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初中英语听力突破 Unit25http:/www.DearEDU.com听力理解听力风向标在日常的生活中,一定会遇到一些规则,如在路上行走,要遵守交通规则、在学校里要遵守各种校规、校纪等。这类听力题目一般是考查我们对祈使句的理解、运用情况。要求听者能听出规则或者命令的内容是什么,并作出相应的反应。只要我们平时注意对一些表命令、规则的句子或祈使句的灵活运用,这类题并不很难。必备工具箱常用词汇:rule 规章、规定,fight 打架、打仗,outside 在外面、向外面,order 命令,should 应该,must 必须,break 打破、破坏,keep 遵守,speak 说话,traffic 交通,study 学习,polite 有礼貌的,rude 粗鲁的,school 学校,life 生活,crowded 拥挤的,tell 告诉常用短语:in class 在课上、上课时,in the hallway 在走廊里,arrive late 迟到,have to 不得不、必须,No talking! 禁止谈话!had better 最好,on time 按时,speak to sb和某人说话,have no seats 没有座位,stand in line 站队,tell sb to do sth 告诉某人做某事常用句型:(1)What are the rules?有什么规章制度吗?Well, we cant arrive late for class.嗯,我们上课不能迟到。(2)And I have to be in bed by ten oclock.十点钟前我就得上床睡觉。(3)I have too many rules in my house.我家有太多的家规。(4)You must finish your work on time.你必须按时完成这项工作。(5)Dont make so much noise! The baby is sleeping.别那么大的动静!小孩在睡觉。(6)Do tell him to speak to old men politely!告诉他和老人说话要礼貌!(7)You cant break the school rules. You must obey them.你不能破坏学校规定。你应该遵守。(8)You mustnt sleep in class.你不应该上课睡觉。听前热身营听句子,选出与所听句子一致的选项。A. John is on time.B. John is late.C. John is never late.听力录音原文及答案:Next time you must be on time, John.解析:所听到的是一个表示命令的句子,有词组next time和on time,从句子的整体内容来看是“下次一定按时”,说明这次迟到。所以答案为B。听力练功房一. 听录音,选择与所听内容相关的图画。句子只听一遍。每小题你有2秒的答题时间。1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _二. 听录音,从你所听到的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出与图画相符的句子。句子只听一遍。每小题你有2秒的答题时间。三. 听录音,完成对话中所缺单词。对话听两遍。下面你有10秒的时间预习相关的内容。M: I dont know what to do this 1 .W: You should go to the 2 .M: I dont have 3 .W: Then you should go to the 4 .M: No, thats 5 .W: Perhaps you should go to a 6 .M: I cant 7 dance music.W: Well, I guess you should just 8 at home and 9 a book.M: OK. You are right. 10 what I will do.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _四. 听短文,根据短文内容判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。短文听三遍。下面你有10秒的时间预习相关的内容。( )1. He loves the rules.( )2. After school he must stay at home and look after his sister.( )3. He cant watch TV on Saturday evening.( )4. He has to go to bed before nine thirty every night.( )5. He always washes the dishes.参考答案一. 1. Dont be late for class. 2. At school, we have to clean our classroom. 3. Dont listen to music in the classroom or hallways. 4. Dont eat in the classroom. 5. Dont run in the hallways.二. 1. A. Dont smoke.B. Dont fight.C. Dont listen to music.D. Dont run. 2. A. Dont eat in the classroom.B. Dont smoke in the classroom.C. Dont run on the road.D. Dont cross the road. 3. A. Dont arrive late for class.B. Dont wear a hat.C. Dont keep a pet here.D. Dont eat in the classroom. 4. A. Dont take food to the library.B. No parking here.C. No smoking here.D. Dont listen to music in the library. 5. A. Dont listen to the music in the hallways.B. Dont run in the hallways.C. Dont eat in the hallways.D. Dont talk loudly in the hallways.三. M: I dont know what to do this weekend.W: You should go to the movies.M: I dont have any money.W: Then you should go to the mountain.M: No, thats boring.W: Perhaps you should go to a dance.M: I cant stand dance music.W: Well, I guess you should just stay at home and read a book.M: OK. You are right. Thats what I will do.四. Snapper feels it isnt fair. He has too many rules in his house. He has to get up at five oclock every morning. He cant meet his friend after school because he has to stay at home and look after his little sister. He cant watch TV on school nights. And he has to be in bed by nine thirty p.m.On weekends he has to help his mum with housework. He has to make his bed and clean their house. Sometimes he has to wash the dishes. He says he never has any fun.答案:一. 1. D 2. E 3. A 4. C 5. B二. 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A三. 1. weekend 2. movies 3. money 4. mountain 5. boring 6. dance 7. stand 8. stay 9. read 10. Thats四. 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F用心 爱心 专心 119号编辑 3
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