】 词汇:
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